Warhammer: Start with a dog

Chapter 380 Lucius is forgotten again

Above the stars and the distant time and space.

Behind the shadows of the stars and the overlapping curtains.

In the invisible chaos, the armies commanded by the four most powerful ones in the High Heavens are eyeing each other on each other's borders, and the eternal conquest of the realms that they had previously connected with the power most clearly and intuitively is about to break out again.

Ah, this may be a little wrong. One of them did not really participate in the eternal struggle between the other three, although the annoying blue soft creature who likes change also wants to pull him in, because such an extremely chaotic battlefield full of changing fate is his favorite.

But Nurgle is often gentle and easy to talk to after his demands are met.

The extremely tiny bit of power that this fat, always good-tempered father received from a certain existence was so pure that it was enough for him to create a pale yellow-green "wall" composed of highly toxic swamp gas, mushroom spores, tiny mosquitoes and flies, and cute airborne bacteria and viruses at the border of his garden, blocking the armies of the other three existences, while allowing his little cuties to calmly and patiently "plant" the periphery of his garden with fungal grass and living things one millimeter at a time. As long as this is done over time, he will become the final winner one day. Before that, he will be very patient and not interfere too much. Even the "God of Chaos" will be secretly happy about being given a free gift and winning for a long time, which is in line with his own doctrine.

Of course, this was just the kind grandfather's own idea. As for what his beloved children thought in their hearts, Nurgle was not completely ignorant. After all, their connection was now like a vibrant parasitic vine entwined around each other's spirits, but Nurgle decided to watch their little quarrels lovingly. After all, young children were always relatively more lively.

But for now, he still had to focus all his energy and attention on the important work at hand.

Nurgle stirred his cauldron, adding more plague ingredients and symptoms to it from time to time. Ah, he must not let the recipients of the blessing die too early, nor let them show symptoms too quickly, which would make those ignorant children who always thought they could resist the father's love take some unnecessary measures.

He carefully put a fat finger into the poisonous plague soup pot that was not on fire but was bubbling like boiling, dipped it, raised it, and squinted his eyes-

Oh. A little too much, the hemolysis-cell lysis intensity in this plague seemed to be a little too much.

The liquid on his chubby fingers began to dissolve the Father God's body and fingernails, causing the brown cracked thing to fall into the bubbling soup pot with rusty green, yellow and white pus.

"Oh." He laughed, and the big demons in the garden raised their heads and looked admiringly at the Father's soup pot.

"This gift can't be so straightforward, it has to be more delicate and more beautiful."

He muttered and began to search through the dense pustules and blisters on his body and his damaged and swollen skin and flesh. His abdomen was split open, and he stuffed the stinking rotten intestines back without care, trying to find more materials.


The other three armies who were blocked outside the quiet garden and had to face each other were obviously not so leisurely.

Amid the roar of blood and the fierce sound of bloodthirsty hooves hitting the ground, 88,888 legions of bloodletters, steel bull cavalrymen and bloodthirsty demons appeared, waving axes and sharp blades like a bloody frenzy.

Opposite them were the gorgeous armies composed of Slaanesh demons, maids, army vanguards and secret keepers, which were so fragrant that the olfactory nerves of any mortal who did not take adequate protective measures were instantly destroyed. The demons of various colors smiled at them with their male and female sexual characteristics shaking all over their bodies. They waved all their weapons at the army of the Blood King provocatively, as a mockery of the Dark Prince to the God of Blood, the slender carcasses and the powerful huge pincers were combined together.

Between the two and above, there were followers and armies of the Lord of Change flying or riding demonic flying discs and screaming flying sharks. The scribes were noisily writing the long scroll of fate for every inanimate person and creature or both present with a feather pen dipped in magic ink, which amused the owner of the Crystal Palace.

The gods behind the curtain were all so confident at the beginning of the fight.

One firmly believed that such a magnificent fighter would eventually belong to him, adding a bloody and efficient scenery to the skulls beside his throne, and he could enjoy the joy of cutting off heads and bathing in blood in hatred forever.

The other was more convinced that such a person who pursued perfection in himself and martial arts and was once a champion swordsman of the Third Legion would definitely be more willing to reunite with his gene father, and realize higher, more, and more extreme bliss in the palace where his father and the great demons enjoyed themselves. For this reason, it even condescended to send a little wink to the unimaginative mortal woman.

In view of this, some Tzeentch also claimed that he would be happy to kindly accept the champion's speech if the two of them could not decide the winner. Khorne and Slaanesh were so confident and angry that naturally no one was willing to give up their claim to Lucius' ownership - yes, now his soul has indeed been protected by others, they cannot eat it or brand him with their own marks, but the rules of the High Heaven are originally derived from the depths of the sea of ​​spirit and soul. The mystery of the first resurrection makes them sure to leave a deep impression on him even if they cannot get all of him.

Soon, the tentative fight at the beginning after the formation quickly escalated into a large-scale legion battle, followed by a decisive battle between the respective demon princes and champions. The famous big demons began to be summoned one after another and descended on this battlefield. The Tzeentch demon army sandwiched between the two sides ecstatically flew over the heads of the Khorne demon army and the Slaanesh army, which were fighting in a ball, and from time to time aroused their greater desire for fighting and the fluctuations of their fate.

Just as the battle began to escalate to a white-hot level, so that the Eye of Terror and the real universe, the reality also reflected this great war between the gods everywhere. Chaos warbands or cultists who believed in different masters were all inspired by the supreme call from the highest heaven, and began to attack each other's demon planets or territories, while making the master of a certain black legion and the tyrant of the vortex begin to be vigilant and seek the help of soothsayers and prophecies.

On the Merciless Flame that was forgotten by everyone (?).

Lucius' beautiful body lay there quietly, carefully washed and re-decorated.

Flowers and gold threads worth more than a thousand gold were used to weave a wreath and put on his smooth forehead, and his defective body was washed to white, and the large amount of blood lost from his body made him look transparent white, and the expensive long wig woven from silver and spider silk made him look a bit like the statue of his gene father at this moment - if there was someone who had seen the third primarch present.

Unfortunately, there was none here, so the broken place in his chest was filled with delicious food and salads, his jeweled armbands were wrapped with fragrant fruits, and his palms held precious apples and peaches - the coldness of death and the refrigerator under his body kept this rare delicacy well.

"Let's raise a toast." The hostess of this extravagant banquet sat at the head, looking at the eyes of the fearful and greedy people below with satisfaction.

"Let's start the main course of the banquet, everyone."

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