Warhammer: Start with a dog

Chapter 415 The beginning of confusion and misunderstanding, Xin Liezhi's favorite prelude

"What does he and them mean? Is he finally crazy or has he been crazy for a long time? What does it mean that I can't let him down again? Has the 'Fulgrim' of this world done something that I haven't been told about? ? No - is the 'Fulgrim' of this world not even the father of the Great Betrayer? But I clearly see the characteristics of 'my' gene seed, and this sense of connection with subspace energy. , very strange, not as good as my loyal descendants, but it does exist. "

In the golden and silver data link between one bird and one person, the fearless Phoenix, who was extremely surprised by the accusation just made, quickly asked the Gorgon, the aboriginal people of this world.

Iron Hand, who didn't know how to answer for a moment, once again fell into some kind of hesitation and contradiction.

Obviously Fulgrim Ishtar was indeed informed of enough major events here when he came, but there may be some more detailed and private issues due to the politeness, embarrassment or forgetfulness of the informant at the time, or else I thought it might not be necessary to tell him right away but... I didn't tell him in detail.

Of course, as soon as I woke up, I tried to crack and privately contact the Ironblood database and deceived the children without any sense of guilt (what a child, Dorne is Dorne, does it count as cheating to ask for data from a brother? This Things between brothers cannot be counted as lies...) Ferrus Manus knew more details and thought it was necessary to keep some of them secret.

But there is no doubt that Garuda is beginning to regret it a little now: he wanted to find a more suitable occasion to tell this in a gentler way to this fearless phoenix who looks like a cold moon and feels like a blazing sun in his heart. Causing further agitation of his emotions and deterioration of his physiological data.

Who knows that the calculations he thought were foolproof would still be inferior to the tampering of destiny.

Now was probably the worst time to tell him, but it was still slightly better than keeping it secret.

——I hope so. Garuda sighed silently with his golden beak.

Then in the next light second, more information about the Third Legion and Fulgrim in this world (and what is even more unfortunate is that part of it comes from an ancient Terran librarian telling a child about ancient times. The children carefully classified them into categories and recorded them in the database) flowing into the cerebral cortex where Fulgrim Ishtar lives.

About a twentieth of the blink of an eye, everyone in the pharmacist's laboratory began to have goosebumps on their skin because of tremors and the danger instinct of mankind since ancient times that warned them - if they still kept their own Hair follicles or personal words.

Feeling the huge threat, the gland hounds salivated and tightly grasped the weapons in their hands - they would not feel fear, but they could feel the escalation of danger and the coming of huge murderous intent.

"Fabius Bayer——!"

The white-gold psychic flames on Shabal's saber rose blazingly, black lightning bit the air like flying snakes, and the smell of ionized molecules filled everyone's senses.

The saber dance dedicated to the god of death created a tornado of sharp blades in a room filled with the smell of carrion and disinfectant.


This abominable intelligent humanoid made of metal that is more like a living thing than flesh is so fast. The chief pharmacist's movements are as slow as a dying old man and like a puppet in front of the wave of Shabal's saber. So stiff.

The ancient targeting system on Fabius's power armor was unable to lock on to the figure that was killing people in the pharmacist's laboratory and rushing towards him. He had to resort to the genetic instincts he was originally implanted in.

Unfortunately, these fighting instincts have been somewhat dulled by centuries of disuse and exercise.

The Chief Apothecary always hides behind the scenes and in every lair he builds, obsessed with his hunting, harvesting, splicing and experimenting, especially after he has the first group of qualified creations, his kennel is now full of With the cries of babies, the vibrant young flesh, the pack of hounds had grown large enough to fight, and his remaining brothers and apprentices had been persuaded by his words or addicted to the drugs he offered, to the point where he had I haven't been to the battlefield in person for a long time. I just held a cane as a spectator and commentator on the battle.

For him, the front line of the battle is an almost unfamiliar place.

Damn it, this strange, blasphemous creation of Ferrus Manus with the throbbing soul of his genetic father was too soon!

This must be the crazy work of those Iron Hands. Fabius made this judgment with little effort based on the limited invasion intelligence he received. These crazy iron blocks once tried to use metal debris with the few remaining It is not a very secret thing in the Eye of Terror's intelligence network to resurrect their Primarch from the skeletal remains...

But why does this hateful intelligence contain Fulgrim's soul? Could it be said that this is another new inspiration from the Lord of Joy? Assuming this is Fulgrim, who are the others? What is it again?

As the Chief Pharmacist's changing mind was spinning, he found that he had to leave immediately, otherwise he would very likely have to accept death early.

Damn it! The fighting movements of this anthropomorphic machine are so familiar, perfect, precise and swift, just like Fulgrim! These Iron Hands must be using some forbidden lost technology. But they always hide it well, Fabius thought, it was a wrong conclusion to think that there was no flesh and blood to harvest from them... This technology... Although his research direction is in genetics and flesh, maybe it can be used as an auxiliary...

At this moment, Arrian, his favorite multi-tool, apprentice and attendant, let out a war cry and rushed towards the blasphemous machine that was pulling the Shabar Saber out of the Son of Horus' spine, and Fabius's mind trembled to see that the saber was not stuck by the Astartes' reinforced bones at all, so it did not create the slightest sluggishness that Arrian thought it would.

The Chief Apothecary watched it draw an arc in the air that any Emperor's Child would be extremely familiar with, and then dragged the blade across the air, easily cutting the skilled World Eater in half. As the yellowed skulls of the eight battle brothers on his belt were also cut into two smooth halves, Arrian's body fell to the ground with a bang.

Now, Fabius and this uninvited guest were only separated by the former gravekeeper and his demon pet wearing pale, bulging and smelly Iron Cavalry Terminator, the few remaining glandular hounds, and the Word Bearers apostle who was lying on the ground and unable to get up. Although other apothecary apprentices or hounds even had the intention to stop or fight, the supernaturally sharp saber and the perfect fighting skills of the man holding the saber did not leave any room or time for any creature who tried to stop this creature with the appearance of Ferrus Manus, "Fulgrim".

But Fabius knew that he still had a chance. But he needed to distract the attackers so that he could find a way out for himself. It had always been like this for centuries. He could always find a way out and then be resurrected again.

Igri, his loyal Igri, Fabius saw her through the chaos. The matriarch was climbing up with two of his most favored twin hounds, Mesha and Meshana.

Her eyes met with the chief pharmacist in the air. Very good, they would deliver a fatal blow. Although they would not succeed, they could buy him enough time. That was enough.

Fabius nodded to her approvingly to reward their bravery, and then turned away, ignoring the sad expression of Igri who was about to say something.

The auspicious instrument on his armor scanned the stripe codes on the hounds' faces, constantly reporting their names and losses. Then he pushed aside the hounds and mutants who were shouting simple poems praising his name and praising their benefactors, and rushed towards the blasphemous intelligent robots that were rushing towards him with hatred. He ran in the opposite direction towards the back of the secret room and began his strategic retreat.

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