Warhammer: Start with a dog

Chapter 434 An unexpected success

Chapter 434: A mistake -

No one knows what Kadan Stunus was actually thinking when he decided to attack the Rakuan Clan's Hall of Conquest.

This wave of attacks missed the suspicious-looking Rakuan Clan Conquest Hall, which suddenly made a warp jump under impossible circumstances.

But they did type out... something.

It was completely beyond their and each other's expectations.

It can only be said that the description of a blind cat encountering a dead mouse is most appropriate here.

But what follows is a life-and-death battle.


Dozens of luminous spears hit the void shield and a small part of the ship's hull one after another at the left front of Rakuan's Hall of Conquest. The ionized light aroused was as dazzling as the lightning that lit up from time to time in the dark night, illuminating those things that started to look like tornadoes. The plastic concrete, adamantine skeleton and ship hull flew out like scattered fragments, as well as smaller gravel-like equipment, debris and the quickly frozen bodies of the unfortunate crew members.

"The latest damage control report! The first to third decks of the fortress were attacked by planetary light spears with a direction angle of 82°. The source is presumed to be Senos. The safety seal door lowering operation has been started. The countdown is 10 seconds. Beta-211- Damage control team A to Epsilon-003-C has completed the verification of extravehicular equipment and is heading from the emergency channel for repair and recovery..."

The neat rows of servitors inserted into the gleaming brass and steel panels have ferocious looks. They output a series of data from their own cogitators or stiffly and loudly report the self-check status of various damages. The empty bridge of the throne now has a slightly chaotic scene that is rare in the Iron Hands' expedition.

While the others were left to guard their genetic father, who did not open the door to the throne room or summon their genetic father, Markan Feros, who rushed in alone, rushed into the bridge deck and was angrily shouting at the technical officers, demanding Immediately contact any other clan captain and Iron Father who are above Medusa or in the Antarctic Fortress to inquire about the situation.

Because no one would have thought that after the Rakuan clan jumped out of Mandeville Point and sent the identity code to the Iron Hand's own watch space station at the outermost edge of the Sternelos galaxy, they would be attacked by people from within the galaxy. s attack.

The ancient machine spirit in Lacuan's Hall of Conquest roared angrily. Just before the first wave of attacks touched its metal shell, the machine spirit immediately notified the commander with the highest security authority in the fortress.

Ferrus Manus and Fulgrim Ishtar made the same reaction almost at the same time: they used their authority to mobilize all non-life-sustaining energy to focus on the emergency activation of the void shield on the attacked side, and began A series of takeover equipment is ready to allow this super flying slab, two hundred pairs of road wheels, one wheel twelve stories high, and can also be driven on the ground, the fortress monastery to start performing extreme operations of drifting outside the galaxy.

Facts have proved that, except for some specialized prototypes that are similar in nature to "technology" or "computing", which can independently perform real-time combat calculations at such moments, there are only two battle-experienced prototypes whose thinking circuits are linked. When we are on the same metal body, we can control a behemoth like the Hall of Conquest in an instant to complete such temporary actions that even its driver and technical officer team cannot complete.

All the occupants in this Hall of Conquest have not yet reacted or have just had a moment of confusion, doubt, rage or other thoughts flashing through their minds.

The void shield that was activated urgently on the side of the fortress facing the galaxy has been attacked from the direction of their home galaxy, and although the flying fortress was shaking very badly, it was able to defend itself with the accurately strengthened void shield position.

Later, when they were eager to figure out what was happening in this chaotic moment, the pilots and bridge officers were horrified to find that the machine spirits and cogitator instruments in front of them began to lose their control. Even entering the highest security code they have has no effect.

Therefore, Malkan Feros's request could not even be met for a while: all auspicious devices and sensor arrays joined in this silent but completely terrifying machine talking to itself.

