Warhammer: Start with a dog

Chapter 381: Ritual and surprise are both essential

As the banquet aboard the Relentless Flame begins, let's move forward in time.

Wandering Harbor's Court of the Dead

"Delicious and nutritious" in the kitchen of the restaurant

The victim's family and investigators were gathering in a dark room for a meeting.

Today, this prestigious hotel finally declared a public holiday, which made people waiting in line in the square sigh in disappointment, and some even shed tears - they were about to leave here, but they had not yet been able to leave the sacred place. The torch is completely imprinted in his eyes.

"Have you got the target's itinerary for the day?"


"Here, please show it for us."

A holographic projector was turned on, and people in the room began to look at the fragmented images of Lucius captured by different shops, passers-by's servo skulls, Cherubeus, or any recorders of the Ministry of Justice or others after he arrived at the port. Action records pieced together from footage - here, if you have money and know the right intelligence dealer or broker to buy from, you can buy almost anything. It's not just a lie.

They watched as Lucius's beautiful silver hair and tall figure caused a small commotion at the port, but the commotion was soon calmed down. The champion swordsman of the Emperor's Children looked around with some curiosity, but he still remembered his own. Although he spent some time on the road and stopped at various stalls selling strange and weird swords or body parts, overall he was heading in the right direction and route.

"This is very strange. He obviously remembers the way to go and has always been on the right route. We can eliminate the first option of getting lost."

Lamizane was sitting in a huge armchair, wearing a deerstalker hat and holding an extremely ancient smoking tool in his hand. It was carved from the roots of an extinct plant. In the original body His hands were as fragile as if they were made of sand, so he held it very carefully.

"I think you're talking nonsense." The border collie commented harshly from the side using his own electronic speaker, "Can't you play these videos quickly? The processing speed of everyone's eyeballs and brains is far faster than that of ordinary people. In a few seconds You can finish it in a few minutes - and then we go directly to find the damn thief after finishing it, bring back Lucius intact or not, and then throw the thief into the sewer of our ship? "

"A sense of ritual, a sense of ritual is a very important part of solving a case! Perturabo, a successful detective story, let alone other things, must have a sense of ritual for reasoning and solving a case!"

"...I shouldn't waste time saying this to you, hurry up and read on."

"He has almost reached the Court of the Dead. I think we will soon see what happened..."

Just when the exhibition of extraordinary human reasoning detectives led by Lamizane and Perturabo was proceeding step by step, Margo was bored because she actually saw the ending in advance while editing Lamizane. Na Donne - he was looking at this from the meditator connected to the projector.

His body, which stayed nearby, secretly turned on its own sensor array and began to curiously scan all the buildings and facilities in the roaming port and the nearby asteroid belt - of course, secretly.

Suddenly, Magna Dorn curiously discovered a well-hidden hull code. He had never seen a hull of this type before, and it was too rare. Curious, he turned another portion of the sensor array toward the ship, which was hidden in a hidden asteroid dock.

"Huh? Look, I found this. What is this? A kind of cruiser? But I have never seen an Imperial Navy ship like this." He sent an inquiry code to the armory, which quickly gave Send a reply.

"It is a prototype of an Ignis-type heavy cruiser. It is indeed rare. I remember it was built by Reza back then. There was only one ship in total. After so many years, I thought it had become a scrap ship. It’s still in normal use, but not much of the original part is left. Wow, what a shoddy workmanship.”

"Prototype ship? Too interesting, isn't it crude? It looks like she was repaired very seriously." So, the young and ignorant machine soul of the Iron-Blooded, with a sense of curious exploration and teenagers seeking excitement, put his The power of the sensor array was turned on even more, and beams were sent there in a directed direction.

Then, Magnar Dorn's mind was frozen by what he saw when he scanned the depths of the Relentless Flame.

On the Wandering Port, the mysterious Astartes humanoid mechs who were standing quietly at the door of the kitchen that was temporarily used as a conference room turned a blind eye to all the questions and small movements of Togaton, who was also guarding the door. Loken was helpless. He looked at Togaton as he continued to pass the time with cold jokes.

Suddenly, all the Astartes nearby had goosebumps all over their bodies and tried to pull out their weapons immediately: Superman's reflexes and their instincts from years of surviving and fighting were warning them. Something extremely, extremely, extremely powerful and dangerous suddenly woke up next to them.

Then the former captains of the Luna Wolves saw this mech walking to the door with speed and movements that their eyes could barely capture clearly, tilting his head slightly in a certain direction, as if he was listening intently to something.

"Hey, did you see that? Loken?! Look at him! Look at his movements! It's just..." Togaton said in surprise, standing up straight and holding his pistol in his hand.

Lokken narrowed his eyes, "Yes, I think so. I know what you want to say, it's very much like him... but why... he shouldn't be here, it can't be here, it can't be like this."

Just as Torgaton raised his footsteps and wanted to continue asking, right in front of their eyes, the smell of ozone, a slight crackling sound and a flash of teleportation lit up.

Then the mysterious Astartes figure just disappeared on the spot.

Torgaton turned his head to Locken with his eyes wide open, "Is our power armor so advanced? Can it be teleported with just an ordinary model size? Isn't that supported by the energy of the Terminator and the Dreadnought? And where is he teleporting to? This is near Wandering Port! Hey! Man! This thing is so powerful! I really want to know how to get it!"

"How do I know all the answers to your questions?" Locken said, "You talk as if I can see the future like some of our pretentious cousins."

"What should we do now?" Torgaton asked.

"Hurry up and tell the adults and Tarvitz who are in the meeting."

"Um... uh... are you sure you want to disturb the Iron Lord who is in the meeting?"

"I don't know if I should disturb him now, but I know that if I don't tell him now, we will definitely die more miserably next." Loken replied.

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