Warhammer: Start with a dog

Chapter 26 Your border collie is worried about you

The apothecary's white armor reflected the color of the demon's fire.

There was only a corner of the room illuminated, and their shadows were eerily elongated. If you stared at them, you might even feel like something was moving in the dark shadows.


The master of Kalangal Fort spoke in a tone that could be described as peaceful.

"What's in it for me?"

The devil also seemed stunned.


"Benefits, good for me, allow me to live and live better, Ancient One, this is the only reality in the chaos."

"Benefit?!" it roared, "Benefit?! You are a Chaos Astartes! You are a hybrid created by the basest genius and destiny! Your destiny belongs to us from birth! Your existence is One of the greatest blasphemies against the Creation of the Corpse Emperor! You are Honso of Calangal! The countless fates, endless blood and billions of skulls I have seen in my travels tell me! This is what you deserve Of! Deserve! What should be done! Obey us! War for the Lord of Skulls! Unstoppable! Endless war! You will have it all! Power! Strength! Resources! Be the leader of your brothers! Champion of the bloody games ! The incinerator of five hundred worlds! The nightmare of Calth!"

"Oh." The Chaos Champion, who had high hopes and promised dark glory, showed an interested expression. "To be honest, it was a very emotional speech. Your proposal is indeed very attractive."

"But first." The Warsmith twirled his power ax and sheathed the weapon. "I guess I should point that out."

"What?!" The devil shook his head, thinking this was a sign that the other party was being persuaded.

"Do you know what the nature of steel is?"

Black flower pads cover the buttons. Lamizane noticed that Perturabo hesitated in a rare way - the hair on his ears completely popped up, and his claws did not exert downward pressure -

The scene around him quickly moved away from him, and a picture, a scene, and some old images suddenly appeared in front of the current occupant of the Fourth Primarch's body, as if the sediment that had sunk to the bottom of the abyss thousands of years ago rose up——

The huge data stream flashes with rapid combat instructions - there are hundreds of pale and lifeless bodies in the room - Frix is ​​smiling at his companions - there is a figure with the 16th Legion painted on his power armor. That special green—

The flames of the macro cannon and other weapons exploded on the holographic display - he noticed that the ammunition consumption increased sharply, and the energy index of the enemy shield was falling off a cliff -

The enemy? The enemy?

He failed to hear the previous conversation.

The Fourth Primarch's body blinked, and Lamizane's ears were just enough for an angry shout to jump--

"I haven't recorded them yet! You smashed all my laboratory culture specimens!!!!! So - I'm going to chop you back to your hometown, you ignorant bastard!!" Pharmacist Legs The muscles in his upper body tensed, and then exploded with astonishing strength. The artificial muscle bundles and piston components in the armor further amplified his abilities. The handle of the power ax he had just withdrawn smoothly turned into his waist along the side of his waist. Palm, it was obvious that the warsmith had pretended to put away his weapon more than once, and no one could recount his ruse to others afterwards.

The Potion Master in cobalt white armor jumped up, his power ax roared, and he struck hard at the Demon Prince.

A harsh metallic clash.

Honso's ax almost cut off the demonic weapon, but the close combat distance and the large size gap put him in a dangerous situation instantly.

The huge demon pressed Honsuo down with rage, holding his skull with its huge claws. Its sharp claws scratched the pharmacist master's skin, and blood flowed through the white ceramic armor. piece, "You ungrateful little bug!!!! I have seen where your vile head is going! It will become a stepping stone under the skull pile of the Brass Throne!!!!"

Just when it was about to break the pharmacist's cervical vertebrae with all its strength, it suddenly stopped and shook its body. Then Hongsuo raised his leg and kicked over its huge and heavy body - the kind of torment it had. The madness finally stopped for a moment.

A silent roar came from the demon's mouth, and a large transparent hole was burned through the giant's body from the bottom of the stomach to the back of the neck by the overloaded Seiko plasma wrist gun. Its physical existence began to float like a corpse in a crematorium. Like the gray dust dissipated in this world——

"I can do it, and if I hadn't had what I have now, your words would undoubtedly have come true."

The former war blacksmith spat out bloody spit and crushed the demon's burned-to-ash head with his foot.

"You're late, sorry."


"It's unbelievable." Lamizane, who thought that the matter was over for the time being, threw himself on the solid bed and exhaled deeply from his many lungs. "So many things can happen in one Terran hour." .”

"Or not a Terra." Perturabo rolled his eyes, busy issuing one command after another on his sofa throne with his flesh pads and the tip of his nose. Dog paw prints were imprinted on many data pads and screens. "Nothing can be said about time in the Warp."

"But don't we have multiple Geller force fields and other good things that can't explain the principles?"

"You can't pin everything on external things. - Both inside and outside are steel, Lami Zane."

The border collie jumped off the sofa, walked to the bed, jumped up, and began to use its furry mouth and paws to pull at his own body.

His demon prince body rolled around on the large bed and hid his head under the quilt, trying to escape the relentless urging of the sheepdog.

"Get up!! You lazy ass!!! Get up and get to work!!!!"

"I don't want to work!"

Of course, he finally got up. Lamizane sat up angrily, retied the cable behind his head, and began to help Perturabo read the report.

"The apothecary suite must be unusable for the time being. Even if it is to be restored, a complete set of purification rituals will be required - do we have the talents and ritual supplies in that area?"

"No, so we can only go with the little bird, Dassadra, and the boy who looks more and more like a misplaced Guilliman. Humph. The heirs of Magnus are too lax when it comes to education, but Not that surprising, considering their past habits. Besides, you shouldn't grant that cross-dressing lover that much dessert share."

"Oh...I know. But he is not a fan of women's clothing. He just likes to use women's bodies in puppetry."

"...Forget it. I hope you don't understand either."

"Ah? Ah? Forget it..." Lamizane looked at a screen with a frown, "Then Wen Aotian who is on our ship now - ah, in the words here, the emperor's favorite Ventris and his Pasanius, a good comrade through life and death, what should we do with these two people? I remember that their death oath was to go to Medlengard and have a big fight in Honso's fortress, right?"

"I'm really surprised that you actually know this." The dog took the message on the screen, "But in theory you shouldn't know about this."


"Well... I mean, you have to get used to it. In this galaxy, when you 'know' something in advance, it's best not to act like you know it."

"Huh? Oh, I'll try my best."

Perturabo's black and white fur face had an expression like "Your border collie is worried that you will fall down the stairs next time because you go out with your left foot first, so you step on your right foot and fall down the stairs."

"Okay, let's take a look at this... This is the report written by the 10th Company for you. Uh, what is 'Two suspected traitors are mentally unstable and will try to get Julius to give them revelations' mean……?"

The dog sighed heavily through its dark, wet nose.

"I might as well make them all into hoops."

Then he was hugged and sucked by his own body, which shouted, "Sigh, the puppy is so cute."

"...Don't be stupid with my face!!!!"


I obviously only wanted to write 2,000 words, but why did I exceed the limit? Why is this, Yuanmu [

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