Warhammer: Start with a dog

Chapter 398 Ancient Sage, let’s not do this kind of replica

"...Such a goal is good, really good, so it does sound tempting. Your Highness. I probably know it, so you also have a great dream. In this case, you and Your Majesty may still Is there any possibility of reconciliation?”

"Reconciliation? It's not quite accurate. I should say, whether he is or not, I'm not the kind of person who gets things done."

"Oh, you don't know, Your Highness, your words have reduced the need for adrenaline injected into my heart. - Then the question goes back to the question you didn't answer me directly at the beginning: you What do you think of our Majesty? "

"No." The person opposite tried hard to frown, as if he was organizing effective sentences from the vast sea of ​​knowledge and thinking storm, "Oh, this is really hard to describe, ancient sage, if I have this With my eloquence and clarity in a short period of time, I have long imitated Luo... imitated some of the deeds of the national religion, and gained myself several star districts and sisterhoods with just one mouthful!"

"——You don't need to mention this. This must be another incident that wastes my combat medicine in vain. I may go to the library later. Just tell me. Maybe I can understand what you mean. "

"First of all, the 'Emperor' today is the 'Empire'. 'The Empire' created 'him' and also created the diversity he showed us, so we cannot blame all the sins on those who cannot escape the influence of the empire.' He'. I think that what your Emperor has done is certainly not good, but to say that... my genetic father is useless and not fair enough. In my opinion, he actually showed me another. A possibility - what would happen if he opened up a road to an empire like his and followed it? No matter whether this road is very similar to Gu Terra in the 1K era, but after all, he worked hard and opened up He has gone on and on, and no one can erase the deeds he has done that are beneficial to mankind."


"I prefer to see the Emperor as a forerunner, a mirror for introspection, an example of what might happen if we let down our guard and become like my genetic father - something we want to avoid. That is, don't make the same mistakes the Emperor made, don't end up being exactly like him, and don't forget your original aspirations. In short, I will not deny all the contributions and achievements the Empire has made to mankind. I can even admit that I once thought that this empire was so great, so beautiful, and worthy of being a respected example. But after all, I was not the same person as Him."

"So, do you think the path you are planning to take must be more beneficial to mankind?" The very pointed question naturally flowed out from the fearless loudspeaker, showing that Rilano is both in his mind and his knowledge. Xanadu is far above the level of his peers, at least he really thinks about it and wants to know the answer to the question. "If you can't predict the future, how can you know that this path will achieve the results you want?"

"Well." The original body opposite showed a smile, "I do have some scenes I have seen for reference."

"Are you saying that you have foreseen the future that may result from this?"

"...At least I probably already know what kind of thing is going to happen."

"What will probably happen? What kind of path will this take?"

"A path... that allows the Angel of Death to become a veritable guardian angel, and that a quick death is no longer a better ending for mortals. A path that does not allow warriors to choose to abandon humanity and ideals to become the hands of humanity and ideals The path of weapons.”

"I see."

The fearless loudspeaker was silent for a long moment, while Lamizane waited patiently for his answer.

"I think I am still your Majesty's loyal subject."

Mr. Carosini's smile was a little stiff, and in the next room, an uninvited listener snorted silently and stretched out his paw towards -

"Let me confirm with you for the last time. You don't want to kill His Majesty, do you?"

"I won't force this kind of thing, unlike a certain..." The Fourth Primarch's face suddenly twitched strangely, as if he remembered something unspeakable, "Unlike some people! In short, At any time, as long as He doesn’t go too far, I won’t do anything wrong.”

"Then I am willing to be loyal to you here. But I also understand the problem with what I just said. Even though I have been in this eternal war coffin for a long time, I can never forget the time I spent with His Majesty. So no matter what you have What kind of witchcraft or magic, if you want to join them to confirm my loyalty, I will open everything to you now." Rilano's voice was very calm, "Open my sarcophagus and brain, and implant what you want. of anything.”

Lamizane raised an eyebrow in slight surprise.

"There is no such thing, ancient sage."

"Then how can you feel at ease? I also hope that you can feel at ease, because next I will be your adviser, your chief of etiquette, your persuader and the performer of all the duties you want me to perform. I don't want to do it again Being placed in a position of possible suspicion.”

"Do not doubt those you employ, and do not trust those you doubt. Respectable Rilanor." The face of the Fourth Primarch smiled, "After such a conversation, I choose to believe in you, and I believe that you will definitely live up to my expectations. "

The Contemptuous Fearless unlocked his joint locks, and solemnly performed an elegant and solemn ancient court etiquette with his fearless body to the new master in front of him.

"This is an ancient etiquette that expresses full loyalty and never betrayal, Your Highness. It's a pity that I can't kiss your hand now."

"I accept your loyalty here, glorious Rilanor. Maybe one day you can use your new body to make up for this etiquette-"

Fearless stood up with a very anthropomorphic movement that he himself didn't realize, "It's a very attractive prospect, Your Highness, but if I have to fight on the battlefield, my current body will be much more useful."

"It sounds like you think there will be a war soon."

The ancient sage shook his head solemnly, "The shadow of war will only move away, but it will never dissipate. I noticed that your ship's armaments are already quite sufficient, and I don't know when and where you will be ready to launch..."

"Sufficient?" The other side asked back in surprise.

"Isn't it enough, Your Highness? There are so many new models of power armor and weapons in your armory, and the new vehicle list even includes motorcycles, assault boats, troop carriers and large tanks all equipped with anti-gravity engines. I heard that at least two companies of composite terminator armor with better performance and more powerful energy have been produced, and those sons of Dorne who can't wait are wandering outside the armory every day, Your Highness."

"Is that enough? How can it be possible?" Ramizarn sighed and shook his head, "How can it be possible? Respectable Rilanor, how many ships do we have now? How many soldiers? How many protection and defense personnel do we need to arrange for such a small area? Not only can we not equip each ship and war zone on the planet with a squadron of fighters and heavy vehicles, we can't even guarantee that each tactical team will be equipped with a corresponding set of death slaves and support teams! How can this be called preparation?"

The fearless elder was speechless for a moment.

"Are you overestimating your enemies?!" He said in a loud voice, "What do you want to do by gathering so many terrible forces in a small place like a planet?!" After coming back to his senses, the chief steward of the royal court lost control of his voice for the first time in ten thousand years. "If the death slave you are talking about is like the one of Lord Magna..."

"Of course not that one, the improved Canglong is too outrageous. It's like a miniature mountain formation."

The Contemptor Fearless even sounded relaxed and exhaled like a living person.

"But I am considering using its youth... I mean, the low-profile version, you see, this may be beneficial to the spread of numbers."



After admonishing his new loyal object with worry not to be too afraid of the lack of firepower on his side - "You have to know that we only need to fight some aliens, aliens, and rebels... uh, they were also human beings, not to turn the stars into dust!"

The Palatine Court Steward, the glorious Ancient Sage, got the answer he wanted, politely said goodbye and strode out of his new loyalist's office, walked into his room, and called his own servitors.

Are these servitors of the Destiny Steel really still the "servitors" in his concept? Rilano didn't want to go into it at this moment.

He stood on the ground, waiting for the magnetic lock and fixed lock to attract his walking feet. Bright lights lit up one by one, and the smaller servitors surrounded him, and the mechanical arms deftly removed his heavy chest armor.

"Take 'this' out of my body, put it back in my arsenal, and put it in the column prepared for destruction." The sighing voice gave the order and provided the security code.

The mechanical servants silently and quickly removed a modified huge warhead from the hidden location behind Rilano's sarcophagus.

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