Warhammer: Start with a dog

Chapter 442 It’s not too late, father, son, brother (5K3)


In the following time, the figure in purple danced in the eternal darkness caused by the dim purple stars through the clouds, chanting in the blade and light of the sword that I don’t know who or what I dedicated it to, but here there is only A chant in an ancient language that two people can understand.

Although this small hymn seems to be thin and superficial, it is incredibly able to withstand the power of the god served by the Death Guard on some unobservable level. The armor is rusted but not damaged, and the lungs are like Burned by fire but still able to breathe - so the Phoenix Wings who followed its phantom continued to fight here around their father's former appearance as Fulgrim said, as if they were the purple-gold gun from the 30th millennium. A surprising glimpse of the Pride Legion left to the world.

The young Phoenix Lord and his remaining offspring, clad in gray and white, served as a surprise attack force and a sharp knife to resolve entangled situations. At his request, they were transported to various entangled battle locations many times.

The three clans headed by Lacuan cooperated with him, because behind this old enemy stood a tall figure that they could not refuse: a silver giant holding a huge saber and thunder hammer, and behind Ferus Manus On the top of the huge mechanical reactor backpack that also shimmers with silver, a horrifyingly powerful flamethrower continuously spits hurricanes of lightning and flames like dragon's breath towards the surroundings, burning all unclean things.

Following Ferus, the battle brothers of the Rakuan clan who landed on the ground charged simultaneously from their rear like human tanks, joining the front lines guarded by the surprised and delighted Hammonk clan, enriching the children of the ethereal Phoenix. Their position after breaking through was like the blade and back of a sharp ax, perfectly cutting away the carrion from Medusa's black iron-like devastated body.

The Flame Blade is only responsible for focusing on breaking the situation, while the subsequent expansion of results and consolidating victory are completed by the strong and cold steel body.

At the same time, the warriors of the Karagu clan who were ordered to come and be airdropped directly to the ground were ordered to demonstrate their extraordinary fire support capabilities under the leadership of Basque Karagu. The clan's most famous precision long-range fire strike technology was like this at this moment. It is as perfect and harmonious as it is tailor-made for friendly forces.

This is not an ordinary marksman or simply because of the traditional culture of the nomadic clans: the Karagu clan does not believe in any so-called luck or coincidence in the world, only accurate probability calculations and the inevitability of cause and effect. The two are essentially opposed. Again, it was their deepest belief, just as they had been for ten thousand years.

For thousands of years, the Karagu clan has been eternally watching and waiting on the sacred mountain of Karash. They believe wholeheartedly that according to their calculations, Ferrus Manus will definitely return to them for the sake of the empire, the universe, and his genetic descendants— —Though deep within the Chapter’s core fortress on the same planet, where the battered skull of Ferrus Manus was stored and guarded for many years—

This is also the fundamental reason why once the Karagu clan learned about the return of "Father Soul", they were essentially the first and fully accepted the coming of the saint by "Ferrus Manus" in the name of an ancient iron hand. ——For the battle brothers of Karagu, the return of the Gene Father is an inevitable fact, and they just need to accept it.

With such certainty in their own calculations, every official member of the Iron Hands knows that the trajectory of every bullet and cannonball fired by the battle brothers of the Karagu clan follows their unrivaled precision. No matter how incredible the angles and distances are when these ammunition are launched, they will always return to the expected landing point of the Karagu clan warrior who launched them. Bringing destruction and death calculated in advance.

Or, in other words, for all the continuous long-range saturation fire support of the Karagu clan, first of all, their ballistics do not have the problem of accidentally injuring friendly forces, and secondly, their bullets and cannonballs can indeed be used with "eyes" and "can turn". ", "can chase and fight" to describe it.

This point can only be said to have given people the impression that the Karagu clan has "a lot of vehicles", "very strong firepower" and "very accurate shooting" in the previous imperial battles. However, when they began to fight for the close quarters, The subtlety and benefit of this when providing fire support to friendly forces engaged in combat will make the tacit understanding and harmony of the battle between the two sides terrifying. It is completely born for such battle situations, and is the best support that all melee teams dream of.

In the end, others who were completely stunned by the unexpected scene of the dead resurrecting watched this group of completely different but perfectly coordinated warriors kill the intruders like melons and vegetables. It was only a matter of time before the Fallen invaded their homeland.

However, it is obvious that the defenders have underestimated the changes that may occur after the subspace invades human creations and how distorted and irrational the objects that will be produced will be.

As the vehicle and flagship of Typhons, the Terminus has a will of its own.

It is the holy domain of the Supreme God. He received his own blessing from the Eye of Chaos and opened up his own evil wisdom.

It hovered in the thick atmosphere of Medusa with some anger and anxiety. The warp bile and pustular shells sprayed from its muzzle composed of sphincters and striated muscles constantly infected any defense fleet that dared to attack it too close. As for the orbital defense platform, it was already filled with the smell of entropy and corruption. The bodies of the guards who were sucked dry by the warp fleas dissolved on the floor, providing nutrients with slightly excessive heavy metals for the fat and bright spores and more small creatures in the father's garden who wanted to share a piece of the pie.

