Warhammer: Start with a dog

Chapter 187 Things get complicated when your dog starts getting jealous

"No, no, no?!" Lamizane stood up in excitement and danced around in the Chapter Master's office with excitement, "No?! This?! Angron?! Is it the Angron I know? !”

The dog adjusted his electronic vocalizer and cleared his throat.

"Yes and no. But it is indeed the twelfth Primarch - can you sit down and deal with the follow-up matters without being so excited? Mr. Lamizane Carosini."

"I can't sit down! I can't help but be excited! Let me tell you! Anyone who comes here and finds that all the titles on the Lord of the Red Sand have changed, and his legion has also changed its name and it is now Loyal! Cheng! Faction! Anyone will know Get up and walk around as excited as I am!”

Perturabo growled in slight annoyance, "I don't like the term "loyalist" you use! Just say that he is still working for that mummy who thinks he can do anything but actually knows nothing!"

"Okay, okay, a mummy is a mummy... Oh! That's Angron! It sounds like Angron is still sane!" The Fourth Primarch's body rubbed his hands excitedly, and the corners of his mouth curled up. I can't even press it down. "No one can be calm when they find out such a big surprise!"

"There are many people who can calm down quickly after accepting this matter. Unfortunately, it seems that you are not included... Then do you want to hear my emergency explanation now or wait until you are done with your excitement?" Perturabo said not very happily. After looking at the data, he said, "They are very anxious to enter the port for rest? In other words..."

"That's right!" Lamizane suddenly thought of something and threw himself in front of Iron Ring Dorn. "Magna, please remember to leave a good berth for them before piloting, right next to the Iron-Blooded, to show our support. Hospitality……"

Droplets of condensation had begun to appear on the forehead of Magnar Dorn's metal robot, and Perturabo coughed loudly and dissatisfiedly on his sofa throne, and finally his furry face became increasingly gloomy.

"Lamizane Carosini! Don't forget that you are now in a body that is so great and evil that it can make the galaxy tremble! You should still think about how to meet Angron! No matter what, He is a true Primarch, my brother, and one of the bold old mummy's greatest wonders! Do you understand what a Primarch represents to this galaxy?"

After being reminded of this, a certain librarian felt as if a basin of cold water had been poured over his head. He stood blankly on the spot. The Astartes on the Iron Blood and the surrounding Astartes were all chilled.

"No... Then Perturabo, please tell me, you are actually a careful and courageous Imperial Primarch who takes orders in times of crisis and lurks into Chaos, right?" The Fourth Primarch asked with a trace of hope. road.

"I am a ruthless Daemon Lord of Chaos who is a bastard even to those who care most about me. I will beat some of my brothers to death, viciously and heinously destroying my My brother's body is made into a part of my flagship, and I loudly laugh at and curse others. I hope that people I don't like can die honestly. I always look at the super villain Iron Warriors Primarch Pettu who doesn't like everything. Rab, no affiliation or anything like that with that rotten, sick, bloated empire - I think that sounds more realistic."

"Uh-huh - Pepe, don't say that! Do we really have nothing to explain to Angron?" Lamizane's vivid and frightened expression pleased the demon king very well, and of course it followed The soothing full-body massage plush SPA will make your pet dog feel more comfortable physically and mentally.

"Besides, the lurking thing you mentioned is much more likely to be left to Clarks or Alpha than to me." The dog coldly broke the opponent's illusion, his tail wagging leisurely, his fur The velvet demon king answered his body mercilessly.

"Think about where you were when you woke up, where Medlengard was when you saw him, and the people you gathered, such as Honso, who he was when you first saw him. Appearance? How much effort have you made into every detail to change the appearance of the Iron-Blooded and the Legion? Lamizane, don’t deceive yourself. You should think about what you are going to do if you are not working hard and cannot exert the power of my body. Meet with Angron to explain our current situation."

Obviously, the need to meet a Primarch with a background of 'Gladiator' and 'Berserker' and who currently seems to have a fighting title like King of Conqueror, and who may still be from the opposite camp, successfully convinced Lamizan. En's mind fell into a violent mental whirlwind.

"Magna," he decided to bypass the black-and-white dog whose face was completely gloating at the moment and said "Fuck rationality, I want to see you deflate", and first consult with another person who was much younger but looked reliable. He asked, "May I ask where Sir Kaduru, who has excellent diplomatic skills and can help in this situation at a glance, is now, and how long will it take for him to come back?"

Young Dorn flashed green light with his mechanical eye and projected the answer on Lamizane's retina.

"Let me see the reply from our able trade representative... He said he had received information about this matter and mentioned that 'he has written to Angron and will purchase an additional batch of supplies.' What does that mean? ?…Wait a minute, when was this message sent? Eight months later?”

"Yes, the time outside the galaxy, the time of the planet where Kadu'er is located, and our time are exactly three points, so that's why I just asked you to sit down and listen to my emergency explanation." The black and white sheepdog said from He blew out a breath from his nose, "And you idiot, you've been jumping around here like a clown on a hot iron plate because of that big Madonna!"

"But... Ke Kadu'er successfully obtained the food we urgently need, and said that it is already being transported back. According to you, between the journey out and in, at least three time periods will pass, wouldn't it? Any problems?"

"When you start thinking, they will happen... But Lamizane, listen, one," the dog closed its dark flesh pads and raised a toe paw, "will use subspace. Don't pursue the matter in such detail! Second, Kadu'er's ability ensures that there is no problem in the space navigation of a few ordinary ships; third, we have conducted directional navigation for them here to ensure that they will not get lost; fourth, please ask some people who are very considerate Don’t forget, big man, that I have just issued a recruitment notice for Space Marines to half of the galaxy. On this side of the Scarlet Road that even the Star Torch cannot see, people, ships and even fleets from all walks of life will only continue to gather here."

The dog sneered at the person who said, "Wait a minute, I knew things were going to be big, but I didn't expect it to be so big so soon. I have no real sense of it." "You'd better think about it as soon as possible, what kind of agriculture is there near this starry galaxy where supplies are scarce?" The world can be brought under our rule as soon as possible."

His Excellency Lamizane Carosini frowned and pondered for a while, and decided that this time he could not take advantage of the situation. He must face the opponent directly and try his best to convince the newly arrived Primarch and his warriors - Anzi! I am your fourth brother Perturabo! I am loyal beyond words! My loyalty can be learned from the sun and the moon! Anzi, take your son and good nephews to help your fourth brother take over a few planets to farm! !

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