These machines seemed to boil in an instant, as if the originally sleeping circuit metal statues were suddenly injected with some unknown and terrifying vitality. The stiff metal and dead flesh jaws of the machine servitors opened and closed, and began to make loud noises automatically. Report the work conclusions of their equipment output, and the equipment that usually requires careful maintenance by multiple people all began to work actively as if they were directed by the same person's will, and their efficiency was even faster than ever before.

"Ohm Messiah! What's going on?!" Iron Father's voice rumbled through the metal breathing grille that replaced his nose and mouth, "The bridge officer has tried to take back control of this place. ! I want to communicate with Medusa immediately! Is this a sign of a rebellion or the aftermath of the invasion of these machine souls? "

"I don't know! Sir!" the desperate bridge technical officer shouted back, "They... they are controlled by another powerful will, and we can't control them! I can't even..."


Be calm and don't be impatient. My sons, my warriors. it's me.

A thought like a great bell descended on the bridge, and its sound spread through the receiver channel through the resonance of the mechanical module. Everyone immediately quieted down, except for those devices that were still working on their own. People looked at these dead things around them anxiously, working orderly and spontaneously - without any human manipulation.

Many believers were quietly reciting the exorcism prayer of Om Messiah.

The fierce long-range attacks that occasionally brushed against the void shield outside the porthole triggered colorful and disorderly high-speed strobe lights. If a person looked at them directly without wearing protection, he would even feel physiological dizziness and nausea.

Malkan Firoth took a half step forward tentatively.

"Is it you, father? Please forgive me for not guarding you. I think I should drive your car for you when the attack occurs."

An impatient and clear emotional pulse entered Malkan's receiver.


Malkan. Although I do have a bad temper, I think I am reasonable to my offspring, unlike some of my brothers.

"Forgive me, father. I was just guessing."

Another pulse from the same source once again sent Malkan a "OK, it's okay, don't talk too much" emotion.

The Forge Master blinked behind his iron breathing mask.


Stop talking nonsense. Everyone prepare to resist the acceleration and space jump impact.



First make a warp jump and leave here immediately. The void shield is a makeshift one and will not last long. There are about 58 seconds before the next attacking warhead cluster arrives. We must jump.

"But even the warp engine of the Lakuan Hall can only be prepared for 65% at most in such a short time... and we must activate the new Geller Stand and Navigator. Great Ferrus! If we jump into the warp like this, the probability of getting lost is higher than 50%, and the probability of damage is..."


Shut up. I know what I'm doing. You chant the Holy and the Great in my name all day long, and build countless temples on the Holy Mountain of Karash to pray for my return. And at a time when great power and miracles are particularly needed, do you think that I, a Primarch, one of the miracles in the galaxy, your genetic father ten thousand years ago, who returned from death like lightning, have only the abilities of a mortal?


The magnetic boots of the Astartes fixed the descendants of Ferrus on the deck, and the mortal auxiliary officers immediately lay down and grabbed something or stuffed themselves into a large enough gap. Before they could completely dodge, they heard this great voice curse a swear word in a language they didn't understand, followed by a high-pitched roar in the native language of Medusa.


This bunch of bastards!

Then the same voice sounded more calmly.


Navigator, sense according to the coordinates I provided. ——Stop talking nonsense, immediately.

The invisible, huge, yet real pressure pressed down on everyone like a giant mountain. The mechanical arms of the Iron Hands made a subtle sound of metal being pressed and rubbed. Some people even had difficulty breathing, and the air was being squeezed out of their collapsed lungs. Fortunately, although their navigator was not very willing to accept the guidance of people who were not from the navigator's family as always, it was obvious that there was something real about that coordinate.

Because the data from the navigator's cockpit showed that he was taking over the driving and engine power of the Lakuan Conquest Hall according to the will of Ferrus Manus, preparing to take them into the subspace.

As the navigator obeyed and executed the tense orders, the pressure was relieved.

The next batch of intensive bombardment passed through the colorful plasma gas belt and the annihilation trail of the subspace energy that had just begun to dissipate, and continued to fly in the empty void until it lost power...

They hit something in the "void" and exploded.

