Warhammer: Start with a dog

Chapter 399 The universe is in tatters

Several people in the next room listened to the conversation next door for a long time with the help of some 'gadgets' installed by Perturabo. After Rilano left and Lamizane started to deal with the huge work file that was suddenly sent to him, they finally Start talking out loud.

"You knew this a long time ago?" Malcador looked at Angron.

The latter shrugged.

"Here we go again, His Excellency the former Regent. You always subconsciously ignore it - even if it is almost never discovered in the most unforgettable era you have ever experienced, you should not forget that the main aspect of my talent is to understand people's hearts. and the perception of the soul. To become an excellent spiritual doctor, the prerequisite is to explore the soul in detail. "

"Therefore, your attitude and acceptance have been very good from the first time you met him. Not only because of your relationship as a teacher, you have already quietly perceived some of the content." Although it was the content of the question, the former prime minister No questioning tone was used.

"Indeed. Besides, you know, I have had a very good father since I was a child." Angron Petra smoothed his sand-red woolen shirt and answered the question. "He even taught me why I didn't need to resent my genetic father and others."

"He said that the reason why the 'Emperor' exhibits the various characteristics we know varies from person to person is because he is the 'Empire', and his perception of the 'Empire' affects his appearance. What do you think?"

"You have to ask me, as the 'heart's desire', I have only one answer. I think there is nothing wrong with the concept given by Lamizane. - Although, if I must say it, due to the darkness of the old night and the previous Various wars and turmoil have caused most of the world to degenerate into feudalism, barbarism, slavery or the world of death. Only a few can maintain the same technological level and advanced level after the storm, so our 'father' was influenced by the feudal system that formed the empire. , the influence of the wild world, resulting in the appearance and way of thinking often showing a medieval flavor while possessing the technology of flying to the star sea, which is quite reasonable, isn't it?

"Is this what you 'perceive' from his heart? So you 'pushed' the veteran of the Emperor's Children a little bit before. - If the Emperor is the Empire, the Empire in turn nurtures the Emperor." Maka Duoduo stared at the black and white dog's every move, "Then what is this thing between us that is more human than human?"

Perturabo smiled.

"Something that transcends the boundaries of land, spans time and space, exists forever in human hearts, encompasses all gods, and gives things a new concept. The one you chose was once killed by its cousin, and the young son who witnessed everything built on its corpse Starting a new empire - your biggest problem is that you did not find the only one among the remaining ones who has not died, but chose the younger son of the murdered person who is more familiar and closer to you - the younger son is always easier to shape Well, no wonder you have such thoughts."

The resurrected immortal with the appearance of an old man was speechless for a moment, and Angron Petra calmly drank the salty Poria milk tea that Lamizane had recently made for him.

"It turned out to be... more serious than I thought at first..." he said with difficulty.

"Oh, you always think too highly of yourself and look down on others, Malcador, as I said, conspiracy is necessary, but conspiracy cannot be used as the main beam of the house. - I should go see Lami Zane.”

The dog left the room, leaving the brooding Malcador and the leisurely Angron behind.

"I will keep an eye on you." The latter put down the tea cup and stared at the old man in green robe with his bright golden eyes.

"I don't know what you are talking about." The former regent came back from his thoughts and remained calm.

"It doesn't matter, you and I both know what you are. Although you are indeed indispensable to the establishment of the new dreamland, remember, I will keep an eye on you this time."


"Congratulations, you just made a very wonderful sophistry speech." Perturabo entered the office from the side door, "I'm going to applaud you, Lamizane, you're going to scare the poor old Emperor's Son." He was half dead, and his two broken hearts almost stopped beating several times, thanks to his armored injection first aid and internal pacemaker."

"Sophistry?" Lamizane picked up the warm coffee on the table and took a sip - he thought of this heated coaster based on the one at Gutera's house -

"Who said I was sophistry?"

"Why." The dog's eyes searched for some signs, "Do you really think so?"

"I have more opinions that I haven't told him."

"for example?"

"For example, Malcador actually bears a large part of the responsibility."


