Warhammer: Start with a dog

Chapter 428 When you become Iron Hand, remember to be cautious when making friends

Chapter 428 When you become an Iron Hand, remember to be cautious in making friends-

Vosko Dovk, he now has a very rare emotion in his heart among the Iron Hand warriors-persistent uneasiness and frustration.

He walked alone in the passage from the Lakuan Conquest Hall to the lower mechanical preparation room, his steps were heavy. This was not because of a problem with his energy backpack, but more of an unspeakable feeling of this Medusa native youth.

Because of the crazy geographical conditions and extreme survival environment of the Medusa planet itself, the Medusans have an extremely poor vocabulary of beautiful things, good things, relaxation, and melancholy-they have a variety of words to describe man-eating monsters, ghosts, various dangers, death, dedication, or fighting.

In short, this strange extra heaviness is like...

It's like an invisible mood can also make his physical steps heavy.

Although the rational part of his mind knows that this is impossible, he can still feel this feeling from his body.

Perhaps it was because most of his body was still weak flesh and blood, he thought, while turning the heavy gear hinges, opening the maintenance hydraulic door and crawling in.

But for the Iron Hands, the only part that new members were allowed to honorably remove was their left hand and left forearm, as he was doing now.

His left arm was chopped off from the elbow joint by the Iron Father Malkan with the sacred gear axe during the ceremony, and replaced on the spot with a reliable, tough and strong mechanical prosthesis.

The part of his new prosthesis connected to his own arm was not well integrated. Some parts of the skin were inflamed and swollen because they had not been well cared for recently. Although it did not bother him, the itching that penetrated into the flesh and bones sometimes made him feel more inconvenient than the pain.

He sighed again and quickened his pace slightly. His lonely footsteps echoed in the gray passage, which was empty.

After the overhaul, even the patrols and the mechanical servants embedded in the walls became less and less - after they were scrapped, they were replaced by newer all-metal instruments.

It is said that the new wetware has been integrated into a more solid, neater and cleaner mechanical holy box, so people can't see them, only the smooth panel and rows of neat operating buttons can be seen.

Although Vosko thinks that it is not necessary to pursue the neat appearance of the wetware container, the shriveled faces of the servitors soaked in preservatives and the sounds of decayed human vocal cords are more reassuring.

Alas, this idea is actually wrong, flesh and blood are weak! It should be a good thing that the biochemical servitors are replaced by beautiful and hard steel. Why is he still nostalgic for these cold corpse faces at this moment.

As a member of the Borgus clan, he must have not prayed and confessed to the Iron Priest or the priest of the Om Messiah for too long.

He really needs to have a good talk with his new friend.

This is the priest he found when he was sent alone to check the accident of the automatic door of a mechanical preparation warehouse on the lower deck after the last boarding operation.

Although the other party has been wearing a red robe and is unwilling to show his full appearance to him, this is also common among the believers of the Om Messiah.

In this place full of veterans and fearless warriors from the Lakuan and Karagu clans who are more ruthless and cruel than the nuclear radiation dust storm of Medusa, this new friend who calls himself "Maintenance Priest No. 3 of the Lower Deck" is a rare comfort for him here.

After all, who would have thought that there would not even be a devout priest of the Om Messiah in the Conquest Hall of the Iron Hands, and the Iron Father Malkan Ferros is not someone a novice like him can disturb and occupy his precious time. The number of Iron Priests is far less than that of the Borgus Clan, and they are also very busy.

As for why he, a new recruit from the Borgus, is here...

And, first of all, because Vosko is here purely to escort a supply trip.

The multi-purpose electronic ground scale they used at that time got stuck at the last 99.99% for some reason, causing Vosko to have to dig out the brains of the servitors with his buttocks together with the Lakuan warriors who were taking over for a long time. They found that it got stuck because the brains somehow slipped into the narrow water tank gap at the bottom of the thinker's culture tank.

