Warhammer: Start with a dog

Chapter 384 Fresh Flesh and Blood

The ceramsite and adamantium boots of the special boarding team, composed of former Emperor's Children, War Dogs and Luna Wolves, made a loud stomping sound on the floor of the battleship, like many war drums beating.

——Tavitz muttered gloomily in the team channel that this time he must go back and ask the Lord of the Armory to equip him with an optional rear-mounted flight engine module for power armor - the kind that the Imperial Fists applied for! The other warriors kept their mouths shut and listened to Solomon trying to comfort Sol Tarvitz's deep self-blame since he learned of Lucius's death.

For example, "Thor, this is not your fault, and you don't have the ability to predict the future" or "After all, he is an experienced veteran, a company commander, no one would have thought that this would happen."

Although everyone present felt that this was true, Sol Tarvitz, who obviously had only a few friends in his original legion, still believed that he should be partially responsible for Lucius's painful and inglorious death and even the insulted corpse.

He even earnestly asked the brave warrior who was said to have performed a miraculous teleportation and boarded the ship directly, codenamed "White Rise" (and the big mouth Torgadon told his comrades who this person might be before Loken stopped him) to let him kill the culprit himself.

The other party was not unhappy that he came to collect the main results at the last minute, and expressed understanding to the excited Tarvitz, but he said that they had better hurry up, because if the culprit wanted to step over the door he was guarding or attack him actively, he would kill him without hesitation.

Therefore, the boarding team is currently rushing to the banquet hall of the Ruthless Flame at the fastest running speed that the Astartes power armor can reach. Fortunately, according to the guidance route they received, the road is completely unobstructed, and all automatic weapons within the shooting field of view have been cleared.

It's not that this five-kilometer-long heavy cruiser was completely wiped out by a heretic harvester in such a short time, but those who had witnessed the real Scourge Knight passing through them without any injury and luckily not dying completely lost the will to pursue the enemy or continue to organize more attacks.

Since Sigismund's explosive incineration cannon would scatter the ashes of the entire command group when calling out the commander, the unfortunate soldiers gradually found that there were fewer and fewer officers and supervisors loyal to the female head who stopped them from escaping, so the mercenaries were the first to leave the battlefield and rush to the shuttle hangar, and then more and more deserters were affected - after all, the number of shuttles on a large ship is limited.

The remaining people were either locked on the lower deck and unable to leave, or had their brains removed and had no intention of escaping. Among them, the ones who were still fighting back were the automatic machines and various types of armed servitors - the latter all dropped their arms and entered standby mode after a pause, and were then crushed by the grenade launchers and power weapons.

Then, after turning a few corners, a straight road appeared in front of them, which was completely wide enough for an Astartes to walk through. The heavy armor plates and thin bulkheads were melted indiscriminately. The bullet holes all around, the pale bone fragments in the ashes, and the few dried cloths and body parts made it look like it had just been burned through by a heavy firepower and eradicator company.

"Well, if it were normal times, I would say that this road is a bit narrow and it is easy to be ambushed, but now, thanks to our... senior? Let's start running!"

The message from "White Rise" clearly knew who caused this hellish scene, and what he had just done to stop the attack of the mechanical servants. The members of the boarding team put away their weapons and began to run all the way to the banquet hall on the ramparts filled with burning black smoke, melted and sagging metal and plastic, and various steams sprayed from unknown places.


The swallowing hell in the originally magnificent banquet hall continued.

But under the broken and cold eyepiece of Sigismund who returned to the gate, the number and size of the devourers had undergone obvious and strange changes.

From the traces, the unarmed and closest mortal servants who were originally serving here were the first to be torn and devoured, followed by the guards carrying weapons in the hall.

It seemed that someone who had quick reactions among them had tried to leave the hall at the time of the incident. The traces of panicked shooting on the door and the desperate finger scratches covered by the blood spattering everywhere clearly proved this point.

But it was obvious that the owner and guests of the hall had locked the door in advance in order to smoothly hold this carnival banquet that must not be known by the imperial officials or anyone in the open - and the password to open the door was in the hands of the one who was now tearing open the belly of the last remaining giant monster, taking out the twisted and tangled changzi and weidai from the fuqiang, and finally hungrily eating the blood and flesh fragments of the perfecter mixed with the yuwang, kongju and tonngku of countless people in the huge wei sack...

Uh. Sigismund searched for the right adjective in his database. It was like the embodiment of the desire for "gluttony" and "control". A pair of horns, two hooves, four scorpion claws, six claws and two whip-like tails grew out of place on the flesh of the huge lavender "meat mountain" in his hand. It should be.

The reason why the Black Knight, who temporarily got the code name "White Rise", did not use the incineration cannon on his chest to send her or it to the soul was because he promised Sol Tarvitz, and secondly, because all the guests and hosts in this hall who had eaten Lucius's flesh and blood were busy tearing each other's abdomen open and digging out the flesh that was divided into duzi in each other's body.

That was the last trace left in this universe by the swordsman who wanted to really save and protect someone for the first time in his life but died because of it.

The "thing" that was originally a pale and thin female lord finally licked the deformed stomach in her hand clean with her slender snake-like tongue after a disgusting and sticky sucking sound. Then she dropped the blood in her hand, raised her head, and began to look around.

There were only two people standing in the banquet hall now.

The strange creature stared at Sigismund greedily and hungrily licked her lips and eyes with her long tongue, but then uttered a gurgling curse of dissatisfaction.

"You... are not... plump...!" She or it said viciously, "Get out...! I want..."

There was a sound of metal footsteps colliding behind Sigismund.

The devil's eyes suddenly emitted a light of desire.

"Fresh flesh and blood!"

The black knight silently moved away.

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