Warhammer: Start with a dog

Chapter 267: Random Talk of the Honor Guard (2-in-1 4K Chapter)

The few survivors from Isstvaan III have become some of the most tenacious loyalists among their legion, and the Honor Guard, composed of its elite, is even more prominent among them.

Although there are still many soldiers who do not trust the residents of the Fourth Legion's flagship as they expressed after the initial surprise and shock of the encounter - for example, one of the manifestations is that they are only willing to accept serious consequences for themselves in battle. Limited repair of damaged old armor, rather than directly replacing one's power armor with the new equipment provided by His Highness the Fourth Primarch's legion armory.

Although those brand-new power armors painted in silver and black look powerful, thick, and full of violent art, it is obvious that some people no longer use their original legion numbers, but after leaving Istvan After the special environment on the 3rd, the soldiers who survived and were taken care of did not have any big psychological obstacles to forming mutual aid or temporary combat organizations with the Broken Broken Ones who were also scarred both mentally and physically. For people to rejoin a cousin's war group, it would make many people feel very uncomfortable.

But until then, no one, least of all a warrior from an old Legion that still remembered the days of courage, enterprise, hope and good times, would refuse the honor of serving as a temporary guard for several Primarchs.

Especially in a universe they now inhabit that is quite unkind to the corrupted and unclean things their own Primarchs have become, many are still mentally strong but in desperate need of an emotional connection with them. There is no conflict with the affirmation of the Sons of God to re-anchor their sense of belonging.

And this is exactly the behavior affirmed and encouraged by the owner of the Destiny Steel.

Therefore, after a candidate recognized by both parties - a certain former Imperial Regent, as the public organizer and selector, six members were selected from the survivors, and joined the two selected by the Primarchs from their own ranks. , this small eight-man honor guard began to officially operate, and those members who joined it were immediately regarded by their comrades as some kind of symbol and spokesperson for their acceptance here.

Regardless of the original intention of those who initiated the formation of the Guard, or the thoughts of the supporters, an undercurrent formed by betrayal, uneasiness, tens of thousands of years, changes in things, whispers, and mutual vigilance gradually dissipated under the calm water. go.

As a result, six Space Marines from the former Emperor's Children, War Dogs, Death Guards and Luna Wolves were given a new set of Terminator Power Armor, which has a relatively light weight and excellent protection. The paint is still silver and black, with red and gold ribbons, medals and knots as embellishments. There are also new guard weapons, which are said to be an additional gift from His Highness Lamizane of the Fourth Legion, one for each person. A long-bladed power-firing composite weapon.

Of course, although completely different in appearance, the weapon's composite design is easily reminiscent of some other legions, and on this point, its users have maintained a suspiciously unanimous reticence.

The daily duty team usually consists of six people, five of whom are on duty, and two of whom take turns to rest. There is also a guard who is always on duty, who is the original squire of the Iron Warriors. The Terminator in the iron cavalry style constantly performed various counter-intuitive behaviors for them, and with his home qualifications here, the other seven people unanimously and tacitly maintained appropriate politeness and respect for him.

Of course, as members of the Honor Guard, they can always hear or see fragments of words or impressive scenes at moments they don't want to hear. However, no one would express the slightest doubt or surprise about anything while on duty or in front of any His Highness. This is undoubtedly neither prudent nor smart.

But when the respectable warriors returned to their rooms after duty, it was difficult for them, who were still adapting to the daily life here, not to have some discussions or even arguments about this.

"I still have a very unreal feeling." The person speaking was none other than Saul Tarvitz. He was the first officer selected to join the Honor Guard. Of course, others certainly had no objection to this-it was once possible The person who objected is still lying unconscious in the infirmary of the Destiny Steel, being "carefully" cared for by His Highness Angron's loyal pharmacist brother.