The two Chaos warbands accompanying the Death Guards discovered earlier that after leaving the plague swamp area brought by the Terminus assault force and the assistance range of Typhons' psychic power, they were soon physically beaten into a "piece" dozens or even hundreds of kilometers away in the "grand fireworks" of the Medusa people and the Iron Hands who "enthusiastically welcomed the distant visitors".

And if nothing unexpected happens, Typhons and the Lords of the Plague of the Terminus will follow in their footsteps in the cooperation and stranglehold of the two groups of people who were originally impossible.

Finally, the Terminus made a decision.

After all, although Typhons is sometimes not cheerful enough, he is really good at and very keen on efficiently dedicating one world after another and the souls on them to the Grandfather God and all the unliving people who have their own sacred numerical rankings in the garden, not to mention that the main task they came here from afar has actually been almost completed.

The Terminus privately believes that Typhons is a little too obsessed with completing the sacred number task of three that he has assigned to himself, and as an old comrade of Typhons in the hall of the Grandfather God in the real universe for many years, it is necessary for him to give him some friendly help and correction, so that the wish of the kind Grandfather God can finally be realized.

Therefore, after the plague beast finished thinking, it immediately took action, using its silent roar to drive the souls of all the crew members who had served it and died in its body in the past ten thousand years, and their staggering and swollen twisted existences that had become the paradise of countless viruses and bacteria, through the green flesh floor dripping with rusty blood and pulsating like a living thing, with dancing eyes from nowhere or tentacles or enlarged intestinal villi on the top, which shrank back into the deep flesh folds as the zombie crew members driven by the ship passed by.

With the activation of green mist and more humid indescribable mechanisms, the Terminus began to "recycle" the remaining plague warriors on the ground.

Typhons' scythe cut off one of the Phoenix's arm armors with his psychic roar. Phoenix roared and repelled the Phoenix Guard who wanted to come to help, but in the distraction, several insidious destroyer plague flies almost broke through his aura - several beams of light from the silver giant immediately turned these sneak attacking insects into smoke.

The young phoenix fought back in shame and anger, and the blade even cut a clear notch in the handle of Typhons' precious garden rotten wood sickle.


The previous attack was still a bit inexperienced.


Let's act quickly, don't hammer him! I have a bad feeling.


This abomination can be destroyed, but the chances of being completely killed are not high at the moment.


We have to try.

Just as the young phoenix shouted and jumped up, raised the blade above his head and chopped at the opponent, not far away, Ferrus Manus burned the body of a Death Guard Terminator that was blasted open by long-range fire with one hand, and held his technological pistol tightly with the other hand to fire at Typhons.

The green light of transmission flashed.


As the huge energy fluctuation representing the Terminus hurriedly fled far away from the unnatural subspace trajectory, only a thick broken horn, fragments of armor, a bone pipe and the remaining demon insects on it were left on the ground.

Then everyone was "fortunate" to hear the young Phoenix Lord greet his chubby nephew and his loyal object in his extremely beautiful voice "kindly and without repetition".


"You can't do this!"

The mechanical voice of Cardan Stounus echoed above the huge circular totem in the center of the Iron Council.

"We can't agree! What is this?! We are asked to tolerate and raise a nest of poisonous snakes full of betrayal and hatred in our sacred and pure home?! We will be declared excommunicated traitors by our brothers and comrades! Have you really thought about it?! Are you coming back just to lead us to a darker path?! Please listen to the voice of your offspring! Father!"

But the object of his protest just stood there with his hands folded and stared at him coldly.

"That's it."

The voice of the Primarch who cast himself with metal was like the crack of the black earth and the rumble of a volcanic eruption.

As they entered the meeting, the Fabricator General and his lieutenants murmured the hymn of Om Messiah while looking at the primarch's body covered with silver in fascination. Then the Martian representatives were "politely" escorted out of the Iron Council by the Iron Hands amid loud protests. The Fearless Phoenix issued this order on behalf of someone who had read a part of the past archives after entering and was so angry that his mind was almost offline.

"Now you want me to listen to your voice."

The silver eyes of the Tenth Primarch stared coldly at the war leader. At the same time, all the Iron Fathers present seemed to feel that their hearts were pierced ruthlessly and sharply by the sight of the empty eye socket of a skull.

"Then how many of my words have you listened to since I left? How many of my teachings have you followed? How many taboos have you broken that I will never allow you to break? Do you really think that you can't say any of the taboos you have crossed? Will he be declared a heretic and a rebel? Huh?"

Silence fell.

The silver giant roared, and even the strongest armored fortress on the planet seemed to be shaken, non-existent dust falling down.

"You know it in your heart!! Do you dare to say it?!!! Answer me!!!! What have you done against my orders?!!!"

