Warhammer: Start with a dog

Chapter 429 Beauty, Perfection and Imperfection

Chapter 429 Beauty Perfection and Imperfection-

The mysterious mechanical priest who called himself "Lower Deck Maintenance Priest No. 3" was now called "Mr. No. 3" by Vosko.

Or, to use something more like a name: Mr. Tribus.

According to the knowledge beyond the Medusa ground that he found in his brain after waking up from the operating room, he instinctively knew that this word meant "triple" or "three" in High Gothic.

Its extended meaning is more intimate, "clan"... So why is "three" related to clan? This is not what he knew. He was eager to learn more about the outside world, but was disappointed to find that the knowledge he was indoctrinated with did not include these further contents about humanities.

...Just like the people who initially created this knowledge collection thought that the people who received this knowledge should use their limited brain storage to try to receive more knowledge about machinery, war, identifying enemies and friends, combat cooperation, psychological stability, endurance of pain and extreme survival, rather than more knowledge about...astronomy, geography or humanities and society.

Although it was very strange for a Medusan to think like this, it was even stranger considering that Vosko was the genetic bloodline of the Bogus clan, but he was very smart.

So he realized the difference in his ideas at a very young age, and kept his unorthodox ideas that were not beneficial to survival well hidden.

As he grew up, the idea of ​​"wanting to fly above the thick clouds that were always dark and wanting to leave this continent that was always breaking apart to see the outside world and the lives of different people" became one of the secret driving forces that drove Vosko to participate in the Ouranus Rock Recruit Trial, which was rare.

...However, although he had successfully climbed the clouds and flew in the sea of ​​stars, the atmosphere and fighting style of the entire regiment seemed to be different from what he had thought at the beginning. But he saw that the others in the Dovok clan had adapted well.

After all, life on the surface of Medusa was precarious, and the average life expectancy was extremely low. Being selected to join the Chapter and become a warrior of the Emperor with a lifespan of (possibly) hundreds of years was a great profit for the chosen people, and there was really nothing to complain about.

Perhaps after he left the Dovok clan (if possible), and returned to the Borgus clan to serve in the name of Om Messiah and Ferrus for decades, and implanted more bionic prostheses and chips and emotional control modules to replace the flesh and blood brain, he would not have such crazy thoughts?

After all, the flesh is weak! (The flesh is weak!) and Om Messiah is supreme!

With this thought, the hatch closed silently behind him.

The recruit stepped carefully into the deep darkness of the cabin. There was no light here, but his enhanced sense of smell could taste a hint of extra smell, indicating that the person he wanted to meet should be sitting next to the simple shrine in front.

He was not sure what the smell was, but the pre-loaded knowledge base told him that it was "blood or iron mixed with musk rose" and "the smell of clean water after bathing".

Of the first three, he was only familiar with the smell of iron or blood, and had no idea what musk, rose or musk rose was. Obviously, the person who compiled this knowledge base knew, but as always, it did not go into detail about its meaning, only explaining the name of the smell.

But water, for Vosko's fourteen years of life so far (he was completely in a chemical sleep during the operation, and he privately believed that this period of time could not be counted into his age), only meant metallic taste, floating black oil and bitter salty taste, but not such a clean and moist fresh feeling.

He still remembered that when he woke up for the first time in the operating room and drank the first pack of space marine supplements in his life, he was amazed by this liquid mixed with amino acids and supplements. It was not until later that he drank the drinking water prepared for them, the recruits who still had physical digestive organs - rationed to wash down the thick ceramic steel powder porridge, that he knew what completely transparent water tasted like.

He took another step into the darkness.

The strange smell became stronger.

This made Vosko a little uneasy, but then a heavy smell of oil, promethium, and the thick black oil deposits often found on repair screws and tools mixed with the heat of mechanical operation came towards him, which made him feel much more at ease.

Perhaps the strange smells before were just the remnants of expensive incense or candles that Lord Tribus used to worship the God of All Machines.

