Warhammer: Start with a dog

Chapter 435 The clean Nurgle warriors are coming!

Chapter 435 The clean Nurgle warriors are here! -

In the square in front of the "Delicious and Nutritious" restaurant, while praying to the Holy Pius torch, there was a long queue of pilgrims waiting to receive hot water. The pilgrims were also in good order today.

The square, which is now as bright as daylight with the help of a certain Rogue Trader, has recently been decorated with many new isolation fences made of ceramic steel and reinforced concrete blocks.

They are very heavy for mortals to collapse, and for the Astartes - no, no, for the tall, strong, solid and reliable security officers of the Carosini Dynasty, they can be lifted by one person for easy movement. and tidy up.

So now people are accustomed to being divided into continuous paperclip-shaped queues with very regular angles and lengths by fences that are about the height of an adult's waist.

If a new pilgrim group comes here and stands at the entrance of the square without knowing the rules or hesitating, there will be enthusiastic local residents stationed at them shouting at them and telling them to go to the end of the line and start queuing up to enter - a mobile population. The increase, as well as the fact that a new and important Rogue Trader has officially stationed heavy troops here, beyond everyone's expectation, has greatly improved the security and happiness level of the local residents. What is amazing is that even the local population The moral level seems to have improved visibly.

This is completely different from the impression that ordinary people in the empire had on military camps or garrisons. Generally speaking, all naval officers know not to let their soldiers leave the ship for too long or too far, otherwise it is very likely that the next time they see them will be in In the paddock where the flogging was carried out, the erring criminals were either dragged alive to each warship for people to watch the execution, or they were drunk or some other accident occurred.

In short, even in the empire, most of the time, when there is a military camp in a place, it is basically equated with noisy, dirty, rapid deterioration of public security, population loss, etc. - of course. The Rieger Corps was not included.

Of course, some smart people think that this counter-intuitive situation is because of the glory of the God Emperor that these soldiers carry and what they are expected to be. However, more ordinary people prefer to call it a holy land. Miracle, "As long as you get to the square and let the colorful light shine! Hey! The Emperor is here! People will instantly wake up! They just want to do good things! Don't think about the bad things!"

All in all, this place is getting better day by day.

This is really good, unexpectedly good in this universe.

"To me, this looks like the entrance to some... um... large exhibition in some of the big cities in Ancient Terra that would be considered an absolute heretical gathering here."

Mr. Lamizane commented as he drank the hand-made lemon sparkling water in his hand and looked at the long and winding queue outside the window.

The new drink in his hands was developed in the restaurant menu at the request of His Highness Carosini after the average temperature in Wandering Port increased by 5 degrees Celsius due to the increase in population. Once launched, it has been well received.

Nowadays, there are even different flavors such as hand-beaten mixed berry, hand-beaten tangerine, hand-beaten apple peach, etc. It can also cover pistachio and vanilla ice cream balls. The last one of these flavors has the highest order volume among the nobility. The surge has become the latest signature feature of their restaurant - the sergeants on duty in the kitchen now have to send more people to beat fruits because Mr. Carosini does not allow the same person to work overtime for too long.

As for your question about why the fruit peach pulp sparkling water in the "delicious and nutritious" restaurant is so unreasonable, it can perfectly withstand various temperature changes in the middle - Master Decima, the almighty war sage of the Genshuan Order, and Iron... The executive chef of Destiny Steel might have something to say about this.

After listening to this man's nostalgic speech, Bian Mu glanced at him - using his current humanoid camouflage shell, while throwing away the stack of data pads he had just finished processing.

[What, is it that the lemonade specially made for you by 'Whiterace' can't stop your mouth, or is it that the workload I assigned you recently seems too little for you? 】

"Why do you say that! I am trying to balance work and rest. I have just finished the statistics on the asteroid belt around the Wandering Port. I have to stand up and walk around to relax... In addition, I still need Magna's mecha. It’s so useful! It’s better than anyone else. I just love drinking lemonade. It’s great to have a drink during work breaks.”

