Warhammer: Start with a dog

Chapter 260 Butterfly and Phantom of the Past

Lucius stood on the side of the high platform of the gladiatorial cage, trying to move and test his armored limbs, wrists, shoulders, waist, and legs.

Even as proud as he is, he knows that fighting a Primarch without the assistance of his own power armor cybernetic muscles cannot be used to cover up his past rhetoric with the excuse of confidence and pride. This is a complete faux pas.

And he didn't want to be rude to His Highness Angron.

On the contrary, Lucius wanted to attract as much attention as possible to His Highness Angron, and if he could get this talkative Highness to relax so that he could often go to his Queen of Glory to accompany him, That would be even better. Well, those unfriendly cousins ​​on the Desert Ark, well, not a big problem! As long as His Highness Angron still looks at me.

His original damaged Mark IV power armor had been urgently repaired by the Ironblood Armory - after he found an Iron Ring Marine and loudly asked the other party to take him to repair his power armor - Thor Tavitz and the others were originally worried that this would cause some unnecessary trouble, but the Emperor's Children from Istvan III found that they were completely over-worried.

One of the two owners of this place is obviously very good at and accustomed to dealing with the unreasonable troubles of some beautiful little things. There is one owner-the half-body of Lord Perturabo of the Fourth Legion-at least someone is storming the truth. The indoctrination was told to them, "All you need to know is that, like the Twentieth Legion, the Fourth Legion - the Silver Skull Chapter - whatever it may be called, the Iron Warriors now have the honor of being commanded by two Primarchs whose names For the sake of His Highness Lamizane and His Highness Perturabo, you should maintain due respect and courtesy towards either of them - no matter what you accidentally see him look like! Remember!"

Of course, the Emperor's Children soon learned why the former Imperial Regent had added that last line of emphasis.

Two minutes after Lucius yelled his request to the hoop, everyone present saluted the two newcomers who were striding forward: a Contemptor Dreadnought with the name "Kaidomo" written on it, and its decoration The elegance is probably on par with that of the Ancient Sage of Rilano, except that the color is different, and the taller figure next to Fearless is a living demigod walking on the ground.

The Primarch's unparalleled grace was irrefutable, and when his ice-blue eyes stared over, Lucius felt a sharp icy thorn rising from his soul. Ruthless and inhumane was his first impression of this primarch.

After about fifteen minutes of conversation and the power armor and weapons that had been quickly repaired during this period, Lucius became very happy and thought that "this" Fourth Primarch was what he saw. The most amiable and well-spoken noble Highness who has ever lived - probably only a little less coquettish than the powerful Highness Angron and the perfect Highness Fulgrim.

"This" Fourth Primarch also had an indescribable and strange sense of inhumanity, as if the person Lucius was talking to could be anything, but not a human being.

Being honored to realize this made Lucius feel very happy, as if he had a strange and secret feeling of finding a companion, well, and the desserts brought to them by His Highness the Iron Warrior were also full of energy and extremely delicious. .

He subconsciously licked his lips. After finally escaping from Istvaan III, all of these gave him a great feeling, but none of them could compare to the power of Lord Angron pouring into his brain. feeling in.

It was so warm, so scorching, so undeniably pure and powerful. The power spread mercilessly like promethium flames to his limbs, his soul, his heart, his most secret desires, he had never The darkest corner of his conscious soul has brought the despicability, arrogance, vanity, and arrogance of this boy named Lucius to the extreme. He cannot stand any setbacks and criticisms, nor can he withstand the slightest temptation of human pretense. He was utterly helpless, he had nowhere to stay, and he was completely unable to...resist.

Ah, what a wonderful feeling. He was forced to refuse to face but had to face his own despicable and despicable emotions naked. He couldn't even close his eyes to deceive himself. It pressed his soul and looked at those feelings. The things that were tightly integrated with him, lived and died together, and were part of his essence were burned completely by the great power of gold and silver in the extreme pain that burned away the soul.

Lucius almost shuddered to the point of humming at the memory.

But as long as he glanced at the other side of the arena, all his attention was immediately grabbed by the existence of the 12th Primarch. In Lucius's eyes, the emotions, hopes and souls of everyone in the entire hall seemed to be Attracted by the majestic red-haired primarch, he was burned to glazed ashes in the fiery final flames.

Angron sighed softly and visibly. His face was filled with a deep tiredness, like a tired person who found that he had to be responsible for an adopted child and had to pay child support every month. year man.

Lucius drew his exquisite silk and gold sword for the last time and waved it in the air, the long blade buzzing with joy.

"Let's get this over with as quickly as possible."

When the last words of these words were still floating around the gladiatorial cage and the sound waves had not yet reached the outermost part of the audience, Angron launched an attack. It was obvious that the original body was not satisfied with Lucius's attack on him. All kinds of unreasonable offenses are not completely ignored.

For a giant with an astonishing physique like Angron Petra, his fighting speed was terrifying. When the ax struck the first blow, the pressure that even compressed the air made those who faced him feel Lucius could barely breathe.

It felt like facing a Sikaran battle tank running over with a double-speed dash.

No, it's impossible to block an attack with a sword, such overwhelming power! Totally unstoppable! My sword and the person will be chopped into pieces immediately!

The blood all over Lucius's body was boiling. He moved and dodged amidst the sound of the deadly ax breaking through the air with great joy, narrowly and narrowly dodging the high-speed slashes of the original body like a butterfly in a storm. His footwork is extremely exquisite, his movements are completely without thinking, and they are no longer related to the martial arts footwork edited in the Astartes genes. Those things are simply too late to resist the speed of a Primarch! And part of his brain now even looks at him in a distant way——

Under the spotlight, the swordsman rookie of the Emperor's Children was wearing power armor, but he felt shaky and fluttering. The purple and gold swayed on the gladiatorial stage, as if they had no weight at all.

However, Lucius had no place to hide. The gladiatorial cage was only of this size. Angron's arm and ax were astonishingly long, and his long sword was too long to make any counterattack.


He smiled at the Primarch.

But that doesn’t stop me from being close to you.

The helplessness on Angron's face was almost visible to the naked eye, and he swung his ax again, forcing the swordsman into a blind spot on the railing.

But Lucius was soft - it was almost impossible to be as soft as a snake wearing power armor. He leaned over, and the ax made a huge impact with the railing, and was embedded straight into the material made of adamantine alloy, like a knife. Like shackles, people found that Lucius's neck was just stuck at the intersection of the ax blade and the handle, and a stream of blood flowed down his neck.

But the Emperor's Son's feverish joy continued unabated, and he cried out with joy, using the distance finally shortened to thrust the long sword in his hand into the weakest part of the Primarch's armor.

The blade shattered.

Then Angron hit Lucius in the chest with a heavy punch that broke the barrier.

The purple-gold breastplate was dented visibly to the naked eye, and broken golden decorations were flying like rain.

Amid the exclamations of the audience, Lucius took two hard breaths through his chest with broken ribs and coughed up more blood.

smiled with satisfaction.


Addendum: According to unreliable sources, Lucius may have looked closer to this before boarding the ship (

Another comment: Da'an was really innocent. He just felt sorry and didn't have time to speak, so he caught an officer and forcibly brainwashed him without thinking much about it. But it may have something to do with the fact that the original material provider of the emotional personality template he used is named Kahn.

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