Warhammer: Start with a dog

Chapter 441 The Dead Resurrected, Ferrus Manus

Chapter 441: Resurrection of the Dead, Ferrus Manus-

To be honest, even though he was the favored one of the God of Corruption and Rebirth, Typhons, who was originally just an Astartes, could do this, so he had reason to be conceited.

If it were any other imperial conscript or ordinary planet, the situation would probably be on the verge of being out of control or completely out of control at this moment, making another world a new embellishment of the father's garden.

As long as there are enough living things on any world, the first captain of the Death Guard can even use his psychic talent and the plague gift alone to eventually infect an entire planet.

However, there have never been many dead of Medusa who can lie peacefully in the land of their hometown - even if their relatives and friends are willing to bury them, if there is no protection from complex technology and large stasis fields like those fortresses or memorial statues on the Firgazer Mountains, the planet's continuous, active and high-speed geological plate activities, the erupting volcanoes of various colors, geysers and other indescribable creatures will soon make the remains disappear and begin to participate in the next geological or biological cycle.

Normally, in the wilds of Medusa where the strong prey on the weak, no corpse would be left there for too long.

But the war that broke out here just now left many fresh corpses that had not yet been cleaned up, so the call of the captain of the first company of the Death Guard did not seem to be unreceived and disgraceful.

In Typhons' psychic vision, he watched with fascination the recurrence of all cycles, between death and rebirth, the wailing souls had a weak aura, and were offered to the Supreme God and his messengers to share. The dead people's stiff bodies swelled, their nails turned into claws, and their tattered bodies hung with half-flowing internal organs. They made a blocked gurgling sound in their throats, and slowly supported their bodies from where they fell at an angle that human muscles could not make, responding to the calls of the chosen champions and wizards, slowly shaking their bodies, trying to let all the living people on the way forward join in the gifts they received.

Although the appearance of the plague zombies is terrifying to outsiders, if that were the case, the Iron Hands would not be afraid of it: the conquest halls of other clans are on their way to the battle site at high speed or have begun to prepare to attack the newly dispersed Separatists and the World Purifiers, and their opponents do not know how strong the firepower they will test with their heads.

The anti-gravity engines of these steel fortresses and arsenals support them to cross mountains and ridges. The void shields, quad storm bombs, close defense guns, turbo laser guns, volcano guns, heavy earthquake guns and missile launchers they are equipped with are all on standby (only the conquest hall of the Lakuan clan can take off, but other clans have undoubtedly allocated the energy of flight capabilities to stronger ground speed, firepower and defense) - these land war behemoths are also one of the sources of confidence for the Iron Fathers to sit on the Diaoyutai before.

But the dark relics that the Iron Council had just decided to put into the battlefield to destroy the enemy once and for all prevented these behemoths from immediately entering their original attack positions, so Typhons lost what might have been one of his greatest trophies without knowing it.

The laughing little demons chased and played, and the steel machinery they stepped on became rusty as if it had been through thousands of years, and began to grow supernatural infected creatures like a piece of rotten and smelly meat. From the muzzles of the tanks fell a nest of tumbling maggots, and their drivers who had their brains removed would wail driven by their remaining instincts.

The eyes of these bio-mechanical wetware burst outwards, the skin shrank, revealing the shrunken gums, the flesh melted with the steel - then turned over from the inside - and then new warp maggots and malfunction spirits were born again - along with the favor of Typhons to use his own psychic sorcery to spread this plague against mechanical creations, it is undoubtedly the most vicious gift to any enemy's weapons and vehicles, and it can truly make the father's blessing fall equally on everyone's head.

In addition, in theory, strong metals such as adamantium will not rust or age significantly, but the physical laws of the real world do not apply to warp viruses and plagues.

Let the machine lose its harmonious and rigorous order and become chaotic and malfunctioning, let the firm steel fester like weak flesh and blood - perhaps Typhons himself never thought that such a horrible scene would really hit the hearts of the sons of Gorgon who were already steel inside and out more than those resurrected dead.