[Can you stop coveting that (Olympian expletive) mech? What it can do, my iron ring can also do after modification. Or, you can call back Aharin. He is becoming less and less steely now. You are a warrior, so unbecoming! 】

"Oh! Pepe! I thought you didn't read it. So you also read his travel report and souvenirs? It is said that he is heading towards Sintila, the capital of the sector. I have to say that in fact, his travel companions looked at him. The description is quite interesting and good... The hoops, it's really nice to get familiar with them, but for some reason, 'Whiterace' always feels very... uh... different to me? , you know what I mean, it’s like he’s like your right-hand man.”

A look of irritation and irritation could be seen on Perturabo's own face, but he held it back after letting out a rumbling roar that was not like a human voice, and decided to change the subject tactfully.

[...As for Sintira, you should still consider recalling Aharin in time. 】

"Why? I remember nothing happened on Sintira at this time... Of course, I'm not familiar with the geography here. If there was anything important, we should have asked him to come back in advance."

[At this moment... Basically, the flow of space-time particles in the unmanned monitoring points we launched outward began to move closer to M42, so the recent major events are actually quite, quite, quite a lot, and from a galactic scale, you can basically think that they are happening at the same time. ]

"Oh! I have some idea about this. During the 13th Dark Crusade and the Great Rift, many major events did happen at the same time. After all, the dark side of the empire alone is quite remarkable."

[Indeed, for example, the fall of Cadia and the siege of Fenris happened at the same time, which many people may know, and the destruction of Baal also started at the same time. ]

"Huh? Ah? Wait, these three things are more than just big!"

[Of course. Also, just around the Great Rift, the opening of the Scarlet Road, the formation of the Dark Side, the large-scale awakening of the Aliens, the awakening of another person, and the series of events that followed...】

"Wait, wait, why are you so familiar with all these events? Haven't some of these events happened yet?"

Perturabo's anthropomorphic face was calm and he continued the conversation, [You actually read them before, but you didn't take them seriously, so when I was exchanging data, I read part of your related subconscious visual memory data along the memory classification. 】

"How can it be so convenient? Then why not earlier... You didn't read my other visual memory data? No, right? No, right?"

His Perturabo rolled his eyes again when he heard this. It might be very cute on the face of a black and white dog, but on a human face..., Ramizarn decided to ignore it and wanted to persuade Perturabo to use his "real body" again.

【Of course, these have to be arranged later. There are at least two or three major events or battles happening at any time around this point in time. In the distant dark future...]

"Only war."

Perturabo nodded.

[Only war. For example, at this time, I think there should be a fierce battle on Medusa.]

"Medusa? I rarely hear about the deeds of the Iron Hands at this time."

[In fact, the reason why they did not appear at the beginning was because of this matter.]

"What's the matter?"

[The Iron Hands' home planet Medusa was attacked by the combined forces of the Separatist Warband, the Clearer Warband and the First Company of the Death Guard, and they had to return to defend the whole group.]

"The Separatist and Clearer Warbands? So strange, can they fight together with the Death Guard? It's rare. The green fat man's family rarely cooperates with others unless there is a special event."

Perturabo sneered, [These two warbands are actually believers of the Lord of Plague. The Separatist... should have been deliberately brought to Medusa, and you may not be familiar with the name of the Clearer, but you must be very familiar with the other one.]

"What is it?"

[The World Purifying Plague Army. 】

“……(Gutai swears)!”


The sudden attack on Medusa by the Chaos believers was indeed unexpected by the Iron Hands, but they were not without advantages.

First, because a meeting was needed to discuss the previous accusations, except for the Lakuan clan, who was not here, and Hammonk and Karagu could not be completely trusted, all the other seven clans and other small clans gathered in the Antarctic Fortress. They did not even need to spend too much time to gather the army and could directly start deploying combat defense.

Secondly, Kadan Sturnus's cold decision triggered the enemy fleet that was originally approaching in large numbers to suddenly complete the sneak attack mission in advance, forcing the other party to take the risk of airdropping into Medusa's atmosphere without a stable retreat.

But there are always two sides to things, and this time the luck was not entirely on the side of the Gorgon's descendants.

At this critical moment, they could not fully mobilize the forces of the three accused clans, especially the extremely powerful clan company of Lakuan. Even their flying fortress was not here, which was not very favorable for the strategy they wanted to implement. According to the intelligence sent back, the invaders had the forces of two plague war gangs and a plague company, as well as very, very, very many plague vehicles and lifeless auxiliary troops.

