Warhammer: Start with a dog

Chapter 239 An episode where Angron keeps sighing

Although Angron Petra could already tell what was happening at this moment, the questions composed of those words that followed were like fate, forming naturally from his vocal cords and spitting out from his lips.

"Follow you? Where?"

His talent allowed him to feel the presence of that voice in his head, which clearly showed some rare doubts or hesitations.

But the being finally answered.

[Leave this place behind and head to the glorious stars. 】


No, it shouldn't be like this, it shouldn't be like this, how could it be like this.

Angron Petra was painfully aware in the frozen time, and at the same time once again - once again thanked his teacher and brother from the bottom of his heart.

He struggled with his severe headache to form sentences to answer.

"But now here - you should be able to see these situations, right? How are you going to deal with them? These people? All those who believe in me and those who are my enemies?"

[This is just a few mortals and an insignificant thing on a planet. What you want to see, what you want to conquer, are billions of humans and stars. Leave them behind. 】

"——I really can't believe you said that. Do you really not realize that I should stay here at this moment to accompany them to complete these life-and-death vows?"

[Is your answer no? 】

"My answer is that I should fulfill my vows here and then see what you want me to do. You can't and shouldn't control what I want to do, just like you shouldn't think that everyone Your foolish request must be heard. If you think it is a rejection, then it is a rejection."

The existence made no movement. It was silent for a while. Angron tried to move his wrist and found that he was still locked in the frozen time amber.

Such great psychic intensity, he thought, I really don't understand why...

The profound sound that gave him a headache rumbled again, causing the eardrums of the person frozen here to buzz.

Angron Petra began to think silently in his heart, no, no no no no, no no no no you can't, no no no no no no you must not think...

He could almost feel the emotion above him that wasn't, but was very close to - regret - and his heart sank to the bottom of his stomach.

【Well, I'm sorry. 】


The thick and unpleasant smell of ozone dispersed in the air, replacing the smell of icy snow and hot blood on the snow-capped mountains.

When the flash of teleportation disappeared from his eyes, the twelfth Primarch even felt like he wanted to laugh because his emotions were exploded to the extreme.

"This outdated teleportation technology feels so crappy, I'll never get used to it," he muttered, using his ax to prop himself up.

The tall sage king fully unfolded himself, straightened his back and stood in the domed hall where he now stood.

Perhaps the original Angron Tark couldn't tell what this was, but Angron Petra, the owner of the Glory Queen-class battleship "Desert Ark", immediately recognized what it was or where it was. ——

The primarch's ears captured the working sounds of reactors and engines as he cruised through the void, and he also heard the gentle collision of many powered armors and weapons.

Under his boots, he stepped on precious, complicated and sparkling mosaic floor tiles. Each piece was selected and carefully polished, and then carefully and religiously inlaid into exquisite patterns. All this was to allow people to step on it. When you walk up there, you can feel beautiful for a second.

Countless priceless art treasures are scattered among the trophies, captured or commemorative weapons, and various faded or brand-new flags, stuffed casually into any place like ordinary decorations. A vacant place.

He exhaled a deep, deep breath under the bridge dome of the Emperor's Dream, and sighed again.

Large and small light balls gathered in a pyramid shape in the center of the room. It was the throne of one of the most powerful souls and countless other powerful souls gathered under it.

It is impossible for the soul strength of ordinary people to show such an obvious image and light in Angron's gifted vision.

The largest and brightest one stood high in the center - like a star - no, like a cold golden sun.

Angron immediately agreed with Lamizane's description of this moment, it was so accurate.

He subconsciously rolled his Adam's apple and swallowed a mouthful of saliva.

The Imperial Guards formed a human wall and slowly surrounded them, as if intending to hunt some kind of wild beast in the hall.

They leveled the power halberds in their hands and pointed them at him. Angron saw that the decomposition force field on each halberd blade here was allowed to open. The force fields made crackling sounds from time to time, and the tips were all pointed at a certain person. The Emperor's son.

He sighed inwardly again and shook his head.

The Emperor's guards attempted to slowly approach and restrain the teleported but apparently heavily armed visitor with their halberds. The Primarch's molten golden eyes glanced coldly at these golden-armored guards, too weak.

Each of these golden armored guards is indeed stronger than ordinary people, with taller and stronger bodies, and more well-trained movements, but they still have loopholes in their bodies that can be used by Angron to attack, at least some More than twenty places, because the appearance presented to him by soul vision is the most realistic - and attacking the useless high riders below does not even require the use of his talent.

It seemed that a Custodian was irritated by the giant's cold and appraising gaze as if it were an animal ready for slaughter. The Custodian wearing a special red-tasseled eagle helmet took a step forward and tried to raise his weapon towards the twelfth Primarch——

Angron Petra casually reached out his hand, easily grabbed the imperial guard's collar and lifted the person in front of his eyes. He blinked and saw a blood-red phantom that quickly passed in front of his eyes. I saw the original fate of this forbidden army.

The hot blood flowing from the Custodian's torn body will dye the exquisite mosaic floor red.

"Oh, you must remember to thank the Iron King for saving you, little kitty." The red-haired king whispered, waving his arms, and his power armor joint servo began to work. This Custodian who disrespected the original body was captured by him. He threw it out and slammed it into the weapon rack and a pile of antique treasures in the corner. Red blood flowed out along the gaps in his golden armor, but he just passed out.

【Wait a moment. 】

The cold golden sun began to shrink its light, condensing a human-like silhouette inside. It stepped down from the high throne and walked towards Angron.

The Custodes retreated and began to separate to allow their noble Emperor to approach the Primarch.

【How could this be? you……】

The Twelfth Primarch sighed heavily and interrupted the other party almost rudely.

"I am Angron. Angron Petra."

He raised his head and stared directly at the cold star before him, even as its light began to sting the primarch's eyes and bring tears to his eyes.

"If you have something to say, let's finish it as soon as possible, and then I can go do something of my own, okay?"

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