This is the suite that Sol Tarvitz was assigned after taking office. It consists of a bedroom, a small room used by him for reading, writing and thinking, and a living room. In addition, there is a complete set of The kitchen and the bathroom facilities that were considered luxurious during interstellar voyages are not to say how gorgeous the decoration is. No matter how gorgeous it is, it can't be compared to the exquisite rooms where every floor tile is a work of art that the Emperor's Children have seen. It is its now unlimited supply of fresh water and hot water that is a great luxury when sailing in the void.

Five space warriors from four different legions thousands of years ago are now gathered here, standing or sitting. Only Koragg, who originally belonged to the twelfth legion, is not here. The "Miracle Singer" returns to the place assigned to them. The resident went to look after his other brothers.

Gavir Loken took a sip from the drink in his hand and raised an eyebrow at the rare and exquisite flavor components it contained. "What's not true? Tavitz."

"If I must say it..." the commander in question smiled bitterly, "everything is unreal. You know what I mean, Loken, after experiencing those few months on Istvan III, Everything about where we are now is… great.”

"I don't think so." Solomon Demeter was sullen on the sidelines, holding a book of narratives with a library label in his hand, although he didn't seem to be paying attention to the words.

The fatal injuries suffered by the Second Company Commander on Istvaan III have been completely healed with the help of the excellent medical bay of the Destiny Steel and the pharmacists of the Heart of Steel. "Although I have fully acknowledged that they made Despite those shameful betrayals, I still can’t fully accept...the noble and proud Phoenicians and our brothers would end up like that...even though they are betrayers, they shouldn’t, shouldn’t...!”

He struggled for a moment, with a hint of sadness in his dark eyes, but did not continue. After all, the explanatory materials Macado showed them not only contained text, but also more pictures and holographic records. Those lifelike things could be said to have deeply damaged the eyes and brains of all survivors.

"I think it's better than the disgusting appearance of the people I once served and honored." Caleb Moro said slowly, the seriously injured person on their behalf. The former Death Guard sergeant who came to answer the call was unexpectedly the first warrior of all to agree to officially join the Silver Skulls.

According to himself and his comrades, the moment he learned of the betrayal of Mortarion and the Fourteenth Legion, he crossed out his legion's insignia and carved the Imperial Sky on his breastplate. The Warrior of the Eagle "felt the shining of the Emperor's great glory the first second he stepped out of the Hall of Omens for the first time. It had never been so strong, and it had never been so clear." His extreme loyalty to the Emperor made him believe it immediately. Everything the owner here said.

Caleb can now be said to be brand new from top to bottom, inside and out. Even his indifference to appearance has obviously been changed very well by the armory and mechanical servants of the Destiny Steel. The only thing that can be seen from his gray complexion is that There are still traces of his former legion in his tactics, habits and slow way of speaking.

"I just can't believe how they can still move and fight normally after becoming like that, and how they don't feel disgusted by themselves like this."

"I also had the same question, so I went to the chapel to ask Brother Rev. Li Kaiwen about this issue."

"What do you say, brother priest? By the way, I am still concerned about the popularity and recognition of the 'Imperial State Religion', a worship-based religion that has been banned in this era, and how their teachings of respecting the emperor as a god will have an impact on us thousands of years later. I am deeply shocked that the great empire had such a profound impact.”

"Brothers Likelvin explained that those Plague Marines had a situation similar to being confused by the Chaos Lord they worshiped. Therefore, in their own eyes, they may be healthy, strong and beautiful, not what we see. A rotten and rotten state full of infected pustules - huh?" Tarik Torgadun, who answered his question, seemed to pause for a moment, but his eyes quickly focused again, "Indeed, when I heard After the meanings represented by the icons in the entire chapel were mentioned to me by Pastor Li Kaiwen and some things that they now consider to be common sense, in order not to look like someone who accidentally offended the sacred realm of others. Duty fool, it took all my strength to suppress the look of surprise on my face.”