The original camouflage peeled off one after another, and the flames burned on the wet and rotten fleshy shell of the ship, and were quickly extinguished by some secreted yellow pus.

"This is..."

The Iron Council, which had gathered for other matters, immediately entered an emergency war state.

All the warriors and vehicles here were mobilized.


About three hours later.

The Lakuan Conquest Hall was quietly floating above the orbit of the death world Coinbril.

It was quiet and desolate here. Because it was worthless, there was no imperial colonization or garrison. They jumped out of the Mandeville point of this galaxy only a few light hours away from Medusa, and then entered orbit for rest after scanning.

"What exactly happened?"

Summoned to the throne room of Ferrus, Malkan asked the Father of Genes respectfully on behalf of the officers of the Iron Hands.

The huge silver metal figure of "Ferrus Manus" sat on his mechanical throne, and the Iron Hands were almost fascinated-looking at the silver metal flowing into the gap of the throne like a life, connecting with the shining data points deep inside.

Their gene father who returned to the world opened his eyes, and his silver eyes stared at them like melted mercury.

"The attack was directed at us, undoubtedly from Medusa. The sender of the verification code was Cardan Sturnus."

"What--!!! Is there a verification error somewhere? Father, Cardan Sturnus can't--"

"If I can die like that on Istvaan 5, don't mention the impossibility. When you educate the recruits, don't you say very calmly, 'No one can be trusted'? How about it, Markan, as soon as it involves you? You think it is impossible for someone you know and are close to to betray someone. It seems that even if you memorize this commandment very well, it will not be very effective."

Such a powerful supporting statement made the Forge Master unable to come up with a suitable statement to refute.

In the end he had to ask his Primarch bitterly if his most favored disciple was suspected of betrayal and corruption, or had the Iron Hands fallen once again into the curse of strife and civil war while they were away?

"No." Their genetic father answered him, with a hint of subtlety in his tone, "According to analysis, his original intention was to test you, but..." Ferus seemed to smile, was the curve of the corner of his mouth a mockery? ? Malkan isn't sure.

"But I didn't expect to be able to fight out the real intruder in advance, which was an unexpected gain."

"So we need to jump immediately because...?"

"It's because I found that our position was the worst at that moment: there was a barrage of tests in front of us - although it was a test, he used genuine products. I had to punish him when I turned back. And behind and around were enemies. The warship was originally invisible and lurking, but the sensor readings sent to me by Lakuan’s Hall of Conquest at that time made me not want to wait for a second longer.”

"I don't know about you... maybe it's true that our tactical thinking for thousands of years should really consider strategic retreat..."

"Ferrus" waved his hand, and the golden mechanical bird on his shoulder spread its wings and chirped.

"This is not an escape, Malkan. If you knew what kind of subspace chaos enemy you were about to face, you would have chosen to distance yourself immediately."

"You seem to be very familiar with them. You can tell which kind of enemy it is without even confirming it with the naked eye."

"If you have fought against them many times, you will be familiar with them, Malkan. Don't always test me." "Ferrus" stared at the Lord of the Forge with his silver eyes, "That is the King of Corruption and the Plague. The dependents of the Lord, even if you have the ability to burn them, you will not give priority to the kind of enemies who fight in close combat with them.”

"But the Black Legion of the Great Betrayer Abaddon has only recently..."

"Yes, it is written in Lacuan's records that Abaddon's army has just left not long ago. Your defensive battle was hard but tenacious, Malkan."

"In such a short period of time..."

"Yes." "Ferrus"'s jawline became harder and squarer, "The enemies of Chaos are here again, this time they are the followers of the evil gods, and their targets are undoubtedly Medusa and the treasures above. We Instead, they have become a force that has successfully moved away. Now, it is up to us to find ways to reconnect and support them. "

"Do you feel a sense of deja vu?" He smiled, but there was no warmth in his smile. "The Broken Legion, the Broken Legion, my children. This time, we cannot let the tragedy happen again."

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