Warhammer: Start with a dog

Chapter 268 He is a dog

In the suite belonging to the Emperor's Children, the conversation between the ghosts of the past continued, but Nikony Sharokin no longer wanted to listen.

——These confusingly blind and confident warriors from several identified traitor legions are completely unaware that there is something wrong with themselves.

Before talking about the corrupted Twelfth Legion and evaluating the abnormal-looking Iron Warrior, did they notice that they were wearing a full set of Terminator power armor, but they were sitting on the sofa in the room with incredible softness and relaxation? Go on or lean on the indoor mini bar and sip a drink that even an ordinary Astartes won't get drunk on?

The last time Sharokin saw a warrior wearing similar armor could soften and relax himself to this extent in a place with a height difference, it was when this unfortunate man became like a flesh due to the comminuted fractures of the limbs in the armor. When composed of pockets with viscera.

And it was very obvious that the son of Horus named Gavir Loken finally fell into drunkenness. The smell of chemical pheromones on this member of the 16th Legion and the unmistakable texture of his face suggest that he was intoxicated by these delicious fermented grape juices - Sharokin admits that he lingers in some shadows He carefully inspected them at the time, and they smelled good. There was a little taste of sugar, fruit, alcohol and other flavoring substances, but that was it. Based on naked eye observation, he did not dare to risk the chaos pollution caused by further tasting. .

There was no way any Space Marine who had undergone surgery would get drunk on those expensive but not very strong Quartis wines, not to mention that this guy had only had a few glasses.

After many observations and reflections, Sharokin speculated that it might be because Gavel Loken needed the concept that "it is normal to ignore or forget something when he is drunk", so he successfully "drunk" here. "Yes.

——So what is the difference between you, who have actually begun to serve your new master, and those Plague Guards and Fallen Legions...? Perhaps he hasn't etched the mark onto his shoulder armor yet?

The Raven Guard was thinking as he quietly moved himself in the shadows. Although he was not wearing armor - he tried to touch the armory here to have a look, and then his natural acumen and intuition saved him - Automatic Guard The sensitivity and intensity of the firepower were not suitable for any further attempts.

Although in any place controlled by any traitor legion, Sharokin is confident that he can get some useful equipment from the poor environment and management of the rebels and Chaos, and then turn the situation to his advantage, but in this place Obviously not.

On this flagship, first of all, it is too tidy. The managers here seem to have a kind of obsessive-compulsive disorder of neatness and control. They must make everything clean, horizontally and vertically, and all irregular things are stored. Hanging it up, there is no dead space on the ground and top at all. It lacks the accumulation of equipment that is common on imperial ships and is more common in chaotic environments. With a lot of extra accumulation, this initially caused him a lot of trouble in moving. Fortunately, It improved a lot after he discovered that they had even wrapped the top pipe lines with facades - he could easily drill through the gaps between the pipes above their heads - but the armory was still inaccessible, as long as he got close That's where the instinct that had saved him so many times would loudly warn him.

Secondly, there are very few living people on this ship compared to the size of the ship itself. Although it is good for setting up an ambush to capture the lone person, on the other hand, the iron ring soldiers deployed at the entrance of this place - there are so many Sharokin wondered whether those traitors to the Mechanicus had mastered a method to mass-produce them on a large scale and at low cost.

And for some reason, these mechs have a function that can scan faces wearing helmets for identity verification. This first makes the risk of the plan of "seizing a set of power armor to blend into the field team and leave this place" suddenly become unbearable. , so now except for his hair (who can tell him why his hair has become so long and keeps cutting?), the only thing that can cover his body is some ordinary fabrics from the room where he first woke up .

Later, Sharokin had no clue as to how he arrived here and who awakened him. It was this strange beginning that made him act extremely cautiously in the first period of time. He still needed some time to slowly and carefully And recollect more details about himself, about the Legion, about his comrades and their great battles and sacrifices - just think of the constant conflict between life and death that he experienced during the Sisyphus and the escape from Luna. When the dead bid farewell, rare sadness will come to his heart. He will not regret their deaths, but he will make their deaths more valuable rather than meaningless - they are all to protect him Escape from Luna with the sample.

Sha Luojin remembers very clearly the stack of original blood, the most important thing, and the name of his last sleeping place that he saw before he fell into a serious injury and fell asleep because of his suspended animation (su-san) meninges. Sangprimus Portum.

But he woke up now, and there was no doubt that he was no longer in the solar system, nor was he in the abandoned space port.

He was on a Chaos Glory Queen soaring through the stars, empty-handed and naked, rising from the floor of what looked like a high-ranking officer's private chamber.

Why is he there? What happened before? He didn't want to think about the things behind it and the details, because it would not be of any benefit to the moment. Everything could wait until he left here and went to a safe place.

Sharokin still remembers that his first impression when he woke up was that the room seemed to have been hit by some invisible storm. Damaged equipment and furniture were everywhere, and the room was in a mess, and the original occupants of the room had disappeared. What made him immediately decide to hide himself was what he saw at second sight: the emblem of the Betrayer, the Third Legion, and the Emperor's Children hung majestically above the room's decorative fireplace.

Ominous mechanical footsteps sounded outside the door.

Before he could react, Nikon Sharokin found that he had naturally melted into the shadows.

For a long time after escaping from the room, he was in a state between sleeping and waking. Due to the lack of help from the power armor monitoring and life support system, he could not well judge the cause of his current situation. Caused by this, he can only regain some energy for action through pure sleep in the shadow. Although the shadow nourishes him to a certain extent, it is not enough for the large amount of energy required by a Space Marine without the help of power armor. , which turned his already thin muscles into a thin layer, and the skin was so pale that it was almost transparent and stretched tightly on his broad bones that had been genetically modified.

But the more time he spent observing the people and activities, the less he dared to try any of the manufactured foods, even though they looked really, really, tempting.

And the Sons of Chaos here seem to be accustomed to holding a grand sacrificial ceremony to some evil god before eating, and then starting to enjoy their food.

He would only accidentally and at least get some "food" to eat that he could see how it grows all the time. For the necessary fresh water, he would go to the lower deck to try to find some. Everything here is too weird, and every time When he thinks that weird things have reached a limit, weird new events will happen that break his imagination and reshape his cognition.

The first and weirdest thing that made him think that he might have fallen into a place ruled by a demon king that might not be in the real universe was: the betrayer's accomplice, one of Terra's rebel leaders , the Primarch of the Iron Warriors, the Fourth Primarch, Perturabo, is now a furry, black and white dog that can talk and think.

Compared with this, it was not so difficult to accept the Seventh Primarch who became the servitor slave of the Chaos Iron King and the well-educated King of Nuceria who reminded him of a kind version of the Warmaster.

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