The anger of the true owner of the Eye of Medusa was like an electrified steel whip, whipping every Iron Father present. Even Markan Feros or Basque Karagu had to stand in shame with their hands lowered.

"Oh, before you want to point fingers at your father, you might as well think about these things you have done - although you should be lucky that I found that your use of them is loyal - but don't think that I didn't know about you just after I came back. Don’t expect me to ignore what I have done in the past ten thousand years! Let’s settle the account first.”

A grim expression deepened the severity of the lines on Gorgon's face.

"come over."

he said.

"Didn't you call the person you just fought alongside a viper?"

Panic that had not been seen in hundreds of years began to spread like a plague among the Iron Fathers. The leaders of the Iron Hands had never hated their calculations so fast, so they immediately analyzed the implications of the Gene Father's words. meaning.

"Please...primarch...you can't..."

Kadan Stunus protested weakly as he realized something, and began to use his only remaining organic eye to call for help from his teacher who was standing behind the primarch.

But Malkan, who had been with the original body for these days, just shook his head slightly towards his most proud disciple and made a gesture of "Go in peace."

"Come here. Kadan Stunus, as the leader of the war, you will be the first." The Primarch of the Iron Hands unhooked a mechanical arm from his armor, and the silver metal flowed and twisted like water. , stretched, and restructured until it turned into a weird spine-like whip.

"Remember how you feel at this moment, remember why I punished you instead of killing you directly. Because of your loyalty, death should not have come, but because of your audacity, you must remember the lessons I learned personally. And Don’t do it again.”

The Tenth Primarch paused, "Son."

Ghostly lightning began to appear on the surface of the whip.

"...I understand. I will obey, Father."


The crowd gathered deep in the Eye of Medusa finally dispersed after being ordered to do so. Many loyal warriors needed to digest everything they had seen and heard today, and more people were thinking about it while returning to their posts to do themselves. Today's work, there are too many urgent matters that need to be dealt with after the battle with the Plague Marines, and those areas must be properly quarantined immediately - fulfilling one's duties is always the priority engraved in their thinking.

In the end, only Ferrus Manus remained in the hall of the Iron Council, Fulgrim elsewhere and young Fulgrim.

"Your heirs have been taken away by Malkan and temporarily placed. They may need special accommodation in the future. Don't you go to the apothecary to take care of it?" The first person to speak broke the silence was the Fearless Phoenix. Through the shape of Ferus, Metal vocal cords.

"Thank you. I'm fine, just a little overdrawn."

They were silent for a while longer.

Ferrus Manus spoke.

"Staying in Medusa was indeed the right decision, as was asking for my help. ... This is not like you, when you were against the Third Legion when Horus (the metal muscle on his cheek twitched when he said the name) Tight) The position of my subordinates is very dissatisfied. "

The young Phoenix raised his eyes to look at the silver brother in front of him. His eyes were a little hollow, showing that he was immersed in the search for memories that he had not actually experienced personally.

"First of all... why do you know? I remember... I remember 'that me' didn't say this to anyone else. (-He should have said it, like I should have cared more...) But forget it At that time, I saw my miserable soldiers, not even half a company could be gathered together, and only one person in many companies was left holding their military flag... Do you know what a miserable situation it was, in order to prove yourself? It is also for the surviving children of the Third Legion to prove that they can support the Legion, and my descendants will not die because of this... because the situation at that time pushed us too hard."

He pursed his lips and skipped this part.

"At that time, the Third Legion really needed to go out on its own, and I... was too concerned about my self-esteem in front of my brothers, so I took such a desperate risk. In fact..."

The young cloned Phoenix paused again, showing some confusion in his thinking.

"...One of my brothers once criticized this approach, it seems."

The two brothers who were talking fell into silence. They seemed to know who Fulgrim was referring to, and they had completely lost the relevant memory details, while the third brother hidden deep in the silver djinn remained silent.

"In short, what I did at that time actually seemed a bit desperate to me now. But it was the Great Expedition at the time, and in such a mood and situation, our father was sitting on his throne again, able to fight in person , able to lead us on a voyage among the stars, everything is full of hope, everyone is eager to obtain merit - who would point out that one of his sons, a Primarch, is actually desperate in the midst of prosperity? "

"At that time, I was too concerned about my origin, too accustomed to using gentle policies, and I wanted to achieve goals that could be achieved without violence... In short, no matter how much I said, I made something that didn't seem too good at the time. But it wasn’t a bad decision, although 10,000 years later, it turned out to be a worse decision.”

Fulgrim smiled bleakly again. For a moment, he looked neither the warrior who fought bravely before nor the confident man who held his head high and refuted his guardian. He was just a weak possibility of the past that would remain after ten thousand years. Bubbles are so fragile that they can break and dissipate into the air at any time.

"Manus, if you had known me in advance, things might not have been like this. Unfortunately, we met too late."

"But it's not too late."

A ray of light flashed across the young Phoenix Lord's worried lavender eyes.

"We...are all back. As long as we start, it's never too late."

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