Warhammer: Start with a dog

Chapter 379 One-day Champion

"Do you want to continue?" The female lord even asked patiently, as if she was giving charity to a poor stray animal on the roadside, "The eighth game is finally over. Don't you fight for yourself?"

Lucius shook his head.

He no longer had any doubts about his own nature at this moment.

He already understands.

There is no doubt that on that day, on the day when the greatest betrayal and the betrayal that never happened happened.

He was recast.

Like a sword that was sharp and gorgeous but had never been completely tempered, it was infused, melted, and recast by the flaming power of the twelfth Primarch. The confusion and confusion in his chest so far had been resolved in continuous battles. Through.

It feels so perfect to fight for the destiny of others, to fight for the highest perfection.

Although he is in tatters, he has achieved perfect balance.

He is both the son of the Third Legion and a fighter of the Twelfth Legion.

Between the two, yin and yang, the cold moon and the scorching sun are perfectly integrated. In the eternal life of the sun and moon, Lucius gradually understood what he had become now, what a different warrior he was.

He was Fulgrim's son and would be Angron's most loyal heir.

He had attained a perfection which none of his foolish companions had ever attained.

If you live to protect, you will fight to protect.


Lucius was unusually out of breath.

A drop of sweat dripped down the ends of his silver hair, and was quickly absorbed by the white sand dyed red.

He was half-kneeling on the ground, holding the broken sword. The wounds all over his body bore traces of various attacks—cutting, chopping, tearing, biting, beating, puncturing, and corroding—some of which had been damaged by his Larry. The repair cells secreted by Man's organs were covered, and some also stopped the bleeding, but some were dripping red liquid and light yellow due to the highly poisonous weapons or the corrosive venom spewed by spiders and other animals. tissue fluid.

Undoubtedly, although he eventually won all eight battles, the aftereffects of the simultaneous attacks on his physical body in reality and his soul in the highest heaven during the process began to weigh on Lucius's agile limbs. He became as heavy as a lead mass, and his reactions became slower than ever.

But amidst the mess, the face of the Thirteenth Company Commander was still as flawless as a white water lily, and even the scars left in the past were taken away by the power of the Lord of Nuceria, as if those scars were originally there. It was to open the first crack in the fragile and beautiful porcelain glaze, and the red-haired king accidentally melted them all again and repaired them as if they were perfect.

The Astartes, who had a famous appearance even among the descendants of the Phoenix, raised his head and looked at the female lord, and smiled. The smile, as always, perfectly combined the innocent look, the handsome statue and the cruel warrior.

"So," blood mixed with foamy saliva seeped out from his broken mouth and gums, staining his straight white teeth pink, "then, my lady, have I won the reward I was promised? "

The Lord of Gurda glared at him condescendingly, her jawline tightening to show her master's offended displeasure, and for a moment she looked as if she wanted to order him to be dragged out and torn into strips of flesh. and bone fragments, hung on meat hooks to feed to her beloved jeweled carnivorous beetles.

But she did not do so in the end, her cold gray eyes obscured by the contemptuous sneer that rose on her thin lips.

Colonel Elspeth Gorda, the Lord Lady, smiled towards Lucius, her Festival Arena Champion. Her smile could almost be described as gentle and beautiful, but everyone who was familiar with her saw the back of this smile. A chill began to pass through all of Xanadu.

"Oh, yes, isn't it? My beautiful—noble little swordsman." She raised her lips, "Although this is one of my greatest fortune secrets, I never thought of telling it to anyone else. Man, but who made you actually win all my challenge levels?”

She raised her hand and blasted away the servo skulls that gathered like flattering birds. She walked forward condescendingly and approached the captive who was dripping wet from the steam of blood, sweat and tears - still under her After taking a protective stance - after getting close to him, she whispered the secrets in his ear: the location of the safe cell where the body was cryopreserved during sleep, the method of entry, the password and security measures, everything.

The champion swordsman's eyes widened in surprise, and his purple crystal-like eyes were clear and bright in the light.

Then the female lord took out her blood-stained arm with a satisfied smile for the first time in a while.

The blood was so fresh and steaming that it had just been pumped out from two extraordinary hearts - the palm at the top of that arm held a vicious alien weapon, which seemed to be inserted into his flesh and then rotated and bitten. and an open flower or umbrella that decomposes all flesh it touches - it opens a hole so huge in his blood-sweat-stained chest that the genetically modified Astartes can be seen around the edges. The pale rib plates and the thick red muscle layer are fused together——

She even hugged him tenderly when she finished speaking - this fatal hug didn't even make the sharp swordsman fight back. On the contrary, he just sighed heavily from his empty trachea. With a voice like that, his strong arm holding the sword dropped softly and rested on her body, almost softly and submissively, as if he was trying to retain her with an unforgettable hug.

——Lucius's two hearts, pre-installed stomach, two lobes of his three lungs, and his blood-enhanced organs and Lariman organs were completely shattered by this woman with a smile. Now, even the eyesight Even the worst spectators could see from far behind Lucius in front of him - through the huge bloody hole that was gouged out and shattered.

"So you see, my beautiful Lucius, a thin person like me always has to have some tricks of his own to survive in this universe. This is how promises are strictly followed, and how secrets are guarded."

She licked her thin and cold lips in retrospect. The two pieces of white flesh that had always been unhealthy now became extremely gorgeous, as if the female lord had really absorbed some kind of surreal blood and vitality from the body of the person she murdered. generally.

Lucius did not answer. His body had never been so heavy. The cold air poured into the remaining parts of his chest, abdomen and limbs, rushing into the bottom of his brain. The last consciousness in his life was that he could not fall forward. Go - that would make it look like he was kissing the toe of that damn Bitch's boot -

And so the muscles of the one-day champion of the Festival Arena made one last effort to do his pride justice.

Then Lucius looked up to the sky and fell heavily into blood and dust.

The cold whiteness of death climbed onto his frozen, beautiful face.

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