Warhammer: Start with a dog

Chapter 224 It means that I fully understand the original body’s wishes!

The "Hall of Conquest" of the Rakuan clan - their huge fortress monastery is being driven by dozens of ignited engines, and is being hit by space floating objects and violent gamma rays to create countless tiny flashing shields, silently. Rumbling like a mythical djinn through the orbits of several huge gas giants in the galaxy.

The deadly blue-purple light radiation of the Steneros blue supergiant, together with Medusa and its ruined star ring, were left far behind by the fortress battleship in the field of vision.

In the next few solar cycles or a shorter or longer journey, Malkan Feros, who invited Fulgrim on Medusa, will take everyone with him through the outer reaches of the galaxy. dust belt and the Iron Hands checkpoint at the outermost edge of the Steneros galaxy, and then started the subspace engine of the mobile fortress at Mandeville Point and headed for the Worry-Free sub-sector.

"Is there anything special about this place?" Fulgrim, who had read the information so far through the data link in a few milliseconds, asked Feros.

Now they are standing on the bridge of Rakuan's Hall of Conquest - yes, each clan's Hall of Conquest fortress has its own unique features. The special thing about Rakuan's Hall of Conquest is that it can actually Used as a mobile space fortress - but usually they do not awaken the violent engine reactor machine spirit of their fortress that originated in the 31st millennium with such great fanfare, which is often killed by a few unlucky servitors or even technical sergeants. Or at the cost of serious injury.

Only this time, the ancient machine spirit of the Hall of Conquest was almost impatiently "waiting" for the arrival of the Iron Priests, and "guiding" this group of flattered and hurried men who could only burn incense, chant scriptures and anoint themselves with some hatred of iron. The Touhouzi lights up each of its key activation nodes in turn, as if it is eager to carry an old friend to fly in the void again.

This made Feros and the other two Iron Fathers once again have a little more confidence and admiration for the identity of "Wilander".

But it was obvious that they had no intention of telling Elder "Wilander" about this matter.

As for Fulgrim, after Garuda explained that "each clan's traditions are different, after tens of thousands of years, it may be normal for them to have a habit of leading the fortress like this", Fulgrim Ishtar I did not continue to ask more questions because I was worried that I would make mistakes if I asked too many questions.

"Here, although I can already see from the calculation results of the Iron Council that the speed and extent of the corruption of the Happy Sect here do need to be dealt with urgently, but."

He blinked his iris-purple eyes in his crew cabin, and a strand of white hair passed by his ear.

"I saw that a few months before our departure, Lacuan's Iron Captain Alvin Ravus had been sent here, and he was still carrying a full (He deliberately emphasized the tone slightly) Five Clan Companies, seven Rakuan Dreadnoughts, he also acquired nearly 130,000 Astra Militarum personnel from the Firik Tactical Group, two battalions of Harakoni War Falcons, and seven battalions heavy armored troops, as well as the support of the Imperial Navy; as well as the more than 20,000 Mechanicus auxiliary personnel and auxiliary troops brought by the clan company. Oh, by the way, he also applied for a Titan Legion "Subspace Walker" to come here Let’s go to war together.”

"Yes, Elder Wieland."

Zi Ting Phoenix felt even more confused under his armored face, "Although the Titan Legion and the Astra Militarum did not arrive as fast as Captain Ravus and the others, the clan warriors who arrived first fought extremely efficiently and effectively, which can be called Typical precise scalpel strikes - (Here, Phoenix still frowned silently when he saw the numbers of people who were massacred and purged) - they have now quickly eliminated more than 70% of the population in this sector. region, in fact, they have already prepared their forces to attack the capital planet of the sector, right?”

"Yes, Elder Wieland."

"So - what are we rushing to do now? It seems that Captain Raus can fight this important battle on his own. We should not suddenly take action to fight for the honor and results that brother... brother deserves. Fei Ruo Si.”

