Warhammer: Start with a dog

Chapter 216 Evaluation of the Taste of the All-Changing Demon King

While letting his poor brother, whose mind was still stuck in the classical interstellar age of exploration, digest the explosive information he heard, Perturabo glanced at the numerous lists of various graphics in front of him with the corner of his eye, and glanced at it. The vast majority are still within the normal green range.

You see, it’s okay. Although the preliminary work is tiring and tedious, no knot is superfluous. When all the lines are arranged to their planned positions, you just have to wait for the progress in the distant future. The river of time can just tighten the web of fate on its own.

Just like fishing on the river, weaving fishing nets is what a qualified person who wants to live here for a long time should patiently do, instead of directly robbing your neighbor's fish.

Now that I've written the code to automatically color all charts, it's become much easier to keep everything under control. Even a shepherd dog can easily do it after using the brain computing power of two original bodies! Perturabo, you are such an epoch-making genius, General Forge of Mars is a crappy programmer! He can't even write the simplest driver code! Look what they did to Iron Shi's descendants! Speaking of which, I wonder what happened to Fulgrim Ishtar and the others...

ha! Look at the labor tools and production means that the old skeleton can provide to his employees that will make people die suddenly at just a glance! Don’t blame this last fragment of the clever Malcador for knowing the current situation and coming to do things for us. Hey, of course, this is definitely not because Malcador’s eyes were shocked by the essence of Lami Zane...

It must be because I was shocked by my great cause that I turned from darkness to light!

The Fourth Primarch nodded with satisfaction at his extraordinary and passionate work, and moistened the tip of his black nose with his tongue.

And as a cautious writer, for the most important content, he also hid a thousand coding robots on the Iron Blood to copy parchment rolls day and night for backup, perfect!

These large and small visual data charts now glow in various colors in the cockpit, suspended on either side of the black and white stuffed tyrant's head - a distribution pattern specially modified to accommodate the dog's bilateral vision. , if a human was sitting in this position, what his or her eyes would see would be strangely partially overlapping and extremely uncomfortable for him or her, possibly leading to some kind of vomiting and dizziness.

But for dogs, it’s just right. However, only Perturabo among dogs can separate his two eyes to receive information to improve work efficiency.

To be honest, if it weren't for his supernatural fur and muscles that cannot be implanted with any biological implants, his work efficiency would have been greatly improved by 10,000 percent - then he could ask Lami Zane Mr. Carosini happily went to the children's craft area to play with his collection of Genesis mud and crafts, and let the truly chaotic, ambitious, furry ones who wanted to rule the human race seize all of Terra and Mars. The most powerful and evil king in the galaxy, the Pearl, and the demon, Perturabo BC, do whatever they want in this galaxy.

Unfortunately not.

Perturabo sighed to himself.

The cost of "obtaining" Lamizane Carosini as the center of the entire web of time and destiny was calculated clearly from the beginning, and this decision was made in a desperate last ditch effort. , but its verification process is not sloppy or frivolous.

The rigorous and meticulous demonstration process has been carried out secretly for hundreds of centuries at the beginning and end of time and space, just to obtain solid proof for this galaxy to accept the arrival of Lamizane, the most intelligent person in the entire universe. , superhuman scholars and hermits who understood the deepest mysteries diligently and voluntarily were imprisoned there for this purpose - because the rule of "no entry, no exit" ensured their safety. If they tried to take even half a step out, they would be in danger. It will immediately fall into the hands of the ever-changing Lord who is eyeing him.

This guy who was extremely curious and cared about his life didn't dare to come in, but then he thought of a way to throw a lot of the Changing Demon Lord here, which was really annoying for a while. Not only was there no meat, the actual taste was not delicious.

In the end, the one named Carlos was stuck in the aftermath of the proof results and was ejected...

We still have to catch this old bird who has seen so many things and deal with it later, but this guy was just touched by the aftermath and inadvertently acquired the characteristic of "the god who will never be truly born", which makes " "Catch him and deal with him" has become quite troublesome... Even if Xin Liezhi doesn't realize what he is, he will never stop paying attention to him.

In a small rock-structure room on a desolate planet in a remote sector, Perturabo's extraordinary four-legged plush creature was spinning at high speed some of the ultimate mysteries of humanity, the galaxy, and the universe. when.

One of the honorary guards of the Carrick Planetary Governor's Mansion was also observing the tall Emperor's Angel standing silently by the floor-to-ceiling windows.

This rare visitor is the guard and protector of the Rogue Trader, who is currently discussing the details of trade with Lord Alexey at the long table.

It seems that this rogue trader is a bit socially awkward, but authenticity is important. Although he did not make concessions in the negotiation, the originally highly alert and suspicious expressions on the faces of the governor and his cronies had visibly softened and even agreed. I heard the other party's strange suggestion that "it's already three o'clock in the afternoon, why don't we talk over afternoon tea".

Uh--wait a minute...I think...it seems like it's time to have some tea at three o'clock in the afternoon? Maybe when you get home after your next duty call, you can ask your wife to try doing this at home...

The guard thought so, tightened his grip on the gun in his hand, and continued to observe the Space Marine guards of the Rogue Trader.

Except for the ships that regularly deliver food and exchange necessary goods, and the ships used by the Ministry of War to recruit Ogryn people, no new people have visited Carrick for many, many years.

The guard's eyes eagerly observed the dress and equipment of the distant visitor.

He looks so big and strong, exuding an admirable war temperament, as if he is the war itself...so dazzling and admirable!

It's just a pity that the dark paint color is not bright enough. I always feel that there should be some red and white on his black metal heavy armor, and maybe it would be good to change it to gray-blue with yellow...

…If I could be as big and strong as this…

...If I were wearing armor like this...

...I always feel like it should be...

……very suitable……

A strange tingling sensation ran across the guard's skin.

Due to his duties on duty, he suppressed the strange thought in his heart that he wanted to "shake" his body.

This kind of scratching feeling, as if "just shake it" and "it will grow bigger and grow armor" is too strange. How can he fall into what the old man said is a child's fantasy at this time... What he thinks about himself Feeling a little funny, I began to recite in my heart the meditation songs of the Carrick people that had been passed down from thousands of years ago.

"Arma virumque cano, Troiae qui primus ab oris Italiam, fato profugus, Laviniaque venit litora..."

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