Warhammer: Start with a dog

Chapter 289: Scream, you shout

When Dietrian's metal shoulder covered in a rust-red robe was tapped, the Mechanical Bishop was in the hall where the Void Generator Unit of the Cursed Echo was located, concentrating on checking the damage to the Void Shield power supply.

"Damage data being analyzed," he shouted. "Analyzing - no interference - warning, interference detected. Warning. Warning. Level Alpha+. Extreme hazard distance."

Although the warning was triggered immediately. However, the huge amount of analytical information flowing through the several processing centers of this mechanical priest, who may have only a small part of his body retaining biomass, allowed him to maintain a stiff movement for a few seconds before he was able to shift his consciousness from this. The ship's vast, traumatized, bleeding depths of data's stream of consciousness are separated and re-projected into the reality around them.

"What's going on?!" Dietrian said loudly, and at the same time he was angry that the fifty-one heavy-armed servitor guards and a smaller number of armed drones he carried did not do anything when someone approached him. The blocking and guarding role - on this void ship that suffered a sudden attack forty minutes ago, and whose void shield was disabled for three minutes and nine seconds, it is tantamount to putting its own memory unit storage crystal on it. on Ursus' tongue and then told him not to bite it into pieces.

In the short period of time before he turned around and focused the green multiple lenses on the target, so many almost human emotions had flowed through the mechanical bishop's thinking circuit that Dietrian almost thought that those being His servitors, who had meticulously and religiously lobotomized their brains, replaced their bionic parts, and turned their limbs into powerful weapons, were feeding into his control chips what they could not possibly interpret as fear and fear. The emotion of awe.

These originally human physical bodies have become perfect mechanical products that he carefully crafted and cared for, the hard work of his experience and wisdom, but they do not produce emotions and are absolutely inhuman.

In addition, there is also a line of code from the Mechanic Priest flowing in the parallel circuit that is very close to the one described by Chao: He has detected a problem with the void shield, which is the line damage caused by the attack on the outer hull, but the servitors originally placed nearby cannot repair it independently. For serious damage, he must go there in person, bringing his technical assistants and escorts - he must also apply to Lord Talos for a group of Astartes as escorts to ensure that the repair work can proceed normally.

While thinking in multiple threads at the same time, the mechanical bishop's multiple emerald eyepieces reflected a creature that could never appear like this at this moment, in this place.

Several circuit nodes on the thinking chip embedded in the biological brain of Dietrian's Mechanical Bishop briefly exploded with small mini sparks.

Damn it, he thought. I'm short circuited.

"Ah." Someone made an annoyed voice. "How could this happen? I just patted him."

The last message received by Dietrian's sound receiver before it restarted was the sound of bolter bullets violently shattering the latch of the hall door.


"Thankfully Bishop Dietrian just shut down."

Crouching in the shadow of the pipe on the ceiling, using the darkness in the room and Dietrian's densely packed armed servitors to attract attention, this exquisite but unwatched dance like a silent pas de deux ended in about forty seconds. During the battle, Lamizane, one by one, began to stack up this group of Origin Chapter Astartes, who were obviously coming to destroy the main power generation unit, and stuffed them into the equipment and tool room nearby and locked them.

(*Just leave them where they are, why push them in? - But the human wall you built is very beautiful, I like it very much, it reminds me of the sons of Leon who stayed in my castle in the past.)

"Because," Lamizane raised his finger and pointed at the heavy-armed servitors and drones in the hall, who were wearing baggy faces and staring blankly at the pale giant who suddenly broke in. "Did you just see that? Originally, they would complete the annihilation of these Astartes at a five to one exchange ratio. And I don't want anything to go wrong before I finish talking to Dietrian."

(*Of course I saw it, there’s nothing wrong with it. The fate of these intruders should be like this, a silent and meaningless death count. In addition, I really like the soft and thick carpet composed of flesh and blood and scarlet ceramic steel. I want it. that.)

"turn down."

(*Why! How vivid! How beautiful! The bronze accents turn it into a work of art!)

"Your hygiene... you really should be taught some serious lessons. The future in the galaxy is not the only thing you see. There is much more beyond that than the future itself. Learn, keep learning and Thinking will allow you to acquire powerful weapons and defenses to arm your mind, instead of being passively accepted by your guys who can do nothing but pamper me and them to become more wanton and bizarre. But it’s different, you little piggy, you can’t control me, and you can’t threaten me, so I won’t tolerate any stinky little pig that has a bad temper and lacks discipline!”

(*Who allows you to use such words to describe the midnight ghost of Nostramo! I am punishment! I am judgment! I am the embodiment of sinners’ midnight fear! I don’t need to study! I can see everything! Including that A throne made of lies and an empire of rotten corpses! Why are you unwilling to accept what you see with all your heart?)

"Haha. You scream, you scream. The louder you scream, the angrier you become, which means that you are more helpless at this time. You even start to know how to use long sentences, compound sentences and strategic expressions when you speak. Why, suddenly you think of yourself Can you actually learn to have normal conversations with people?"

(*...you...you are completely biased! You are not a fair person at all! You are a hopelessly bad double standard! You obviously didn't act like this when facing Perturabo!)

A rather pleasant smile appeared on the face of the person who heard this.

"Yes. I am partial to Perturabo. I am not a just sage, never have been. Why, did you ever expect me to be a perfect, just, flawless moral incarnation. You have treated a human being Have you ever had such precious and noble expectations?”

(*...! (Some kind of sudden choking emotion and silence))

Lamizane walked towards the Mechanical Bishop who started to restart.

"This is a very vivid lesson. Remember: because we are human beings, we are prone to partiality. Partiality is not terrible, nor is it a moral flaw. What is terrible is that we do not know that we are partial but think that we are impartial."

The bishop's optical focusing lens began to click, and the first exclamation came from the mechanical loudspeaker.

"Glory to the Om Messiah! Lord of the Night! It is truly you!"

The pale giant stopped in his tracks.

"I'm glad you recognized me, Bishop. But first."

Then his eyes turned to the almost perfect mechanical body of Dietrian, who was nearly ten feet tall.

A chill that made Dietrich's sensor probes stand on end ran through him so hard.


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