According to the calculations of other thinkers at that time, it was most convenient to dig them out carefully with hands, because human fingers would not easily break them, and there were only him and another warrior and his own flesh hands.

Then, because this matter attracted his attention for a while, when the Lakuan Conquest Fortress quietly flew out of the asteroid belt of the Stenelos system at full speed, he found that it was too late and impossible for him to get off the ship halfway. As for giving a novice like him a single Thunderhawk to drive back by himself, it was a fantasy.

Secondly, his current clan name is still Dovk, not Lakuan, and he actually came from the pious Bogus clan, so sometimes fate is really a joke.

As the newest member of the Dovk clan, which basically serves the equivalent of the Tenth Company in other Chapters, this meant that Vosko had participated in the Medusan Death Challenge held on the Ouranus Rock training grounds this year, and became one of the very few lucky ones who survived and went through the surgery, and also became a brand new... Dovk recruit of the Iron Hands.

So he was assigned to the Dovk Clan Company according to convention - all Iron Hands recruits will join this clan company until they survive enough times or live enough times to be replaced with iron prostheses, and then when they are assigned to other clan companies, generally speaking, there is rarely any change of clan company after this assignment.

Not many, but there are, but generally speaking, for this special personnel transfer, the party receiving the transfer will pay a certain amount of resources or information in exchange for him.

In short, he should not be following them in the Conquest Hall of the Lakuan Clan now. He has not received more training. Although he is not afraid of challenges, it is obvious that the Lakuan Clan warriors do not think so.

Although they did not intend to kill him on the spot (he doubted it), but then things that made him even more unacceptable kept happening. Invasion operations - without him! Training room - not allowed to use him! Boarding operations - without him! War situation reports - don't tell him at all!

The Lakuan veterans told the unlucky recruit who strayed in that fortunately they were going to return to Medusa in the end, so he could wait to go back with them. As for the training, courses, hypnosis and bionic implantation surgery that he had missed because of his "disappearance" - he had to find a way to convince the instructors of Dovk after he returned...

Then he was sent to the abandoned mechanical preparation room on the lower floor for inspection, and made a new friend and was surprised to find that the other party was a mechanical priest, and agreed that he could come to him to confess and pray.

He found the hatch, although it was also covered with dust, but he knew that its door lock had actually been carefully repaired and oiled, and it could recognize his identity and open very smoothly.

"Mr. No. 3...are you there?"

A small indicator light on the door lit up, indicating that the priest was in the cabin at the moment and was idle.

Vosko subconsciously exhaled, opened the door, stepped in, and closed it casually.

The dark passage returned to silence.


Let’s put “unfortunate and lucky Vosko” aside for now and look at the other side of the story.

Why do clan companies seem to have a big gap between them, even though they are all Iron Hands? This brings us back to the day when Ferrus Manus landed… OK, that’s a long way off.

Basically, the Iron Hands Chapter superficially follows the Codex Astartes, but if you think about it with your toes, these crazy people who think “Ferrus Manus’ death means he failed and fell from our god to the mortal world” and “Ferrus died so we are too miserable and it’s okay to let the whole galaxy be buried with him” and finally deduce “So we should use all the dark technologies in the treasure house that Daddy sealed up and didn’t allow us to use! The switch oil man helped! The son sold his father’s land! In this way, Ferrus will come back to lead us again!” It is impossible for them to honestly abide by this codex.

Therefore, the ten companies corresponding to the codex are the ten clans of Medusa. And the special thing about them is that they are very, very particular about the difference in clan bloodline.

Only in most cases, each clan has only the gene blood of the clan. Only the Dovk clan has a large number of recruits with different bloods in addition to its own squad. The blood of their clan generally serves as non-commissioned officers or instructors.

The personnel transfer mentioned above has a special term, "transfer of nationality". Transfer of nationality can only be implemented in very rare cases through extremely cumbersome procedures and operations-because it is also necessary to change the clan characteristics of the transferee's body.

