Warhammer: Start with a dog

Chapter 258 As expected of you, Lucius

The training room of the Destiny Steel - or the Iron Blood - could only be said to be quite satisfactory, meeting the needs of a Glory Queen class, rather than being famous for its gladiatorial pits like other sister ships - well, although the Fortitude and Resolve is now It is no longer called the Conqueror, but the gladiatorial pit on its bottom deck is still quite famous for its unique Nucerian fighting customs - until this time, the new owner of this place renovated it, and the training room and gladiatorial cage of the Iron Blood It has always been well received.

From those training combat servitors with a full range of realistic movements and structures, to simulation room venues that can simulate any known terrain in the territories conquered by the human empire so far for combat training, as well as weapons racks The complete range of weapons simulates the signal gun. Look at those shelves. From the unique weapons of the alien wizards to the treasures in the unknown stone secret arsenal, it is obvious that the owner of this place has strict control measures and judgments on the alien and heretical technology of the Mechanicus. The threat of court was not regarded as an issue worthy of consideration - of course, it cannot be ruled out that there is no such awareness at all.

Even in terms of power armor, various types of arsenal equipment can be simulated, from the ancient and heavy Saturn type to the three variants of Type Twelve recently developed by the Lord of Iron. You can even call a few like-minded monk brothers. Wear power armor that suits actual battlefield conditions and have a hearty battle without worrying about damaging your precious weapons and equipment.

It's no wonder that this place attracts so many off-duty Space Marines at all times, as well as their cousins ​​who come here for the first time - the latter often start to look like country bumpkins or three-day hungry wolves - depending on the individual. Personality and group culture - Generally speaking, within the first seventy-two hours after they come in, they will not eat or drink and spend all their time here enjoying the "infinite bullets, weapons, all types of unparalleled mode" or the "lonely injured, exhausted ammo and food extreme mode" ”——It still depends on each person’s personality and chapter culture——

As for why not to use a device that is often used in the training of some battle groups, that is, a memory reading and hypnosis simulation device - in other words, this thing is a "power armor built-in" of a dead Astartes "Lens usage record" is input into the mind of the device user, so that the user can quickly draw valuable experiences and memories from the deceased's legacy - well - although this is generally said to the outside world, guess why this Why does the so-called hypnotic simulation, which seems to be a very safe training, have high death and madness rates? If you continue asking, the Inquisitor will knock on your door. citizen.

In short, the training room of the Iron Blood has maintained an excellent record in terms of safety and practicality so far, although some people often shout a few times when they come out because they are too addicted to the confrontational role they play. Sort of, but not a big problem.

After all, when you pretend to be a member of an unnamed Sunset Yellow Legion, and occasionally get to play a cameo as a Blue Trooper in a non-realistic environment, well, no one will admit that it's really cool. But Perturabo is quite satisfied with the number of Chaos KPIs recorded here every day.

The gladiatorial cage that is separated from the training room by a wall is more in line with the usual traditions of Space Marine ships. Well, that is, a few, so there are not as many people here as there are in the training room, but many of them have high requirements for their close combat skills. The battle brothers prefer to choose here.

From the magnificent marble arena, to the traditional battle group octagonal cage, to the simple iron mesh cage in the underground black boxing ring, the styles of gladiator cages here are also available, but all are semi-open, that is, they can be used as the venue is changing. The user can adjust the surrounding force field according to the user's requirements. Although generally speaking, no one will use these additional functions. The question is that the wheel ring battle is the unchangeable tradition and essence of the gladiatorial cage, so watch and shout below. A large group of cheering battle brothers are also an indispensable part of this kind of ordinary... no, this kind of daily entertainment for space warriors.

Today, as many space warriors of all ages and a few mortals as possible were gathered in the gladiatorial cage hall.

Fighting in all other gladiatorial arenas had ceased, as word of the request to challenge one of the Primarch's feats spread across the ships of both Chapters.

In any case, Angron Petra suppressed the anger of his officers, and also gently comforted the somewhat frightened survivors of the Third Legion on Isstvaan III - they were After Master Yuma - Kadu'er mercilessly preached about the history and current situation of some selected Third Legion in the galaxy today, there are still relatively few people who can recover, even if they can recover their thinking. Rarely could he cheer up completely, and even Solomon Demeter looked somewhat sluggish.

Of course, there are two exceptions. One is Saul Tarvitz. He risked his life to warn the loyalists on the ground of Istvan III more or less because he had a bad feeling and guessed what would happen, so he was relatively It’s easier to accept; and the other one is the master of this feat in today’s gladiatorial cage, the former Captain of the Thirteenth Company of the Emperor’s Sons, Lucius.

Although Sol Tarvitz had tried his best to coax his excellent swordsman brother, the other party obviously didn't listen at all. On the contrary, he enthusiastically indoctrinated Tarvitz for an hour and four hours. The ten-minute speech about how powerful and perfect Lord Angron is is completely comparable to Fulgrim, so challenging him is the best way to pursue and reach his perfect and powerful state. A speech full of respect.

"Okay, you don't need to persuade him anymore," Solomon said to Tavitz, standing in the crowd, "Look, his fighting spirit is better aimed at His Highness Angron than any other person in our legion. The final outcome one would encounter would be far better than the one where Isstvaan is suddenly the leader of the World Eaters."

"Don't worry too much. Let's see the results." The ancient sage stood beside them. His electronic voice sounded a bit strange today, that is to say, it was a bit too like a living person, but his tone was very determined. "I think that should be kind of a good thing for him and for us."

"I hope so." Sol Tavitz looked thoughtfully at the gladiatorial cage that had a special protective force field fully opened for this battle. This gladiatorial cage was particularly strong, majestic, and vast. Its original purpose It should be used for competition between melee-type fearless ones.

"You have one last chance to regret before we begin. Lucius of the Emperor's Children."

The heavily armed original who walked to the center of the field made the breathing in the hall become lighter. He was surprisingly tall, and the handle of his ax was as long as a warrior and as thick as an ordinary person's calf, but under his But it seemed just right in his hand. In front of his glorious golden and silver figure, even wearing his full set of power armor, the swordsman of the Emperor's Children looked like a little boy compared to him.

Lucius did feel some kind of breathless shudder, but it was not from fear, but from excitement.

Standing on the tallest and largest gladiatorial cage in this hall, he could see all the people here at a glance, hundreds of outstanding warriors, elites, and senior veterans, from eight different legions - or now that Say, war group?

The swordsman trembled all over.

Continuous electric excitement surged from the deepest part of his soul, rushing through his spine. Two blushes appeared on his beautiful face, as if he was drunk. Everyone's eyes were fixed on him, even the other Primarchs who came to watch the battle.

Yes, that's it, that's what it feels like.

He raised his head and put his hand on the hilt of his sword.

"It is an honor to fight here with you, Your Highness."

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