Warhammer: Start with a dog

Chapter 223 In my opinion, the problem with Iron Hands is not that they think too little, but that t

Fulgrim Ishtar, although he has experienced hundreds of battles and is not lacking in courage and experience, he is still somewhat nervous.

It was very rare for a Primarch like him to have such an emotion that would affect the speed of his sword - ah no, power claw.

But if you consider that the body he is using now is not even his own, but just that of an ordinary Astartes veteran - and it doesn't even have arms, staying in the fearless amniotic fluid chamber with cables.

And the most important thing is that he and his winged companions are not on the Iron-Blooded ship, which is bright and warm and can choose the scent of cabin air freshener. He is on Medusa.

In this galaxy, on the home planet of Medusa, the loyal Primarch Ferrus Manus was slain by the traitor Primarch "Fulgrim" with a sword and then decapitated.

Although the "self" in this story is not his "self", Fulgrim did not think that anyone on Medusa could listen to him after revealing his identity after both emotional and rational reasoning. His own travel story.

The Third Primarch remembered his Phoenix Guards and his outstanding and loyal Lord Commanders with great sadness at this moment... Vespasian, Rilanor, and especially his Champion Sword Master, Guardian of the Imperial Palace, Reborn Or Lucius, if these children are still with him, maybe...

But the shameless depravity and heinous despicable behavior of the great traitor Fabius Bayer still made Zi Ting Phoenix dazzled by the anger that soared into the sky the moment he saw him, and chased this man alone. The Traitor Scions plunged into the depths of the Webway Labyrinth.


Fulgrim Ishtar sighed. Fortunately, Magnus on board the Iron-Blooded was lucky enough not to fall into the control of Chaos. Perhaps this was the price of correcting fate. Although Ferus did not fall this time, the crazy nonsense those Dark Eldar did to me came true here... It seems like...

Well, at least I'm here this time. He thought, I must do something for him...

Garuda's silent electronic pulse suddenly and silently poked Fulgrim's mind, reminding Zi Ting Phoenix to brace himself and prepare to deal with the Iron Father who came to him.

Malkan Feros also re-observed the Dauntless, the Holy Contemptor in front of him.

He noticed a lot of details: the hastily finished paint - the application is not rough, on the contrary, it is too delicate. The rich emotion and artistic power can even be reflected through the black coating and silver pattern. Ruos had no idea that the more practical paint job of the Iron Hands could be so aesthetically pleasing, but the problem was that the paint layer was too new, and it would not be suitable for a machine that was marked on the storage document as being recovered during the Corinthian Expedition. Fearlessly, his paint plating looks like it was applied just last week.

There are also those slightly deformed parts, showing that this Dreadnought has stuffed as many additional weapons and equipment as possible under its armor - this is in line with Feros's expectations, but he doesn't quite understand why it takes so much effort to integrate them. Once inside, directly attaching the backpack is obviously more in line with the Iron Hands' habits.

And Feros, as a believer of Ohm Messiah, also felt the unusual mechanical soul sound in the fearless system of the "Contemptor" opposite - no, it cannot be called a Contemptor, it just has a Contemptor The shell, the energy source inside...may be from a collection in the Gorgon Forge treasure house.

Fortunately, no matter whether "Wilander" is the mercy of miracles or a joke of fate, he is definitely not the dead brought back to this world by the intelligent control resuscitation protocol.

Markan Feros felt that his two hearts were put back into place. In his naked eyes, the body of "Wilander" did not have that abnormal low temperature, nor did it have that lifeless and terrifying feeling. Even the all-metal limbs look flexible and light, and the use of fearless modified joints and prohibited materials makes its subtle movements very much like a living person.

After being informed of the secret order of the Primarch, the Iron Father was surprised to find that what he could see with his naked eyes was counterintuitively richer, clearer, and more detailed than what his mechanical eyes told him - -The experienced guide immediately realized that the "Wilander" in front of him might have used some ancient formulas and techniques on himself that were only known to the Primarch, causing the Dauntless body of the Contemptor to be displayed in other people's mechanical sensors. It is another kind of disguise that completely conceals the appearance.

Ferrus Manus, we have been looking forward to your return for a long time, why should you be so wary of us? But immediately, Ferrus became even more sad. The words that came closest to describing the feeling came closest to being aware of Ferrus Manus' concerns.

He thought about which parts the Iron Hands Legion, which was once united under the leadership of Gorgon, had actually split into, how many major disagreements they had had, and which clans had gradually become addicted to flesh and blood under the Iron Hands. In the cold years of weakness and survival of the fittest, he gradually lost his voice and the weight and seat that the Voice of Mars now holds in the Iron Council.

There were more problems that he hadn't paid much attention to until the Primarch's true return.

From within the Iron Hands, but also from - the Adeptus Mechanicus.

Malkan Ferrus suddenly realized that Ferrus Manus had every reason to act with caution. Without a body of his own, in a Divine Dreadnought, what even a Primarch can do is much more limited than before - more disadvantages, fewer advantages.

And the most important thing is that the closer he gets to "Wilander", the more Feros can feel the beating of his heart, as if, as if somewhere, there is something very, very, very special to him. Something important and unforgettable is approaching.

He had to admit it, even though it shouldn't have happened.

That is to say - Malkan Feros has never really considered an event that he often thought of as a possibility, but never considered the detailed follow-up development: one day, their original body can really emerge from the darkness Come back, return to them, and lead them again.

The Iron Hands have been without the leadership and guidance of Ferrus Manus for ten thousand years. What has happened to his descendants in these ten thousand years? What have we become?

Are these changes, and what we have become, something that he, Ferrus Manus, would like to see?

A bitter, dry feeling crawled up his throat - making it extremely difficult for him to open his mouth.

"Elder Wieland," he heard himself say, "perhaps you would like to travel with Clan Rakuan for a while at the end of Iron Moon?"

Then he saw something bright flashing on Wuwei's shoulder. He looked intently, only Garuda's silver eyes were staring at him.

He had an urge to kneel down and worship from the bottom of his heart.

Is this... the power of the Primarch, the power of Ferrus Manus... that spreads over his technological creations and almost makes me lose control of myself at just a glance? Holy! How great! Ferrus Manus!

Then Wieland spoke.

It was a poetic voice that Malkan Ferrus never dreamed he would hear from Ferrus Manus.

Oh, the Messiah of Ohm, Sobek Wieland.

What kind of perfect vocal chords did your original body have, so that you can produce such a natural sound from your fearlessness?

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