Warhammer: Start with a dog

Chapter 240 Looking forward to returning, looking forward to reunion

"So can we bring him back?! What are you waiting for?!"

Even if the circumstances are excusable, Captain Sklar's disrespectful roaring behavior in front of the Iron Lord brought him the restraint of the solid steel arms of two Iron Ring mechs - someone can express Understood, but a certain stuffed tyrant would never coddle these boys.

The elder "Kaidomo" also kicked the opponent's amniotic fluid compartment firmly, and the mark of his metal walking feet was clearly left on the opponent's crotch - mainly because normal fearlessness and even the Contemptor model could not do anything about it. Raise your legs as high as your chest to kick - not counting the fearless vehicle used by a certain Purple Court Phoenix. Mr. Lamizane Carosini privately claimed that he believed that real Phoenicians could use that vehicle. The fearless tiptoe danced on the palms while swinging the sword - he did not elaborate on what kind of palms this palm was.

At the same time, Divine Fearless saw the very blasphemous Chaos Hateful Intelligence that was now unabashedly wearing the same power armor appearance of Rogal Dorn and walked forward with a novel little excitement, holding the A metal needle stabbed the Contemptor Wuwei's neck in a serious manner.

"Pfft!" the Second Company Commander's Fearless roared, "What do you think you are doing? Playing house? I am a Fearless, are you, a creature of chaos...? Huh...? What...? How? …”

Fearless's originally generous and strong voice weakened and turned into a humming, feeble protest, allowing the two iron ring soldiers to lift him up and stuff him back into his seat.

[Look, I told you, it's useful to put a note of demand like "I want to make a soup of all-purpose myasthenia" in a cauldron of pistachio caramel croissants that have been left to rot for seven days and then throw them into the sewer. . 】

[No, it actually works, but it’s dangerous...]

[It is inactivated and will not be contagious. 】

[Inactivated? Do we have a pharmacist on board who can do this? Or do you let the apothecary of Iron Heart...? 】

[No, it’s impossible for me to ask their pharmacist to do this. Although their pharmacist is allowed to use the equipment in the infirmary, he can’t even crack the code of Hongsuo’s equipment. He also reported that he can’t read the words he left behind. Most potions. So after much deliberation, I asked Magna to ask around, and the kitchen staff replied that they could handle it for me. 】


[Anyway, it does take a long time to let the kitchen handle it, but you can see that the processing effect is very good. This powerless potion can knock down even Dauntless with one shot. 】

[...You must not leak this news to any soldiers. This will greatly reduce our morale. 】

【How can it be possible if you can’t? Haha. 】

"Okay, now you can listen to us carefully, Captain Sklar. Let's make a long story short." A certain tall original body turned around and tapped the stereo projector, and a row of analysis data was immediately refreshed on it. and charts.

"According to the calculations of the great and wise King of Steel, the principle of this Ada Webway Gate is that someone has placed a prophetic trigger trap... It is very clever, and it just happened to trap the last unlucky person... ahem .Although this trigger consumes all the soul stones it can use, but."

His ice blue eyes blinked, "But Captain Hal's inventory of soul stones is too much, so that we can try to go there and use his inventory again when the same astronomical conditions arrive next time. 'Pull' your genetic father so that he can move closer to our current point in time and space, and finally 'pull' him back to our point in time and space."

His fingers slid a few curves, "Kaidomo," the elder said, "But this is an extremely delicate job. You may not be able to 'pull' it successfully at one time. You must be careful not to 'tear' the weak ones in the process." Shuttle', which requires someone to serve as the pulley and anchor point of the soul, and also needs to 'comb' the 'warp and weft' passed by on the way..."

Before the Divine Fearless experienced a rare mortal experience of "the eyelids can't hold it anymore" and fell asleep from the endless explanation, he heard Lotala Salin say, "Then, let us try it as soon as possible, I am willing to be the first to take out my soul to pave the way for his return. I have a very bad feeling and I don’t want Lord Angron to stay there any longer.”


Angron Petra strode down the corridors of the Emperor's Dream.

Every mortal servant who encounters him will respectfully bend his waist almost in half, waiting for the noble person to pass.

His gold and silver armor and sage's horned crown exuded the smell of newly oiled oil in the candlelight and incense. The brand-new scarlet silk and gold cloak was carefully put on his shoulder armor by the servants. His noble demeanor and mighty His momentum was equal to that of any Primarch who had returned before him.

Imperial poets and chroniclers have begun to write countless praise poems and records of his molten ruby ​​hair, bronze skin and golden eyes like his father, while composers and artists are also observing the emperor. The action of the prince's heir was so that he could paint, compose music and sculpture for him.

The person who was described and praised by thousands of people himself was very helpless, and even started to think coldly after feeling sad and worried.

As his conversation with the sun on the bridge progressed, he understood what role he should play in this fateful scene compared to the oath he made on the ground in Nuceria. role, so he readily agreed to the other party's request for him to take over the Twelfth Legion.

Then, as expected, the Emperor told him that he should leave as soon as possible to join his War Dog Legion, and then immediately accompany him on the next step of the Great Crusade.

As for Nuceria and Angron's fellow gladiators on the ground in Nuceria? Oh, their little slave uprising will not succeed. Without your help, they will all be dead if you go down now. Why not just look at the star sea, and my bureaucrats will come to finish it for you. How It's relaxing, you don't have to worry about it, and you don't have to face embarrassing scenes, right?

"What you have to do is for humanity, for the future of humanity, Angron."

The Emperor stared at him in the radiance, and rarely spoke a little slower to him at this moment, "Our eyes are looking farther, larger, and more towards the destiny of mankind and the future of the galaxy. We cannot be limited to Small things on a small planet. You are a Primarch, and I can give you and you have been given much more than a kingdom, a continent or a planet. Your destined responsibilities demand that of you Raise more, command your legion, and unite every world in the star sea under my banner. This is the destined responsibility you have been given."

The tall, red-haired Primarch was silent for a moment, and seemed convinced. He put away his axe, and bowed to his father and the Emperor.

The Imperial Guards banged the tails of their halberds on the ground to express their congratulations. The poets and court musicians immediately rehearsed grand music and recitations. Countless flattery, blessings and praises poured in to celebrate that the great Emperor of Mankind had found his life again. A noble and powerful son.

Only Angron Petra himself knew how cold his bones felt and how cold his heart felt after hearing those words.

He had to find a way...




"Do you think we can see him again?" Yochuka asked Kleist, playing with the chain in his hand and the head of another slave owner.

The huntress and the boy sat together on the other side of the mountain, the blood of their enemies still fresh from their bodies.

The woman in question looked to the horizon, "I don't know, Yochuka, but I hope so."

The prediction made by the wise King of Red Sand to them the night before appeared, and his pre-arrangement also worked. Before the battle began, he handed over the two remote controls and the beacon to Kleist and Kleist respectively. Lomach.

After killing enough enemies, the remaining slave gladiators were teleported to a safe place under the cover of a huge explosion and avalanche. Angron Petra left all the remaining emergency rations with them, Then tell them to walk in the direction of the sun setting in this wilderness until they can see the source of the creek and the huge coniferous forest split by lightning, release the beacon there, and then wait.

Sure enough, the gladiators found the mouth of a creek and a coniferous forest, but there were none of the ones he said had been struck by lightning.

So they have some concerns.

But soon they stopped worrying.

The hair on many people's skin stood on end as the smell of ozone spread, the temperature dropped and a strange crackling sound filled the air - a huge psychic lightning cracked through the emerald conifers.

A being came and disappeared with the mortals after the conversation, and the forest returned to silence.

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