“Especially considering who invented and promoted the position of brother priest among us after the Nicaean Conference, and why the inventor was punished, this has to make me feel more deeply about the impermanence of the world. ."

"Perhaps as the remaining ghosts of the empire's past glory, we have been told too much than most people." Sol Tavitz's purple eyes flashed with worry, "In fact, we are still out of place here, even though I I am very grateful to feel the efforts of Lamizane and Angron on our behalf."

"Is it too much?" Loken drank the remaining wine in his glass in one gulp. "I think it may not be enough. You just think too much. Paladins, you should go talk to your ancient sages when you have time. Well, I think Master Rilanor's ancient wisdom still shines brightly now, ten thousand years later. If you, like me, had to take over for Aharin for a while while on duty, you wouldn't have this sadness. idea.”

Togaton on the side said curiously, "Aharin's job? Wait, his job responsibilities require..."

"The damn Terminator is there, as light as a palace maid, as efficient and precise as a meditator, serving the adults' efficient offices, right?" the crescent moon in the moon wolf replied, and at the same time began to pour more liquid into his cup. The wine in the refrigerator in the room, "I thought it was Aharin's unique skill, until I stood in his position."

"What do you mean?" Solomon shouted in surprise, "You mean you can do it too? But we all know each other well. Under normal circumstances, no matter how advanced the Terminator power armor is, it is impossible to do it due to problems with its design concept. That’s it.”

"It's true that it can't be done under normal circumstances, but it's a wonderful feeling, Demeter." Loken took another sip of the fragrant wine, and then he stared at the golden color swaying in the cup. "When I first handed over to him, everything was normal. Although I was confident in my own abilities, I was not sure whether I could achieve the same level as him. Later, His Highness Angron called me to sort out the arrangements for him. I was also quite nervous when moving some documents because I had no idea of ​​His Highness’s office habits and was not informed of the contents of these documents.”

Everyone listened quietly to Yue Lang's account.

"So it started out exactly as I thought it would. My job wasn't going well, I had to apologize a lot, I felt like a kid who had just passed draft, and the desk was like nothing I'd ever seen. The position, quill and parchment are the most difficult weapons I have ever seen to operate, but His Highness Angron slowed down his work speed slightly and told me to adapt as soon as possible."

"Lord Perturabo has been sarcastic, but it cannot be denied that even so, his work efficiency seems to be the highest among the four His Highnesses——"

"Wait a minute, Loken." Tavitz keenly captured a certain quantifier in his words, "When you say four, do you mean you confirmed it?"

"Yes, it was during this experience that I confirmed that there is a more than 90% chance that the person is Rogal Dorn, the Primarch of the Seventh Legion and the seventh of the great Emperors. Noble heir." Loken's facial muscles twitched again, "But when I think about whose flagship we are now, this thing is so weird that it makes my stomach twist together."

"Well, it seems that we are hesitating whether to agree to be recruited. The gold content of this 'Silver Skull' Chapter continues to rise. Sorry to interrupt you, please continue."

"The change started from what Lord Lamizane said to me."

"What did he say to you? What happened to you?"

Crescent Wolf began to look a little dazed.

"He said to me: Don't worry, Gavir, it's actually very fast to get started with these things, and I believe that even if you are a temporary help, you can do as good a job as Aharin in this position. After all, you are Gavir Loken. "

Solomon frowned, "This sounds like normal encouragement."

The Moon Wolf warrior glanced toward his comrade, and then the Emperor's Son realized he was approaching - but so quickly that before the swordsman's speed could react, the Crescent Wolf's fingers were barely out of his grasp. He quietly took away the narrative book and took it into his own hands.


Captain Loken shrugged, "As you can see, as long as some specific work content is involved here, I can become as light as a swallow."


It's really amazing, but...

Isn’t it possible that no one has noticed the most wrong thing happening to you right now?

At this moment, Nikon Sharokin silently watched these ghosts of his contemporaries in the shadows.

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