Chapter 28 WIN-WIN

Destiny Steel

temporary detention center

ventris room

As an ancient practice and in compliance with human physiological functions, the day and night rhythm of the battleship during space navigation is mainly determined by the lights that are automatically adjusted at regular intervals.

It is now morning, and the newly modulated lighting color in the ship's hull is a bright daylight color. The pharmacist master is already standing outside the door of a cabin, and the skull mask on his shoulder armor reflects a faint golden light.

The electronic eyes of the guarding Iron Ring soldier verified his identity.

The door moved aside and Honso stepped into the room.

"Good day, Brother Uriel Ventress."


The prayer of the first four captains of the Ultramarines had ended, but he was still kneeling there. When he heard the sound at the door, he stood up and turned around.

"Good day, Brother Honso."

What appeared in front of Ventress was a white-armored pharmacist with a tall figure and broad shoulders.

His head is shaved, and he wears a medical goggle over one eye. The iris of the other eye is a glacier blue, and the wrinkles caused by long-term thinking make him look reliable and intelligent.

His well-equipped medical mechanical backpack and arm assist device gave Ventris a subconscious assessment of the wealth of this Ultramarines subgroup that he had long heard of but had little contact with, and the Apothecary was not wearing a helmet. The old and new battle scars on his face also made the former fourth company commander stand in awe.

Obviously, these respectable brothers with silver skulls have experienced some unimaginable battles in the past hundreds or even thousands of years. He vaguely heard that they had just ended their expedition on the edge of the wilderness and were preparing to return to the empire to rest.

Undoubtedly, even though he and Pasanius had lost most of their honors, Ventress still felt happy to be able to spend some time on the Monastery of the Iron Destiny with the extraordinary warriors from the same genetic bloodline. The stress has eased a little, and I'm grateful for that.

The Iron Warrior raised his eyebrows and walked into the Ultramarines' room.

"I hope you're feeling well today, Brother."

"It is indeed very good, Brother Honso. Your monastery warship is in one of the best maintenance conditions I have ever seen. Even the smell and temperature of the air conditioner are very suitable."

"Of course, our battle group's technical preparation master is the best in the entire star field." When saying this, the pharmacist seemed to have a strange smile on his face, and he seemed very proud.

"It's time for your routine checkup today. Come here, take off your clothes, Ventris, and lie down."

The Ultramarine walked to the bed he had made as he was told, "Thank you, Brother Honso, thank you very much for letting Pasanius and I use the medical resources of the Chapter... Is it like this?"

"That's it, don't move now, I'm going to do some basic checks on you first. The trip you two had before was obviously not a pleasant one and was harmful to your health."

The pharmacist turned on his scanning equipment, recorded some data after a whole-body biochemical scan, and then began to use the medical probes on his fingers to touch corresponding points on Ventress's body.

"How does your spine feel now?"

"It's okay, I think it's fully back in working order."

"That's good news, and breathing as hard as you can, blowing into this, yeah, well, the third lung seems to be working pretty well too."

"Thank you for your superb medical technology, Master Hongsuo. I almost thought I might have to give it up." Ventris expressed his gratitude sincerely.

The Potion Master shook his head, "It's just a minor repair work."

As the physical examination progressed gradually, their previous atmosphere gradually became more relaxed.

"This huge wound on the abdomen has been recently healed. It looks like the claws of some kind of creature? Huh?" Honsou's fingertips moved on Ventress's abdominal muscles, and the flesh-colored abdominal muscles were covered by a large mass of white... New flesh was entrenched, and it looked like something terrifying and strangely powerful had torn out a large piece of flesh from the Ultramarine's body.

"Yes, it was on Extreme Thalassis," Ventris's face was shrouded in a faint shadow. "In that world, we had an encounter with the Tyranid swarm... and finally we eliminated it. This is what was left by the Norn Queen of that swarm at that time.”

"Many strong soldiers can fight against Tyranid creatures for a period of time, but there are really not many soldiers who survive after facing a Norn." The medical probe moved over and collected a few blood samples near the wound. , "...let me see the data, indeed, the previous, he did a good job, the residual Tyranid toxin in your body has been removed to a negligible level. - But you have such A commendable achievement——"

The pharmacist shook his head and did not continue to comment, but Ventris knew what the monk wanted to say. The power armor and weapons that had been stripped of all glory and meritorious decorations were not a secret worth keeping.

"I voluntarily accepted and swore a death oath to be exiled." The black-haired Astartes lay there and said calmly, "I also believe that we can finally complete it and return to our beautiful home world."

The potion master who was busy on him made a nasal noise, which sounded a little bit sarcastic. Uriel frowned, "Is there anything funny about this? Brother Honso."

"No, of course not, I didn't mean that. I mean, if your heart rate didn't change so obviously when you said this, I would think that your will is stronger than I thought, Ventris."

"……Feel sorry."

"It doesn't matter. If you're looking for someone to talk to, I'd be happy to help."

"...Thank you, Brother Honso." Ventress's voice didn't sound so sure.

"You're welcome. Now please tilt your head to the side. Yes, that's it. Since you have recovered from the Norn Queen's attack, I would like to collect some of your endocrine hormone fluid as a sample, if you don't mind."

"Of course, please... hiss... ah..."

"It's going to be a little exciting, don't worry, it'll be over soon."

The medical probe pierced so deeply that almost half of it was inserted into the hollow of his neck. Therefore, the black-haired commander of the fourth company could only maintain a lying position with his head sideways. The vibration of his vocal cords when he spoke was transmitted to the probe. A slight sensation aroused in Hong Suo's fingertips.

Ventress took a deep breath to prepare himself for what he was going to say next.

"First of all, I'm sorry for getting involved with Pasanius."

Honso tilted his head, his medical arm on Ventris' neck not moving at all. "Your friend doesn't seem to think so. But please go ahead."

"Ultramarines - the meaning given to them represents courage, truth and firm belief in the Emperor..." Honso remained silent, his glacier-colored eyes staring at the medical probe.

"Our Chapter is so stalwart and great that our warriors need to be bound together by adhering to the teachings of the Codex, which guide them to the rules, clarify the source of their courage, and allow them to look up to their superiors, from Gain more courage from mutual trust and connection...and I do not feel dishonored or regretful for my actions, I just accept that they should not be circulated as an inappropriate seed in private discussions..."

Ventress's voice gradually became blurry, and he whispered to himself.

"Well... indeed,... is the cornerstone of existence." The Potion Master's voice sounded more distant.

The graduated tube at the end of the medical probe is gradually filled with pink liquid.

"Okay, it's over. You may be a little sleepy next. A good sleep will help you relax."

Honso put away his equipment with great satisfaction, and even thoughtfully covered Ventress with the sheet.

The former fourth company commander murmured one last question before falling into a dark and sweet sleep.

"So...he is our father's living saint...right...?"

The door is closed.


My neck hurts so much. I don’t know if it’s the cold wind blowing. I’m writing to the limit, so that’s it (moves eyes)

So far, the boat on this boat is really full of double-headed eagles from a distance, but everything is visible up close (eye movement)

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