Warhammer: Start with a dog

Chapter 259: Interlude Sklar’s ​​Wonderful Rabbit Hole Journey (or Terrifying Journey)

Chapter 259 Interlude: Sklar’s ​​Wonderful Rabbit Hole Journey (or Terrifying Journey)

This is impossible.

This is absolutely impossible.

This isn't right.

This is absolutely wrong.

But if this place is so sinister...

He must get to the primarch immediately! And a warning to other travelers! This ship...maybe more sinister than a space hulk! By the way, a warning!

Wuwei subconsciously wanted to use the communication port installed for him by the mysterious red-robed sage of the Iron-Blooded Sage to send inquiries to other comrades-this line was so convenient that he He had begun to get used to it - and immediately reacted - what if this thing was one of the sources of his strange hallucinations? ! Very suspicious!

Before excluding this device that did not originally belong to him, Sklar could not guarantee whether the messages he sent or the radio waves would contain something worse. There was a high probability that there would be problems because of his special identity. He has seen and heard too many examples of friendly forces losing their vigilance, resulting in all being infected...or the entire army being annihilated.

The spread of blasphemous evil and the pollution of chaos are like this, pervasive, shadowy, and unbelievable.

Now things are going bad. This external port device is currently firmly installed in a hidden position under the reactor exhaust pipe of the Dreadnought body. Well, if the human body is used to describe its location, it is probably a little below the shoulder blade.

The throne is up! Sklar even boasted at the time that the location chosen by the Sage was very clever and would not affect the original pipeline arrangement, shooting and actions at all...

But he is a Dreadnought. Even if he is a Contemptor and an Antique Contemptor, he cannot violate the laws of physics and reach out to scratch his own back - even an armored Space Marine with intact limbs cannot do this, right? ...! Eh?

Sklar felt that his whole body was cold, but the fear was suppressed by other more important things. He still carefully "touched" the strange touch on his "fingertips".

Then the second company commander's eyes widened, and he suddenly "waved" his tactile "hand" in front of his sensor helmet.

"Show me your true face! Bastard!!"

The Dreadnought-specific Chris Storm assault gun, which had a new barrel replaced and maintained, gave off a unique glimmer of red gun steel in front of his eyes.

Ultra-high rate of fire, six rotatable barrels, separate gun chamber, driven by an electric mechanism for circulation. Due to the extremely high rate of fire of hundreds of rounds per second, the temperature of the barrel when firing at high speed can exceed 300 degrees Celsius, so it is made of The whole body is made of an alloy of heat-dissipating ceramic steel and adamantine. It is extremely heavy. Coupled with the sophisticated servo system, the amount of ammunition that only the Dreadnought can carry, and its own recoil compensator and stabilization device, it becomes the Skator Captain. One of the favorite weapons after being buried in an iron coffin.

It accompanied him in his conquests for many years under the Emperor and the Primarch, bringing a reaping storm of death and destruction to countless worlds and countless lives.

That's right.

That's how it should be.

But he (expletive in Terran dialect) just "touched" the Kress heavy assault gun with the same "touch" as when he still had fingers!

what is this? !

He waved this beloved weapon vigorously. It was so familiar in every aspect and had not changed. It was still a cold, silent, metal masterpiece of ruthless killing and violence.

Skator snorted coldly, and then the sound of the diamond-tipped metal blaster specially designed for the assault gun being loaded sounded crisply in the room.

"In a void ship battle, nothing can withstand its rapid fire." The second company commander said to himself, "Come on, no matter who you are, I will crush your conspiracy!"

A long tongue of gun flames spit out violently forward from the muzzle of the assault gun, accompanied by a huge sound of firing and the crisp sound of projectiles being thrown.


[Well, Captain Walter just reported to me the damage in the newly completed Fearless VIP suite... I really don’t understand. Is Fearless old man really such a bad temper? Captain Skator is a veteran who rarely sleeps but is emotionally stable and holds an important officer position. I originally thought that he was in relatively good physical condition and emotionally stable, so I thought I would treat him well. ...]

[As an Astartes who was buried in the Dreadnought, his maintenance situation is already extremely good. Iron Heart must have some special secret skills in maintaining life and extending his life. His temper...can't really be considered a bad one. I think maybe he's just not used to your warm reception. 】

【ah? Who doesn't like a warm welcome after a long, terrible trip? I specially squeezed out the manpower to install the bathroom for him! Super comfortable big bathroom! With massage and bath functions! I also designed the sofa and fruit basket! The bed is also carefully made by me strictly according to the size and weight! 】

[...I feel like I understand a little bit about why there have been so many people in that chapel recently... It seems like we need to install some new monitors. 】

【Um? Is the chapel really a fake? I thought that although Robert Jr. was not there, Kevin Li was still very diligent in maintaining the facilities and daily worship work inside. 】

[…It’s just a fake. Don’t worry, I’ve nailed the biggest statue there tightly to make sure it won’t wander around. 】

[Isn’t going to church just to pay attention to being sincere and spiritual? Is it true that if you pin the statue... uh... like this, it won't cause any horror stories? Sounds a lot like some kind of...wait, who did you nail? 】

[…We are the Silver Skull Chapter, so what’s the point of having some Calvary-style decorations in a display hall. 】

[I don’t quite understand what you are saying, but it doesn’t sound good. Did you really not do any bad things behind my back, baby Perturabo? 】

[Of course, I swear to God, I never did anything bad. Rami Zane. 】

[Um...Okay. Don’t let me catch you doing bad things - Pepe. Having said that, we really don't need to send people to ask Captain Sklar if he needs help. Perhaps, let Magna take some time to go there in part? 】

[No, he is just strong-willed enough - I mean, he is just a little stubborn and not very accepting of the new things you offer him, but as long as he realizes that these facilities are so convenient and especially suitable for the elderly, then he will definitely Will be happy to try more soon. 】

【you are right! I feel that life on the Iron Blood has become more and more convenient recently, and I hope that our new guests can integrate here as soon as possible! Then I can... Jie Jie! Jie Jie! That's Sol Tarvitz! Ouch! Gavier Loken! Hahahaha……】

The black and white dog said nothing, but quietly glanced at the data fluctuations on a monitor screen that was always on.


Sklar is indeed a determined and tenacious warrior.

Under the influence of someone who has become more and more powerful and obvious recently, you can also realize the "sense of disobedience".

But it’s useless, it’s just a matter of time. Perturabo thought that here, the iron pieces scattered on the fate will be attracted and assimilated by the bigger and bigger magnets. The more coincidences there are, the more coincidences will happen, and he is like a pearl...

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