"He injected the seeds of the concept of 'empire' into the person at the beginning and did his best to do so, but he was obviously good at how to establish an interior ministry and military intelligence but not how to establish and help establish a great unity... Well, in the end, he did create an 'Emperor of the Empire', but obviously, in the end, he himself was swallowed up by the 'Empire' and became the hero of the Empire, or in other words, the food of the 'Empire', but at least he was still alive. It’s a relatively clear death.”

"That's true."

"For another example, those words I just said are not all deceiving him. So you can't call me sophistry."

The dog froze. Then he roared angrily.

"What?! Are you really going to save that hopeless old skeleton?! It's better to let him be slowly abandoned by the advancing times and rot in the dust of history!"

"But the souls and the people of the empire who believed in him and came to him were indeed innocent. What did they do wrong? To be honest, there are obviously 'righteous people' in this universe - because there are still With the existence of those lamentable Astartes and mortals, it makes me think that we can't just send a huge flood to bring this place back? It's these lively, colorful people who work hard to survive and have hope. He is the doer who really saved the universe! Well, although at this point, your genetic father did at least erect an ideal star torch. At least it is indeed useful for a period of time and is not as useful as before. powerful……"

Lamizane thought again, "Perhaps it makes sense to sympathize with the Emperor, but sympathizing with him is just sympathizing with one person... I sympathize with more people, billions of people minus one person... I Sympathize with more people. We will save those who can be saved, and we will unite with those who can be united. As long as they are willing to stand on our side, it is never too late..."

"This is weakness..."

The sound of a staff knocking on the ground was heard from the door next door. Malcador walked in and asked a question, interrupting Perturabo's roar.

"So you're giving everything a 'what you see' concept, which is good. Once some basic concepts are clear, it becomes clear what we are going to do. The fog on the road has lifted, and the world of this universe is clear. There are no coincidences, so I'll be more careful with my questions - I guess my first question today is, what are your thoughts on the Ecclesiarchy and Lorgar Aurelion?"

"Very powerful, both. And there is no doubt that as the state religion grows in the empire, Lorgar Aurelion will become powerful even if he lies there doing nothing."

"Because essentially he...?"

"Because it's essentially him." The soul carried by Perturabo's body replied, "The process by which the 'Emperor' forced Lorgar and the Word Bearers to surrender in the Perfect City was a very typical example of dissatisfaction with the religious power visible to the naked eye. Their development may threaten the monarchy, so suppress them in advance and take away the right to speak, and then ask the religious power to obey their own actions - otherwise, why would there be a king or emperor in ancient Terra? The struggle for shepherdship and all that the sheep themselves have to offer is nothing new.”

"Just like what you just said." He shrugged, "I have my own opinions on many things here, and I will give them new concepts in terms that I can understand. In my eyes, this place is full of dangers, but I It has a different perspective.”

"Your will. So—what is Perturabo to you?"

The shepherd dog roared dangerously, and Angron stood up, slowly placing his hand on the handle of his dagger.

"Technology. The secrets of all technologies in the entire universe. The Emperor did not need to understand it when he created him. As long as he waited for the son to grow up slowly, the concepts he gave him would naturally make him the best technological data in the entire universe. The Master... was a beautiful thought, but how could such a beautiful and powerful wisdom not be coveted? Even an illiterate shepherd could see at a glance the value of Perturabo to any human being in whose hands he fell. , who can almost get half of the ability to have his wishes come true, which makes him encounter a lot of painful things, because technology was originally born to benefit mankind, and ultimately was born for the future of peace and human happiness, and he got his People are only proud of squeezing the development of science and technology in war."

"But now this kind of thing will never happen again." The person on the other side replied calmly, "Technology can only be in the hands of civilization."

"And, he will always be my favorite little broken dog."

The two people opposite had complex expressions on their faces at the same time, including "I knew it was like this", "This is okay" and "My brother has simply sacrificed too much."

The person in question just stretched out his hand towards his fluffy black and white dog.

——Touch the soft, warm fur that stretched into the palm of my hand.

"That's good. With him here, there is no need to worry. A puppy can always mend a broken universe."

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