This is not impossible. After all, the minds of ancient machine spirits are more difficult to understand, and as time goes by, most of the machine spirits that were originally easier to talk to will become more tricky and weird, with strange tempers.

For example, a contemplator engine from his former clan would only work if the most devout believers slapped it while chanting binary prayers loudly. Another example is that an ancient giant auspicious instrument needs a dedicated maintainer to knock it hard and loudly three times from the right direction with precise force to remove the snowflake noise and continue to display - so that its maintainers have replaced their foreheads with metal and thickened and anti-vibration treatments for generations.

The beautiful voice reciting the binary prayer came from a crude electronic loudspeaker.

Unfortunately, Vosko thought that if this loudspeaker was not so poor, Ohm Messiah would be more pleased to hear such hymns.

"Come here, Brother Vosco." The mechanical priest lit a lamp on the table, and then lit some candles for worship. The warm light was projected on his huge body in red robes and silver-gray mechanical masks, casting a long, long black shadow behind him.

"Do you need to pray and meditate alone today, or do you want to confess to Om Messiah? I just have some time."

"Praise the God of All Machines! Lord Tribus, don't you have to go down to maintain the equipment today? - I want to pray and meditate alone for a while to calm my mood."

The priest's head moved, as if nodding, "My work today has come to an end for the time being. Then come to this shrine, Brother Vosco. Have you been excluded by those... I mean, veterans of other clans... today?" Although his voice was heavily electronic, somehow, Vosco heard a sense of sympathy.

"Not bad." He knelt in front of the shrine, ready to offer a prayer to Om Messiah for atonement for his clan. With a priest of the God of All Things beside him, such a familiar prayer always makes people feel at ease.

"I think they may just be irritable and not good at speaking, and many people's emotional inhibition modules are always turned on. Maybe their same sentence can be better accepted by changing it, so in fact, it is enough to accept the content instead of paying attention to the words themselves. If I think like this, I can calm down faster."

The Iron Hand recruit heard Father Tribus laugh twice dryly in the shadow of the light.

"Yes, the art of language is very important in communication. ...Very right, the art of language is right with you, Vosco, this idea is very...right, and you...really a pity."


"Nothing, come, let me start the prayer for you."

In the following time, following the guidance, he began to gradually immerse himself in a state of meditation. As he said, after the prayer ceremony, he felt that his soul was gently soothed and repaired again, and the overly intense and bad emotions returned to the surface of his heart, like a burning crater in the deep sea, the magma is hot, but it can be cooled by the sea water, a perfect balance.

He likes this priest for this reason. Although the iron shaman in his former clan or the iron priest of Dovk can make his heart cold and calm through guided prayers and confession rituals, it is not like this. This actually makes him feel more comfortable. This is also one of the reasons why he only chooses to come to Father Tribus instead of the Lakuan Iron Priests.

When Vosko finally finished his prayers for the day and was about to leave, and had the usual brief conversation with Tribus, he always had a strange feeling that this priest should be a "beautiful" person.

Yes, a "beautiful" person.

Although the Medusa where Vosko Dovk lived was full of radiation, poison gas, lava and crustal movement, and had nothing to do with "beauty" or pastoral scenery in the usual sense, if he had to use a word to describe this priest, then the word "beauty" would naturally pop out in his mind, just like the word that humans are born to want to describe this feeling. Nothing is more suitable than it, and nothing is more like the embodiment of this word than him.

Perhaps, it is because Father Tribus is the most loyal servant of Om Messiah that he gives him this feeling of beauty that comes from the harmony of guidance? Is this the sense of revelation given to him by Om Messiah?

"What's wrong?" Father Tribus's sand-red hood drooped and asked with a strong electronic texture, "Today's prayer is over. Brother Vosco, do you have anything else to say to me?"

"No, Lord Tribus." The newcomer of Iron Hands saluted sincerely, "Thank you for talking to me."


In the throne room of the Lakuan Conquest Fortress, the silver giant sat on his newly made mechanical throne. The cables connected him to this huge flying fortress and his many descendants, and made every machine and operation here more in line with his expectations through constant data exchange and correction.

