Warhammer: Start with a dog

Chapter 288 Gene seeds taste so delicious!

Following the Night Lord's orders, members of the First Claw rushed headfirst into the third ridge of the ship on the route to the navigator's room, not far from where another torpedo destructively penetrated the hull. Far away, and a rendezvous point of the opponent's jump gang team was told that they were here.

There, they found a fierce battle point. The nearly full-energy Thunder Hammer and the brilliant Golden Eagle Jumping Shield that they had just captured from the Origin Chapter champion looked out of place in the entire shabby environment. Successfully, the just-appeared Char immediately attracted the attention, firepower, and roars of hatred from the many invaders who were surrounding and annihilating the Fourth and Sixth Claws.

The highly offensive content in the newcomer's taunting laughter, and the contrast between the midnight black and blue armor full of spikes, skulls and human skin scrolls he wore and these two brilliant pieces of equipment made the rest of the audience even more confused. The Imperial Space Marines also began to lose their minds, which greatly reduced the pressure of attacks on other Night Lords.

"Ha! Those little cubs of yours screamed so loudly when I cut off their heads! I guess you will scream as loudly as them!"

Charr's taunting shouts echoed through the dark passages of the Echo of the Damned through the loudspeaker grid of his batwing helmet.

"That champion of yours, what's his name? Ptolemyon, right? You didn't see when we dragged him out, his boring little face looked at me crying and begging for mercy. When you look back, you will I saw him in our black market, torn apart! His genetic seeds taste so delicious!"

No fewer than twenty bolters were fired, accompanied by furious shouts of "How dare you desecrate the honor of the dead!" "Although dead, alive!" "We are the sons of Guilliman!" and "Death to heretics!" He opened fire with all his strength at the tall Night Lord who swaggered into the middle of the two men. However, it was obvious that the machine soul of the Golden Wing Shield was not very concerned about who it was protecting at the moment, because both sides clearly saw that as the attack pressure increased, the machine soul The soul buzzed rapidly, and a layer of light blue stance shield emerged on the surface of the golden wing shield.

Ciel laughed heartily for the first time in a long time, and at the same time pushed the power switch of the thunder hammer upwards with his thumb.

"Rejoice, you bunch of lackeys of the false emperor can be taught a lesson by me! I will feed you to the birds of prey one by one!"


Lamizane stepped over the limp body of the last unconscious Origin Chapter warrior and pinched the communication rosary he had just obtained temporarily - the last fragments of the Eighth Legion could only be hurriedly recovered from mortal slaves. Pull one off from the ear - let First Claw lead the others here to clean it up.

The wounds on his knuckles bleeding black blood have been automatically stopped by the coagulation factors in the blood, forming a layer of scabs. The itching underneath them means that the new flesh is rapidly reweaving and covering the bones, although this body is indeed It was an extraordinary genetically engineered creation, but the ability to KO eight famous Astartes with bare hands in a row was a bit too much.

(*If you cut off their heads, bleed them and skin them, He will give you more.)

"Forget it about this kind of gift."

The main problem was that he had to stun the Origin Chapters Astartes before they could react rather than kill them, which was indeed more labor-intensive.

Fortunately, the power of shadow stealth really helped a lot on this ship with almost no lights. Even though the reluctance and emotions were as sour as eating a hundred sour grapes, a certain original body could only groan and say what if Should I kill them or give a weak excuse like I must be more efficient?

(*I really miss my lightning claws at the moment, but my brother took them.)

"What I need is to stun, not to kill, okay? As for the lightning claws... I think it's better to drain enough hot water, take a shower, wash your hair, and find some serious clothes, pants and shoes, right? Where's your cloak?"

(*Bringing death to others is my specialty, and it is too easy. - My cloak was taken away by the daughter of Callidus, along with other things.)

"Oh, then we probably won't find it... Hmm... Hmm... Where should we go next? Let me think about it, alas, there isn't even a pen and paper to write down things in this place."

(*What’s so hard about this? There’s skin and blood everywhere and tens of thousands of heartbeats here.)

“…paper and pen means ‘paper’ and ‘quill-pen’, thank you, not human artifacts.”

(*Considering that my father's empire also used many human artifacts, insisting on your hypocrisy in such detail just makes me sick.)

"This is not the same thing. When people don't even maintain their own common sense territory, then no matter how good the fertile soil and seeds are, they will still grow some beautiful flowers and fruits for you without any care. Unmanaged fertile soil will only grow more poisonous weeds and thorns that eat up all the nutrients than ordinary fields, and spread around.”

(*Since the results are all equally disappointing in the end, why bother and make yourself and everyone else do useless work? Using the simplest method and the fastest solution is the most efficient, pleasant and kindest. Death with fear).

"...You have such a useful and powerful ability, and you actually came up with such a solution in the end. I can't say that your thinking is brilliant, I can only say that you are born with a strange talent. Even my dog ​​has a clearer thinking circuit than you."

(*A collection of Nostramo swear words and death threats)

The sourness of grievance and the bitterness of incomprehensible anger were conveyed at the same time, as well as the bitterness of despair that was about to pull the world into the abyss. The final reward turned out to be...?

"Okay, okay, to be honest, considering other factors, I shouldn't be so harsh on you now. Let me tell you, everyone makes mistakes, not just you, but you can't escape being responsible for it either. Responsibility. - But what were you talking about 'pleasant'? You said the word 'pleasant', right?"

(*...(Muttering vaguely about missing his first company commander and other heirs))

"I began to wonder how you understood your essence, so much so that you weaved a reflection throne for yourself and your descendants that floated on the water of hallucinogenic poison. - Although it was indeed expected that the Green Fatty won in the end. It’s reasonable.”

(*My essence?...Wait, what are you talking about...?) An angry but more surprised emotion was passed to Lami Zane along the connection between the two.

"We'll talk about this later." The huge hull structure of the Cursed Echo wailed from afar. "The two gang-hopping teams that came in first should have already fallen down. Fortunately, they only have one Terminator, so we have to find this one quickly. Mechanical Bishop on the ship, otherwise..."

(*(Very low self-talk) Perturabo, what kind of existence have you brought to us.)

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