Warhammer: Start with a dog

Chapter 416 Everyone has their own Medusa in their eyes

"Stop!! You have chosen to flee without honor again! You dare not even face the fate you deserve for what you have done! You coward! A coward! A betrayer! A lowly scum! A rat in the gutter!"

The shining silver figure shouted indignantly at the figure that began to disappear into the shadows of the back room and the sunken storage deck. The speed and power of the saber in his hand did not decrease at all because he was breathing out and speaking. His anger began to transfer to any remaining living people in the room as he gradually lost his target.

What was annoying was that what prevented him from going to catch the betrayer was not his lack of strength, but the small space here and too many "living people".

For example, the creatures that were rushing towards him desperately from all directions - those loyal Fabius, large and small cyborgs, howling Bile's name vaguely and rushing towards Fulgrim Ishtar, some even deliberately sent their strongest bones to his blade, so that their muscles and bones were separated by the saber and their internal organs were splashed like overturned paint cans, which made the moment slightly longer, because this could delay their benefactor for half a second to escape.

"What kind of benefits did he promise you to make you work so hard for him?! What the hell are you!! Get out of here! Anyone who stands in the way of my revenge will be killed by me!!"

Even the height of such a huge and bloated Iron Cavalry Terminator was barely like a short man seeing an ordinary human in front of the completely upright body of this mysterious mechanical giant.

When "he" chopped the Nurgling raised by the Death Guard Apothecary with his blade burning with platinum flames, the sizzling and burning of its warp essence instead of ordinary destruction made Horrag Singi's shock and anger when he drew his sickle to resist "him" clearly carry a hint of uncertainty and hesitation.

Could this kind of power come from...

If it was the power of the corpse on Terra, then it would be too targeted at him and his friends. Horrag had dissected and observed enough biological materials and knew this very well. He even knew how he would collapse immediately if he lost the care of his loving father. The possibility of such consequences immediately made him begin to waver.

After all, the former gravekeeper had abandoned his brother, Mortarion and Typhons without hesitation, and came here, embarking on a path leading to the abyss just to pursue the skills of an apothecary. This was his goal, and he could not sacrifice his life for anyone other than this goal.

In his opinion, the Son of Horus was reckless and the World Eater was not wise, so talents like him should be cautious to preserve their useful bodies.

And, once betrayal happens for the first time, it is no longer an unbreakable rule.

So in the end, amid the shrill screams of the Nurglings, the Death Guard took a step back, tightly grasped the remnants of the struggling demon under the blade, rescued his little friend, and then made room on his side.

This obvious act of letting him go caused him to be attacked by several gland hounds and vat creatures. Soon, the former gravekeeper had no time to care about anything else, waving his sickle and pistol towards the door and joined the melee.


And the one who was still lying on the cold floor of the pharmacist's laboratory, which exuded an indelible smell of blood and flesh, curled up because of the aftermath of the pain, and tried to open his eyes wide because of some kind of induction, watching everything happening in front of him, was the Word Bearer Apostle Sakara.

Although he knew that his life was tightly bound to Fabius Bile, it stands to reason that even if his hatred was strong and his power was strictly suppressed by those damn implants and control nodes, he should have struggled for his physical existence. But he had no intention of fighting against the Adventer in front of him.

Just because he was the most deeply, thoroughly and devout person who studied the Warp Arts and Demonology here, Sakara thought he saw through the essence of "him" at a glance.

Oh, Dust of Colchis, look at him, look at such a vigorous and magnificent power and body, it is definitely not a thing of this world!

"His" distinct and peculiar soul power formed a roaring flaming phoenix in a place that human eyes could not see, burning around him. This incomparable shadow is now only reflected in the amber iris of the Word Bearer Apostle, and only his eyes that have seen countless things in the Warp can see it!

It's really ridiculous. Look at the metal body of this god. When the Iron Hands created "him", they were undoubtedly praying with piety, purity, but with dark emotions. However, this group of ignorant corpse worshippers did not know what they sacrificed and what they summoned. Their only contribution was to offer themselves as sacrifices! And Fabius Bile shouted out the name that this thing once had with his own experience, thinking that this was the gene father who had dedicated himself to their favor and protection.

Oh, all of you are fools, fools, and fools! Let you always think that the warp is an unfounded fantasy! The ocean of the highest sky is real! The creatures in it are also! The gods are also! According to the secret knowledge obtained by Sakara and his primarchs and brothers in the Eye of Terror for thousands of years, he secretly rejoiced and showed a trace of victory on his face twisted in pain.

In the eyes of the demon apostles, gods and demons are strictly distinguished, and they do not make no distinction as outsiders think. Demons can be enslaved, summoned, countered and dissipated. Anyone who knows the real name of a demon can effectively control and kill it. This is an iron rule that even the demon lord cannot disobey. Of course, the summoner's body and mind must also withstand the backlash of chanting the real name. And Sakara was not particularly surprised to find that none of the characteristics and power characteristics of the demon names he knew matched the existence in front of him, but there was a god who matched.

He was so excited that he trembled all over for the miracle he saw today.

There is no doubt that the slavery and suffering he suffered here were all for him to witness this moment with his own eyes. The resurrection god, who was given by the emotions and desires of the descendants of Ferrus that were compressed to the point of being incomparably strong, was formed in the embryo sac in the Supreme Heaven, was summoned into this world, and descended in a finely crafted metal body, fell from the temple of the alien race into the hands of humans.

These dull sons of Ferrus had no idea what amazing masterpiece they had created from their boring craftsmanship. Sakara had to hurry before he died or anyone or any alien knew about it...!

Suddenly, a sharp gaze shot towards him from the darkness above.

Like a venomous snake being stared at by a hawk, the Word Bearer Apostle squirmed restlessly, trying to avoid those feet and boots, rolling himself into the shadows to the side, but the gaze remained unmoved and locked on him tightly.

Some ruthless inorganic voice suddenly sounded deep in his brain, as if a talking mouth had grown inside his skull, and every word it spoke was shaking the brain of the Word Bearer.

Sakara Thresi's eyeballs froze, and the deep surgical sutures where his neck connected to his face began to heat up.

"A ready-made slave? Very good, you will be very useful for a while."

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