Warhammer: Start with a dog

Chapter 383 More Perfection

When seeing the video sent by Sigismund in the team channel, a family member of a certain victim gnashed his teeth. Sol Tarvitz clenched his hilt, and the deliberate elegance that the Emperor's children always brought in swordsmanship was thrown out of his mind. The decapitation force of the power sword was obviously a bit more fierce, making people feel that he should switch to a chainsaw axe at this moment, which might be more handy.

"Oh." Even a master like Tariq Torgadon who is good at easing the atmosphere could not make a more restrained comment on the pictures in front of him.

"Hiss... This woman and her maggot guests are still classified as "loyal imperial subjects" in the identifier classification provided by the Imperial Navy. This scene is really disgusting and chilling. These mortals ten thousand years later... If we and our young brothers are fighting for such humans and even fighting for ten thousand years without stopping, then I am really sad, Gavial, I am beginning to seriously consider fighting for His Highness Ramizane - at least in the life on the Iron-Destiny Steel, I can see that he has considered all aspects of our intimate comfort."

Loken did not comment on this, but he did not seem to have any intention to stop or refute Torgadon's bold public statement. He just silently raised his gun and poured his explosives at the armed servitors that were surging like a tide.

The group trotted faster than before and began to throw hot melt grenades and other similar things to both sides without regard for the consequences, so as to rush to the location coordinates marked on the sensor map transmitted to them at the same time.

Ramizane, who was sitting in front of the holographic projector and saw something he shouldn't have seen without any preparation and was very immersive, let out a loud groan, and the black and white shepherd dog jumped up in his cockpit.

"Who gave him the permission to directly play these unprocessed live broadcast images??!! Cut it off! Cut it off quickly! Magna?!"

However, Magna Dorn, who was still in shock, did not actually execute the work order issued by the owner of the Iron Blood. On the contrary, a binary message appeared in the corner. Due to its length, it was automatically converted into a message in High Gothic. "Please rest assured that these images have been frequency-screened and will not be played to any minors, demigods or machines."

"Who?" Perturabo's ears stood up alertly. He jumped out of the cockpit and ran to Ramizane, who had already started to curse and turn his eyes away. He jumped on his knees and squeezed his furry and warm body into his arms-"Who are you?"

The shepherd dog immediately activated the anti-demon and waste code attack detection system.

"Whoever you are, and why you are trying to pretend to be my carrier-based aircraft soul," the dog sneered, "First of all, the Magna code has the highest priority for Ramizane. And you..."

Before Ramizane stood up with dry heaves, the holographic projector flickered a few times and popped up a few more lines of code.

"Huh?" Perturabo BC frowned, "You... Why are you here? How could you be here?"

"Don't worry about that for now! Ugh!" The shepherd dog quickly rubbed his original body with his furry big head.

"That... that person on the table is Lucius, right?! I thought it was Fulgrim! I even took a closer look! Ugh!!"

"Well, actually, you can consider that as some kind of horror movie prop..."

"Ugh! You know I haven't watched this type of horror movie since the Deep Freeze! But if it's Lucius..." Ramizane looked up in confusion, "I'm curious... should he start to revive?"

"Then why don't we let Magna's mecha continue to play?"

"...I thought about it, that's Lucius, Lucius is the immortal in all kinds of... articles, and even if he is resurrected, the scene should be very R18G. Good Pepe baby, you watch the playback for me, and tell me when he is alive and well and not so curious, so that I can turn around and watch the follow-up."


Fortunately, all the original people in the conference room have left, Perturabo BC thought as he looked at his body with his back to the projector. This saved me the trouble of brainwashing everyone one by one afterwards... Tsk, I actually feel a little regretful without Hong Suo...


The female lord and her guests seemed to have been isolated from the attack on the Ruthless Flame.

Their senses were completely immersed in the feast in front of them.

Delicious, so delicious! So perfect!

Gradually, they were no longer satisfied with just the small part they were given.

The minced meat in the salad came from the crushed part of this perfect container...

Only by swallowing more and more! Can you get a more extreme feeling than the previous part...! You need more...! You need more to...

Be closer to the perfect extreme!

No one noticed that from when, every carnivore's eyes had been unconsciously filled with thick bright red bloodshot, and in their skin under their gorgeous or highly modified appearance, those blood vessels and fluid ducts also expanded like bizarre plant vines, becoming more and more obvious, protruding high on the thinning skin of humans.

Their eyeballs were sunken, their eye sockets were dark blue, their teeth were protruding from their gums, and everyone's body began to become skinny with a bulging belly.

The guests and the hostess were unaware of the earth-shaking sound of automatic weapons defense outside the door and the huge noise of an uninvited guest blowing the door open. They just sat there shaking their heads blankly, looking at each other blankly, looking at the remaining parts on the plate, and looking at the smile that seemed to be on the corner of the beautiful head.


I don't know who was the first to roar and bite the flesh of the neighbor.

Then, under Sigismund's silent gaze, this banquet hall began to become a veritable hell of swallowing.

Of course, there are exceptions.

His multi-band scanner noticed the figure of a female lord who was about to carefully retreat and leave his naked eye. She was getting more and more crazy and jumped into the feast in the hall to bite and fight for the perfect flesh fragments with others.

The Black Knight strode forward and mercilessly pulled the female Lord's Mechanicus ally out of the shadows in the corner.

In panic, the other party fired a hot melt shot at the helmet of the intruder who looked like an Astartes and immediately tried to kick him away -

This Astartes did not fall down or let go as the mechanical sage judged because his helmet and head were melted off. On the contrary, his helmet did melt, but that only revealed a certain mask structure that was as smooth as a mirror inside. A spark of possibility flashed like lightning in the sage's logic processing chip.

He raised his hand and fired a few more shots at a specific location of the silver, black and yellow power armor of this mysterious Astartes.

"You are...?" The mechanical sage, who paid too much attention to the ruthless results in his own field and ignored the edge of human morality, opened the aperture of all his electronic prosthetic eyes to the maximum. He recognized the pure gold luster exposed under the coating and plating - it was actually the highest grade of pure shining gold! There was also a special mark on it that "that kind" of mecha must have in that position, and now its other half was occupied by a silver skull halo emblem.

"You are from those brass vultures..."

The mecha did not give him a chance to finish his words and transmit the broken code intact.

The black sword fell.

But it was not over yet.

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