Warhammer: Start with a dog

Chapter 217 I really still like Angron, he is so considerate and top-notch

"This ability is really... terrifying." Angron commented sincerely after reading the reports and charts sent by the high-tech black and white dog.

"This really does not allow them to have close contact with any of our equipment. No wonder... his descendants were able to escape and settle here despite the pursuit of Leon and Russ."

"Yeah, think about it, Fulgrim even complained that 'he' was hypocritical, because 'he' pointed out that Fulgrim's insistence on taking part in the Great Crusade with a small number of heirs was an act of vanity. ——We all know the final result. There is indeed nothing wrong with 'his' evaluation."

Perturabo would never miss an opportunity to complain about a certain brother. Anyway, the normal Phoenix would not think that he was offended in any way even here.

"Although...it is true that if 'his' descendants generally possess this ability, their number should have little impact on their combat effectiveness..."

"A reasonable inference: The reason why our mysterious warmaster brother's legion is so small is not due to a lack of soldiers or a genetic disease that has been tampered with like the Third Legion..."

"Wait a minute, Perturabo!" Angron's voice once again showed the shock of the Supreme Tyrant, "What did you just say? The Third Legion was tampered with?"

"Ah? Isn't that natural? Angron, you don't think that those genetic witches on Luna who have relied on self-cloning and parthenogenesis for many years have been sent by our dead old men who think they can conquer everything... After the Luna Wolves with excess male hormones bombarded and attacked him, they will still be grateful to him and what he has to do."

"This..." Angron realized with some hindsight that this stuffed brother obviously had a very extreme opinion of their father and certain brothers. He decided to ask carefully next time, what was his Who are the people on the “I don’t like him” list who have written it down on their own memo.

Apparently Perturabo had a good opinion of his twelfth brother this time, because he continued.

“The most mysterious part of the whole thing is that our overconfident creator still dared to attack the Selenite Genetic Cult on Luna and sent a group of gangster boys to rampage there, burn, kill, and loot. Confidently using the technology and raw materials provided by them to make... It's a bit far-fetched. In short, you can better understand their ability to mobilize subspace by just relying on the 'Thinking Cognitive Meme' by watching this video. The power begins to change the structure of the thought target, and even the ability to imitate the actual effects of what you see without knowing 100% of the other party's working principle."

Angron then saw the video of Servo Skull secretly filming the work in the Carrick crop field:

At first glance, it seems to be a normal and peaceful work scene: on the screen, large fields are being harvested from far to near. Workers drive combine harvesters slowly forward in the fields, and there are a few people scattered on the edge to take charge. Gather fallen crops at any time.

With the original body's eyesight, he could not mistake it. Although it was slightly different, what those Carrick agricultural workers were harvesting in the fields at the moment... was indeed a certain type of wheat with a low yield. Farther away, there seems to be a field growing with radish-like plants that are not growing very well but are still green. Their wide and long leaves are stubbornly swaying slightly in the wind in the ice and snow brought by the thunderstorm.

"Hmm, according to eavesdropping records and other intelligence collection clues, the reason why the planet cannot be self-sufficient in food despite having this ability seems to be because most of them think that there is not enough sunshine and there are frequent meteorite rains. We There is no fertilizer for the crops, so the food that can only be harvested for one season is not enough for all of us to eat.' To be honest, from what I can tell, they have extremely strict restrictions on their common sense. I don't know who set this restriction for them in the first place. , but obviously this kind of self-discipline and moderation has played a very good role in allowing these people to live peacefully to this day.”

"It's indeed very temperate... what a ghost! Wait a minute, my brother! My brother! This is not a question of 'we can only harvest for one season' or 'meteor rains often occur'!!"

Angron couldn't bear it any longer. He frowned and questioned loudly, "The problem is that the surface of this planet, as we initially investigated, is almost entirely made of debris with temperatures hovering around zero degrees Celsius. The permafrost and tundra that break up meteorites and rocks, and the meteorite rains here are so frequent that a special orbital platform is needed to be responsible for the defensive function of 'crushing overly large meteorites'... This place should basically be used in the open air. We can’t grow any more wheat or normal crops! Not to mention that such a large-scale farmland can grow safely until harvest!”

"Yes, as you can see, however, there are actually large-scale crops, related agriculture and mining work in this place... In fact, most of it depends on them... Based on ancient Terra's agricultural knowledge of certain areas The description is ‘recognized’ by the template.”

Perturabo said with a hint of exploratory interest that he rarely enjoys, "The genetic traces show that the only native demihumans here should be those Ogryns, and their genes show that they are older and more adapted to the environment here. Evolutionary characteristics. Other humans should have reproduced slowly over a period of 10,000 years. This also explains why only the Ogryns among them can successfully accept the recruitment of the Calixis Military Ministry. Because the Ogryns do meet the cognitive condition that 'those who are recruited should be local indigenous people'."

"Wait a minute, but you said before that the colonial ship was brought here by the Anjou expedition more than 1,500 years ago..."

"Hmm, apparently, they don't need an additional population to reproduce, because this genetic fusion will definitely 'dilute' the functional DNA code they themselves carry. - I mean, based on sample analysis (wait a minute, When did you get the sample?) - I randomly selected a few guys and asked the Servo Skull to give them some short-acting anesthesia needles and sampling needles. Okay, I have always been very cautious in handling this kind of special planet, It’s not as simple and crude as a certain empire in the name of justice.”

"In short, the randomly selected samples without exception show extremely high genetic homogeneity of the same ancestor." Perturabo glanced at the list of newly obtained reports. "All mitochondria and genomes have maintained extremely high homogeneity." High stability, and pointing to a specific... certain DNA code information concentration - that is, an individual whose special ability and quality are much higher than the average level of the Carrick people today."

Angron heard himself swallow a mouthful of saliva.

"So. Still here."

he asked.

"Is it 'him' himself?"

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