Obviously, the invaders did not want to return empty-handed.

At first, when the Iron Hands defenders just came into contact with each other, things seemed to be within the scope of resolution.

The powerful armored cluster painted in black and steel served as the spearhead, the Medusa auxiliary army served as the coordinated force, and the recruits of the three absent clans and the recruits and officers of the Dovk clan were mixed in. The Volgan and Gesaka clans were responsible for providing accurate and sufficient firepower support, and more armored troops driven by the Iron Hands' exclusive modified servitors were put into the battlefield.

The destructive shells and high-temperature weapon flames mercilessly and accurately burned the ground that strangely changed from rocks and black sand to muddy and wet swamps as the blasphemous invaders landed, drying them into soil again and plowing the gurgling mud, and then splashing them with sufficient volleys of fire again.

Those believers of the God of Plague huddled in their landing site, and it seemed that they were hit by the barrage of bullets like water and could not raise their heads to fight back for a while.

However, at this moment when the Iron Hands' Calculation Magi Group and Simulacrum Holy Chamber and other prophetic institutions seemed to be about to pick up the fruits of victory lightly and easily, they sent extremely strong and almost sharp warnings to every Iron Hands decision-maker. Howling data warning.

The ground and positions that had been instigated by the Corruption Plague were still quiet. Apart from psychic defenses and void shields, there were no signs of large-scale artillery fire or bombings. Some tall figures could even be seen from the observation point of the advancing spearhead. shape--

Some Chaos Astartes wore white armor like dead flesh. Apart from the oil dripping from their joints, they did not seem to have any signs of being blessed by the plague as commonly understood, while others faced their Chaos Stars with strange weapons. Soldiers are more "normal" and clean. They can even see the... polish on the surface of those dark green shoulder armors?

Suddenly, the sensors on the front line showed that something, some kind of substance, was "flowing" toward the defenders' queue at an unhurried but steady pace.

Under the eternally dark sky of Medusa, it was not clear what it was just by optical and infrared observation, but the ion lightning exploded in the clouds then illuminated these green, turbid acid droplet smoke for everyone.

They had unknowingly approached the first row of auxiliary soldiers.

As a local defense force with a forge, the equipment of the Medusa Auxiliary Army is not bad, and the level of mechanical modification of their bodies is also surprisingly high. In theory, their fighting and endurance far exceed that of the average defense force, and they can almost It is comparable to the combat and defense levels of some basic skitarii.

However, the contagion and corrosiveness of these strangely blessed gases still proved to be beyond the scope of the most vicious imagination of all normal humans.

In just ten or twenty seconds, the highly toxic acid corrodes metal, rubber and other pipelines layer by layer, penetrating into any gaps. It especially likes to dissolve skin and flesh and blood organs, and then just passes through. In a matter of ten seconds, those unfortunate first contacts were reduced to a puddle of indistinguishable ooze wrapped around their rotten bones and mechanical prosthetics.

The chemical acid mist released by the Plague Army came into contact with the mortal soldiers and armored vehicles, and immediately corroded any weak protective link, and then invaded the circulatory systems of mortals and servitors. The trachea, lips, and lungs were immediately dissolved, and they were removed from the body. The bloody acid flowing from the corroded place continues to flow everywhere inside the body like a plague, causing violent destruction and dissolution. The dissolved tissue mixed with blood flows from the human body - regardless of whether he still has self-awareness - from the mouth and It gushed out from the middle of the nose, and the skin disappeared in pieces. The bright red muscles dripped down like candle tears, and the pale fresh bones stood out from the bright red color.

At the edge where the poisonous gas cloud is not so dense, the defense of the armored vehicles can still support them until they start to retreat, but in places where the acid mist is more dense or where the armor is not so thick, all living creatures are in a green nightmare. The cloud quietly disappeared, leaving only a squirming mess of flesh, bones, and metal on the black lava gravel ground of Medusa.

The roar of the demonic engine, like the wheezing of a person suffering from consumptive disease, penetrated the poisonous fog, and the festering and decaying armored vehicles of the Death Guards who had been waiting in the back row for a long time began to run over the silent and unmanned vehicles. area.

On the contact front where there are no living creatures now, the Death Guard's first wave of attacks on the Iron Hands' home planet has officially begun.

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