The tribes actually had a loose and highly competitive (it is actually difficult to say whether it is semi-hostile) tribal relationship before the conscription.

And after defeating each Medusa tribe one by one through a series of treks and battles, making each Medusa tribe obey and defeating the silver dragon Athinos, Ferrus Manus did not actually choose to unify Medusa, but continued to let these tribesmen who survived in the doomsday radiation wasteland maintain a life of fighting, nomadism, and scavenging, which led to them still maintaining this cultural custom after entering space.

The third is something that Ferrus Manus had never thought of - his death caused at least three major splits in the Iron Hands, resulting in some clans, such as the Bogus, being strictly guarded by other clans.

Therefore, in addition to building secret treasure vaults and cellars of the Iron Hands at certain specific, geologically stable points, each clan actually separated itself from the surface of Medusa and used its own mobile giant fortress to move around.

However, even the clan fortress monasteries have powerful reactors, but most of them can only move on the ground, and the Lakuan Clan Hall is one of the few that also has the ability to navigate in space.

"--Don't ask me why such a bulky thing can fly up and down." Once when asked by the curious Fulgrim (and Fulgrim Ishtar), Garuda raised his hands high with the silver giant and made a helpless gesture, "It's just unreasonable, unless you want me to tell you about the principles of Sarkosson Formula, Eight Sleeping Sages, and Curse Saint Regulations."

"The things you said are not even clear to my innate mind." Fulgrim said so, his light lavender eyes were like flashing amethysts, "but it feels very powerful to me."

"Of course." Ferrus Manus said through the mouthpiece of the silver mechanical giant, completely unaware of what he was teaching the other party, "Because these things were originally sealed by me in the scattered Mimir treasure houses. These things are too evil and powerful and should not be released into this universe, otherwise the consequences will be disastrous."

"Uh. But."

"... It is my responsibility to recycle and process these accumulated over the past ten thousand years..." The word lingered on the tip of his tongue and was difficult to spit out.

"Even if they have become like this, and you have to deal with the aftermath, I think it is better to call them "offspring."

There are two phoenix voices, one young and flawless, and the other vicissitudes and mature, saying similar content at the same time in Ferrus's receiving unit and data circuit, which makes his face look strange again.

"What's wrong?" The young cloned Primarch in front of him looked at his guardian in confusion. "Although I admit that the days on the Vesalius do seem a bit creepy now, I learned some parts that I think are correct..."

"For example?"

"For example, when they call you 'father' instead of something else, even if he looks like a heavy piece of iron with a thousand-year-old full body prosthesis, his tear glands will probably start working when you call him 'son' and touch his head."

"...I think the tear glands should be one of the first parts they remove."

"Oh," the young phoenix said a little meaninglessly, "then they must be very sad, because there is nothing better for 'humans' to express their emotions at this moment."


Of course, things and discussions are not always so happy. In fact, more often than not, the three of them, especially the two of the silver giants, have disputes with the young cloned phoenix, which are still very obvious, such as now-


Where did he run to in anger again?


Yes, he ran across the entire corridor to the lower deck again. Although he never said where he went, it was one of the old places.


Is it safe there? -

Very safe. No one usually goes there, and Malkan and the others have also been notified. The machine spirits in the Clan Hall can see there, so - do you want me to share multiple perspectives with you? I can share them with you.


No! Thank you! Just know that he is safe there. In addition, Mr. Chuchu, out of courtesy and trust me, you should reduce the number of sensors monitoring in some multi-perspective rooms.


What's wrong with this? For various safety considerations -


... No, you are right, but if he knew that you were monitoring him from multiple angles like this, I think his reaction would be more intense and his attitude towards you would be a little more distrustful.


Is that so? Then I will cut off the surveillance audio now.


... The ghost of Chemos! Are you still recording? ! Cut it off quickly! Gorgon!

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