While Fulgrim's conversation aboard the Ironblood was always tactful and casual, given how many of his brothers were there at the time, the Phoenix Primarch's ease was natural, and when he began to have to face more When it comes to the Astartes in this galaxy, although he respects these nephews who have fought admirably to this day and warned himself to maintain an attitude of being equal and easy-going but just one of them, there is a vague The taste of superiority that cannot be hidden is still subtle in the final sound of Phoenix's tone and the order of words used.

Malkan Feros and the others accepted this smoothly and accepted it well, even after the conversation, they believed that Medusa's Gorgon became temperamental after waking up from ten thousand years of death slumber or something similar. , personality and habits have undergone some big changes, becoming softer and more approachable. The only thing that remains unchanged is the fierceness and pride under this cold shell.

Lifelike, Feros thought, the perfect combination of steel and spirit and flesh... If he knew the term "like a spring breeze", he would undoubtedly use it.

His eagerness, his shock, his doubts, his confusion, his impulse, the weak pity that he felt when he cut off the left hand of every recruit who joined the Iron Hands for hundreds of years... Everything about him was suppressed Emotions began to explode out of control at the sixty-sixth second of the conversation with "Wilander". The chaotic emotional pulses impacted his logic and behavioral control circuit units, until he finally found that he had been despised by the despised God. The peace of mind that rests in your arms.

Ferrus Manus is back.

He was not defeated by the weakness of flesh and blood, he finally regained the bonds of steel, and he came back to lead us.

everything will get better.

While raising his head from Fearless's arms in extreme shame (and ignoring Basque's sour remarks and taunts), Feros was also shocked that this seemingly ordinary metal machine could have such a strong and soft structure at the same time. Skill can no longer produce such a work, only the hands of the Primarch can.

This was one of the reasons why they took "Sobek Wilander" away from Medusa in a hurry to find an excuse to watch and support.

Now in the 41st millennium, the Iron Hands still follow the basic principle of "whoever has the bigger fist speaks". Medusa's harsh natural environment and warlike and martial social culture have been completely integrated into the war group. , and the extensive use of emotional suppression protocols and cerebral cortex suppressors has made some battle monks seem to make people like Feros, who has not undergone many transformations and insists that steel should be controlled with emotions, feel that something is very wrong. His logical calculations Tell him that the Primarch is not in a suitable state to appear before them at this moment.

He will immediately join up with his Iron Captain, and then take a look outside - after all, the traditions and beliefs followed by the Chapter now make them always hope to completely forget the fragile and spurned flesh and blood existence form they once had - Although most of them themselves were born from Medusa.

The second important reason is the Mechanicus. Although Feros is also a believer in the God of Machines and the Mechanicus even occupies a fixed three seats among the forty-one seats in the Iron Council, has an independent speaking platform, and can also speak on behalf of some clan leaders, but when these Mars people Once the partners discovered the Primarch in its current state... With the Iron Hands' knowledge of some of the Mechanicus' very, very bad operations, Feros would immediately report all members of the Mechanicus that he considered untrustworthy. The alert level was raised to the highest level - for example, he found a reason to leave all the mechanical priests in Medusa this time.

In other words, today's "Sobek Wilander" or Ferrus Manus must immediately leave Medusa to develop and grow in a safer environment, and then return to this place with a powerful posture...

That’s it, I totally get it! The planning and painstaking efforts of the father of genes!

With this thought in mind, Feros spoke.

"Elder Wieland, we are not competing for honor, but the subspace cracks on the planet Shadenus may be expanding beyond our expectations."

"you mean?"

"Based on the latest intelligence, we have made another plan and believe that a powerful demon prince will appear here. If he cannot be killed in time and the exit is sealed, a new and continuous subspace rift door will be created. generation, so we have to support them.”

Just when Malkan Feros told the Primarch this excuse, a certain node in the web of fate that had gradually solidified in the long river of time moved slightly, slightly.

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