Warhammer: Start with a dog

Chapter 405 You said numerology is true?

[Every time, when I was about to forget how absurd and dark the universe we were in was because of the happy life on the Destiny Steel, there were always some people or things that reminded me. ]

When Perturabo's soul and body were wandering in the streets of Wandering Port again to appreciate this more vibrant port city, Ramizane looked at the cloned human children with wings made of white iron and iron-gray skin of the dead flying around with their anti-gravity devices above the heads of the wealthy businessmen or nobles who were looking for opportunities and showing off their wealth, or the cute and stiff heads made of metal leaning against each other in a seemingly intimate manner, making a set, vague, electronic laughter imitating the giggles of children, and commented in his heart.

[Obviously, corruption is always hidden in some self-proclaimed pure uses. The most common use they are made for is to sing sacred words and sacred hymns. ]

His Highness Perturabo BC replied while sitting in the mecha he used to go out. He was standing next to himself, who was camouflaged in the highest level of illusion camouflage, pretending to be a highly modified combat servitor with less advanced technology and less "regular" appearance - a bit confusing but true.

The interior space of the Contemptor Dreadnought he loved was undoubtedly larger and more comfortable for the dog, but if he was going out shopping here with Ramizane, driving a Dreadnought was still a little bit ostentatious.

But the problem that bothered someone more was actually the size of the Primarch himself.

[…I sometimes really wonder, your father…]

[Don't mention that word. ]

[…Okay, sometimes I really wonder, why did the one sitting on the throne of Terra make all of you descendants so huge? It must be intentional, but why? 】

They walked along the stairs along the upper level of the Void Port. The pilgrims and the crowds who wanted to get as much luck as possible before going out for adventure made the interior of the Wandering Port full of tourists all the time. There were people everywhere. Even the evil in the darkness of the lower deck and the mezzanine had to retreat because of the indigestible influx of people. It was even said that many mutants and criminals had temporarily retired.

Part of the reason was that the open "stationing" of the Emperor Angels here gave some people a possible deterrence or the people behind them became more cautious, which made the order here seem much more orderly on the surface; another part of the reason was that there were too many people coming here now, so many people at the bottom of the society could still make a living even if they just begged or worked as guides.

This made Ramizane feel a little relieved as he walked about the positive changes brought about by their settlement here. On the other hand, if they could completely take over this place, the entire population census, the health campaign of the Love Nest City, etc., the city appearance and business environment would surely become better...

[Maybe he just thinks that big is good, and more is beautiful. ] Perturabo replied coldly.

[I think he is deliberately trying to prevent you from hiding yourself among ordinary people. It is much more difficult to lurk at this size than at others. It is easy to change the appearance with makeup, additional implants, shells and illusion camouflage, but this size itself is difficult to change... You see, in this kind of crowd density, the mismatch between the naked eye perception and the collision volume perception will make the disguise easy to be exposed. 】Lami Zain dodged a passerby who was pushed towards him, but in the eyes of others, this merchant dressed inexplicably turned sideways when he was still a few feet away from others, as if he had a strange cleanliness obsession, or was too nervous, or too arrogant.

【I told you, you don't have to think so practically when using these things. Lurking is difficult? And my nineteenth brother who is extremely good at hiding... The illusion camouflage device can fold and change part of the light and space, so that the user's appearance matches the volume of the space. The body size of the imperial guards is also larger, but I have never heard of them using the same equipment for various secret operations or talking about this collision volume problem when they used the same equipment for the damn blood game-they sometimes eat and live with mortals. 】

【Do you know the details of the blood game? It turns out that illusion camouflage can really be so unreasonable...Okay, I will try to believe it next. Hey, wait, since the technology in this area is so advanced, it involves some space principles, right? Small equipment can achieve this level, your limitations in space navigation... Is the technology development so lame? 】

【You will know it after seeing a lot of blood games. There are always fools who fail. 】 The dog commented in confusion. 【Yes, this is the (Gutai swear word) damn universe we are in now. Old Night, aliens, heresy and black technology are like magic everywhere. We also have real psychic witchcraft and magic, but no matter whether it is so-called "pure" technology or "heretical" technology, the space navigation and ultra-long-distance instant communication of the human race are stuck. 】

【You don't seem to be in a better mood because of shopping. Alas, you used to like this kind of activity with me... But I remember that you didn't like places with too many people when you were walking... walking before. Why did you take the initiative to drag me to the roaming port to hang out today? 】

[It's not for this.] Perturabo was in a bad mood and turned the exquisite small clock in his arms. [The flow of people here is more and more complicated, and the interweaving of the lines of fate is more subtle. I will try to see if I can hit some suitable knot of the line of fate to make it work according to the predetermined amplitude or at least work. ——I am now beginning to doubt how much of the suspicious subspace skills that the old skeleton used to make the original clock were mixed with the technology that he didn't even mention. ]

[I thought that with your caution and habits, you thoroughly studied its principles and technologies during the process of making it and proved its safety before using it? ]

The dog snorted angrily and stepped on a Ratling who was blocking the way mercilessly. The latter jumped away with the unique sensitivity of their tribe and cursed loudly. Ramizarn gave the other party an apologetic smile and quickly pulled Perturabo forward a few steps.

[It's usually like this! 】Perturabo's heartbeat sounded particularly cold,【But the premise is that there are not so many subspaces, multi-layer transition concepts and numerology stuff mixed in. 】

【Wait a minute! 】La Mi Zain raised his eyebrows in surprise, and at the same time kindly rejected a girl who came up to him and asked if he wanted to buy some flowers and candles for pilgrimage. 【Does numerology really exist? ! I thought...】

【Why doesn't it exist? 】Perturabo asked back.

【I thought it was just Mortarion's imagination...】

【When psychics reach his level, even if it is imagination, it is almost accurate, just like...】The dog continued to stare at the clock in his arms, which was moving steadily and steadily, and suddenly, its hands shook.

Perturabo's pupils tightened.

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