+This major new threat factor should be added to our grand plan. +

+Delivering the Infinite Dark Source of Saint Manpark to him and this landing point would be one of the quickest and most correct unanimous decisions we have ever made. +

+No doubt about it. Betrayer and murderer deserve only to be forever annihilated along with these things from every level. +

+He got it right. +


Despite the sight of hell, the young Phoenix was undaunted and fought on.

The platinum flames on the Phoenix blade were not extinguished by the Nurgle soup dripping from the blade of the Human Reaper (Note 1). The powerful iron halo on his power armor automatically opened to protect him, and he shouted ancient poems through the speaker grid to inspire his children.

The flow of spiritual light that Typhons peered out from the inside of his armor made him extremely angry: although the dead of flesh and steel did cause a lot of trouble to this assault team and their companions who followed, making Casualties began to appear, but under the Phoenix's singing, the meager auras of those traitors who betrayed again connected the Phoenix and them to each other, and their bodies were able to temporarily resist the beautiful gift of the holy and generous God of Rebirth.

Something in this aura suddenly stung Typhons, piercing his armor and reaching beneath the skin that had been eaten away by swarms of Destroyer Flies, the body long ago blessed by the virus. The wizard and Typhon of Barbarus, who had lost their sense of pain, suddenly felt pain.

He must kill him, them. At this moment, Typhons was convinced that he should and must kill Fulgrim, who had somehow recovered his human form and landed in Medusa to compete with him for the credit.

No, no matter what conspiracy the Prince of Darkness and his Happy Court have against this place, he will definitely defeat them and get there first, planting the seeds of life and the mark of truth here for the loving father Nurgle.

Just because he is Typhons, the one who brought the Death Guard to the loving father Nurgle, the one who brought the triple corrupt and immortal truth to poor Mortarion, the first to be enlightened, the one who spreads the truth, and very soon Soon he would be able to add the title of Primarch-Slayer to his title that was recited in fear across the Warp and the real universe.

"Shameless!" He roared angrily, and some rancid dark black acidic juice flowed out from under his helmet. "Why, why are you so stubborn! Why don't you want to embrace the generous gift of the Lord of life! Why don't you understand what He has given us? That joyful favor! I have changed my mind! Your conversion is not what I want! I will sacrifice your soul to the divine Father! I will cut off your superficial head to decorate my power armor!"

"Oh, really?" People heard the young and beautiful voice sneer, and the pity in its tone was even more hurtful than contempt, "You see, at least you admit that I have a soul and a head, and staying in How much remains of your soul and body are left in this oozing and disgusting fly larvae culture jar that can't even take off your helmet? Didn't it turn into sewage gas and stinky farts and be expelled from the tubes behind your back? Barbarus? Callas Typhon."

Nurgle's most dedicated mortal champion let out a tragic and earth-shattering psychic roar, swung his scythe towards the young Phoenix who landed lightly on a raised rock, and at the same time unleashed an unprecedented and unreserved release on the opponent. All your own swarm of destroyer flies.



A special signal has been detected entering the battlefield from the Antarctic. You should take a look, Gorgon.

Fearless Phoenix's data flow conveys a solemn thought.


...What on earth have these heirs of mine done! Treason! Treason! ! How dare you disobey my orders and open my treasure house!

Mr. Garuda Ferrus, who immediately recognized the significance of this special signal, was suddenly shocked and angry.


We must teleport down and close it immediately!


What is that? !

Fearless Phoenix shouted, and at the same time began to wake up the transmission system.


An ancient creation I unearthed here! In fact, it is probably a man-portable black hole made by aliens and not detonated! -

What? ! ! What did you say you dug up on your home world? ! You just put it in the vault? ! -

How do I know what happened next? ! Stop talking! quick! Can't wait for a better time! When I'm done with this, someone must be punished for this! ! !

