Warhammer: Start with a dog

Chapter 27 I think you are just greedy for my brother’s body

Destiny Steel

Tenth Company Station

temporary detention center

Uriel Ventress woke up in his temporary cabin.

This was almost a week after they were hooked up to the Demon Engine and miraculously rescued by the Destiny Steel.

After a rigorous biochemical scan review process, personal repeated reviews by the Chapter's Librarian, the unique purification rituals of some Silver Skull Chapters, and confirmation that they were said to have contacted Macragge, he and Pasanius were temporarily cleansed. shed the title of apostate and obtained two cabins in the vacant quarters on the mobile monastery.

While it wasn't comparable to his own Captain's quarters in Macragge, it was better than the one on the Pride of Calth - may the Emperor bless the souls of His faithful 808th Macragge - Many, at least the size of all supplies is consistent with the body of the monk Astartes that has been enhanced by extraordinary genetic engineering.

Ventris's power armor and weapons were still not returned to him, but they later at least gave him and Pasanius some coverings, such as black monk's robes and hemp rope belts. To be honest, the tailoring of these clothes is quite Macragge-style, but there are some, how should I say, subtle differences.

He pushed aside the rough thick linen sheets, got up and went to the bathroom to wash his face. The silver mirror reflected his worried and slightly hopeful face, and the water droplets splashed on the mirror fell from under his eyes in the mirror. He He raised his hand and wiped it away.

"Courage and Glory." He whispered and chewed the words in his mouth, which were bitter yet sweet.

Then he returned to his bedroom, knelt down on the rug in front of his bed, and began to pray to the Emperor and the Primarch for more courage and guidance.


"So," the Fourth Primarch's body tiredly took a sip of the hot Furi White Reca coffee he had newly developed to refresh himself, "you tried to talk to them nicely, but they cried very rudely for a long time and called you For 'the will of our Father'?"

"Exactly so, my lord."

Julius Robert Omar was sitting in front of the Chapter Master's desk with his butt half wet on the chair.

His application for an audience had just been approved, and then he was brought into this room under the gazes of a group of veterans waiting outside, like poisoned arrows. Now the poor think tank apprentice was trying his best to ignore the eager gazes of the tenth company commander on the side.

This was a building that was very different from the rooms Julius had seen before in the fortress monastery and elsewhere.

The first is brightness. He has never seen a design that uses so few candles and so many lumens to light up a room. Candles and incense with the imprint of purity seem to become ordinary decorative functional utensils instead of The main staple, the edges of the ceiling, which is beautifully painted with blue skies, orange clouds and figures, are softly lit with lines of daylight hidden within, as are the crystal chandeliers and floor lamps.

Numerous simple, elegant, tall sandy yellow and white marble columns surrounding the four walls support the exquisitely calculated vaults, and are decorated with just the right silver gray, black curtains and golden tassel ropes.

One wall is hung with star charts, maps, company flags, coats of arms, and honors, while a force-field niche protects some obscure decorations on the other wall, such as a faded oil painting of a long-haired man holding a crystal ball. A man, a feather floating in the air, or anatomical drawings of the human skull from various angles.

Behind the Chapter Master's office chair is a long window that occupies an entire wall, with a transparent semicircular dome and decorated with gorgeous patterns and lines forged from alloys. It's like the kind commonly used in Anglican churches, but theirs The Chapter Master did not use a statue of the Emperor or anything else as a decoration. He only inlaid it with transparent reinforced radiation-proof glass. From the office, he could directly see the pure black vacuum of space and the distance in the distance as if sprinkled in black fine sand. Tiny stars like granulated sugar - there is a reason for this confidence. Julius saw the light purple-green luster of the void shield reflected at certain angles on the outer edge of the window.

The Chapter Master rapped his knuckles on the wooden desk surface.

"You're distracted, Robert." Well, the Chapter Master also likes to call him by his middle name. Elder Khadomo has complained about this many times. Julius himself doesn't think this is a big problem. In fact, it sounds quite friendly.

"I'm sorry, my lord."

"It's best not to make similar mistakes again," he heard the Chapter Master say in a very kind tone. "According to monitoring, our psyker battery reserves have not been very sufficient recently. - Well, about Uriel Ventris and Pasanius Lesani, their identities have been confirmed by our contact with, um, the parent group. They were indeed affiliated with the Ultramarines chapter. Due to violation of the Asta Special Codex, and are thus sentenced to be banished from their home world and not allowed to return until they have fulfilled their death oath.”

The young man tried his best not to show his surprise on his face, and the Chapter Master continued, "Their death oath requires them to carry out their mission deep into the Eye of Terror, which is why we are here a hundred thousand miles away from their starting point. The reason why we met them thousands of miles away.——There is really nothing wrong with the general direction.”

"That's it, my lord, but they seem to have something strange about me. I'm not very sure, but I described the situation in detail in my report. And after Brother Emmenut and Master Honsou returned , we immediately handed them over to the masters."

"There is no problem with this kind of treatment. It is well done, Robert." The Chapter Master picked up the parchment written by the think tank apprentice with his fingertips. "So we have no right to decide whether they will stay or go. Everything depends on them." Your own determination and hope. Before that, you might be able to visit them often as a kind of training for yourself."

"Training, sir, please forgive my bluntness."

"Since we have been unable to select a suitable candidate in the drawing... selection among the monks of the whole regiment, you may have to consider studying and learn the work of the Chapter Chaplain, Robert."

The blond young man looked completely shocked.

"But! Sir! It's not my refusal without good intentions - this is inappropriate! How can I hold such an important position! The battles and glory experienced by every senior monk far exceed mine! I am so immature! My resume is completely unqualified! If I must do it, Master Emmenut is more suitable than me!"

"But your Master and you are the only two Librarians left of us now," his Chapter Master pointed out the brutal truth to him, "the rest of our Librarian brothers have sacrificed their lives to bring us back to this galaxy. Myself. Robert, our chapter relies on the will of Tarot's great prophecies to guide the way forward, and our group of prophets has been unable to function properly for a long time due to the lack of priests."

Julius couldn't help but think of Master Emmenute's sleepless days and nights.

His teacher lingered in the library for hundreds of hours, racking his brains, just to decipher a vague picture, a fragment of message, an apocalyptic vision from a distant dimension and incoherent babble. The pale face wandering in the middle of the night captured his attention. Cold breath...

His blue eyes were steely and his lips were as tight as a sculpture.


A new champion is determined in the arena of the Brass Fortress.

The brilliant pink and purple snake belly rolled up contentedly.

The garden is thriving.

There was a crisp sound and roar of crystal shattering somewhere.

The crystals of the Hollow Mountains sang a sad song of mourning.

"...Lami Zane, you let him call you that on purpose, right?"


The sun is very bright, so it’s a warm and lazy chapter [? 】

Kang! Leather Man's fur is glowing!

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