Warhammer: Start with a dog

Take a day off to sort out the plot line

As the title says, there are many things to be done in the main storyline, and there are also various stories in the past and the same time periods in the sub-storyline. I have to sort out the lines. There are too many plots and too many characters. This is also the characteristic of Hammer. I probably can't sort them out in one day, but I try to sort out some clues in one day. The ideas of the daily longer stories are also like this. I have never written a story with more than 10,000 words before, but I have written nearly a million words without realizing it... It's my first time writing a story. I don't have enough preparation. I can only say that I started with a silly smile. I even naively thought that saving a week's draft would be enough (;Д`). Anyway, thank you very much. I plan to write some small stories of other characters to form the next content outside the main storyline!

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