Billions of light point calculations floated in every millisecond in the data cables and links, but outside the office lines and the lines for trusted senior officers, two highly skilled mechanical experts still quietly built their own dedicated chat circuits.


Is he back?


He came back from the lower deck and seemed to be in a better mood. I couldn't help but feel strange.


It's not strange, Mr. Chuchu, maybe he just got along well with the new guy from Dorfok, after all, he concealed his identity when talking to him. According to my experience, in this case, humans are more likely to talk about topics that are related to their current mood. If they are just ordinary people but not to the point of being open and honest, they will avoid and keep silent.


Tell your inner thoughts to someone who has concealed his identity? I find it hard to understand. Shouldn't you be more vigilant and more suspicious of the other person's words and deeds? In my opinion, the brainwashing program of Iron Hands recruits needs to be improved to remove more memories and emotions...


…Or maybe this new recruit is special, because as far as I know, the effect of brainwashing programs is actually unpredictable. The proportion of completely losing the past has been fluctuating around one-third. Your brainwashing program is already harsh enough. I can't figure out how you can screen out so many new recruits and scouts every year for those crazy line filling consumption with a planetary population of only 500,000. No wonder your sons hide so many in the secret cellar like squirrels overwintering…


Wait, what did you say, 500,000? Consumption? New recruits?


What's wrong, when your biochemical chip circuit is here like a novice single stupid father allocating a full 10% of your computing power to your monitor, it's me, I'm reading the "Geology and History of the Stenelos System (Internal Reference Edition)" dedicated to "you" by Malkan, Mr. Jiujiu. Although it doesn't say so directly, it can be summarized like this.


…Ah…they actually write this thing? A large historical epic?


What? Is it not good? Although it is indeed mechanical and a bit boring...


Nothing is wrong.

A kind of emotional pulse similar to relief and "you are really good enough to write this" was transmitted to the Fearless Phoenix.

In an instant, due to the shared thought link, the subtle thoughts of Ferrus, who always had a cold face, bad temper, and had difficulty expressing his subtle emotions with words and expressions, were successfully transmitted to Fulgrim Ishtar.


...So you think that what they did is a bit like the way Roboute Guilliman's descendants recorded people, so you are actually quite happy...? Gorgon...

A burst of emotional pulses of fierce rebuttal (but to the Iron Hands himself, it can be regarded as a level of helplessness) was emitted again.


Oh, old friend, why are you so worried? Although I am not Fulgrim here, I completely understand why you care so much.


Really? No, actually I am not.


I don't want to mention the existence in my world, but Roboute Guilliman in this universe is exactly the kind of warrior king you want to be in your heart, right? There are things that he doesn't like, but he can control himself according to the actual situation, he won't be overwhelmed by the momentary loss of control of emotions, and he can calculate precisely when he needs to be cold, and at the same time, he will not make people fear, but only admire him - noble and elegant, like the template of ancient heroic legends, a perfect leader.


I don't.


Really? Still deny yourself on such things? After betrayal, death and so much. Gorgon. Listen. You are one of the best of all the primarchs, even if you will admit that you will "envy" others.




What's wrong? That's it. Humans are like this, Gorgon.


...I have to say, this may be because you always look at me with prejudice, brother.


So what? If you ask this young man, I am sure that he will still answer you like this even though he yelled at him to shut up like a madman when you argued with him before.


I doubt it.

Garuda seemed to be greatly relieved that the topic could be changed.


I doubt that the psychological pollution and trauma caused by Fabius Bile may never be recovered in his lifetime.


If you think so, why don't you kill him at the beginning? Even before this period of time, there are enough windows of opportunity for you. Instead of now.




Even if the body is made of steel, the softness in the heart still exists there. Gorgon, we are each other's mirror, the Third Legion and the Tenth Legion, you and me. You know what I mean.




Being born as a human body means being born with all kinds of differences and defects, and the Primarch is already a perfect example among humans. You and I are not imperfect, Gorgon, you only need to be perfect in the eyes of someone to be perfect enough.

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