As several emergency instructions were sent, the ancient fortresses woke up, their antennas and beacons pointed in the only direction in the sky, and their lights lit up.

As sung in the "Traveler's Hymn" that has been passed down from generation to generation among the nomads on the surface of Medusa, describing Ferus walking among them to accomplish great deeds and defeat all challengers, the huge fireball enveloped the roaring The wind and wild flames fell on the battlefield, the black snow of the holy mountain shook off, and the dead wasteland welcomed the first step of its master's arrival——

In fact, even for the Iron Hands who have lived here for generations, the scenes depicted in "Ode" are far enough away from them that no one knows how much of the content has been modified and beautified for what purpose.

Such as now.

There was neither the vigorous and legendary operatic appearance of Phoenix just now, nor any warning.

Everyone is keeping their eyes wide open or their optical sensors focused on the heart of the iron hand in the center of the battlefield that will devour the all-devouring dark source of effects and death of the enemy - whether flesh and blood, machine or both. ——At this moment, they were all beating violently like never before.

The transmitted light was swift and short-lived, and the smell of ionized and oxidized air silently and ruthlessly killed the bacteria and viruses wandering around. The fatherly little messengers lost the cheerful smiles that always hung on their faces, and ran around in panic, screaming. , looking for the warriors and champions of the Plague God.

A device wrapped in a sacred consecrated container is falling towards its intended landing point.

A pair of huge silver arms emerged from the undissipated teleportation smoke, grabbing the device before it could hit the ground and begin to react to the surrounding warp energy.

Then its energy response stopped at the critical moment.

The smoke was blown away by the moist wind, revealing the shining silver face and silver eyes behind.

+That's impossible. +

+This is impossible. +

+No, no, but, ah, this is him! It is him! +

+Ancestor, Ancestor! Ferrus! Ferrus Manus! +

+He is back! He is back again! He is among us again! +

The ecstatic current swept through the entire parliament hall like a wave, and the Martian voices watched in amazement as the most mature and mechanized Iron Father stood up and trembled all over, completely unable to control his emotions, shouting the name of the Father of Genes and waving his arms.


The dead still walked under the purple sun of Medusa, their mouths wide open, intestines flowing out, claws growing from their fingers, plague flies growing from their bodies, wandering around, eager to pull the living into their ranks of despair and pain.

Death, not really death, rebirth, not really rebirth, a different kind of life cycle.

The god stirred his cauldron of thick soup happily, muttering contentedly in the garden, and because Typhons was considerate enough to allow him to achieve a new cycle of life and death, he was rewarded for his actions to please the god. The title of designated favor for seven years, the right to talk to those original demons on an equal footing without having to kneel, was the reward for his actions to please the god.

The eternal hymn to the kind father Nurgle echoed in the roars and whimpers of the eternal pain of the walking corpses.

The plague lands were expanding the scope of their contamination every moment, turning the black basalt desert into a yellow-green thick muddy swamp.

There was no time or words for excessive explanation.

The young Fulgrim nodded to his brother and new guardian who openly performed the same resurrection of the dead.

"I must continue to be with my children," he added simply, "this land is polluted, and only my presence, my constant harmony of souls with them... can protect them from too much... favor and interference."


He is learning his abilities much faster than I expected, and he has begun to realize his influence on other people and mysterious things.


But his psychic chanting does allow the Emperor's Children to keep their minds clear during such a long battle without using additional combat potions. It's incredible. In your opinion, is there any danger of him being corrupted and turning against his side in the battle? -

Not yet. He also uses the sword skills I taught him very well, and has some of the style of me before I was disabled.


Wait a minute. Disabled? When? What happened? Who did it? ! Who dared? ! I thought you were only inhabiting this body of a son of Dorne...


...Now is not the time to talk about this. Keep your eye on him and don't be distracted, Gorgon. Follow him and keep your eye on your shocked offspring, because they are the ones I'm worried about causing any big accidents. I will pay more attention to the movements of the Corruptors.

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