Warhammer: Start with a dog

Chapter 463 Who is back? What are you looking at?

Chapter 463 Who is back? Look...what? -

The black sun hung high in the sky of burning white phosphorus, looking down silently.

The waterfall of dead bodies, blood, and filth continues to wash away the barren rocks formed by the cooling and solidification of hot magma.

In this mountain col, far away from the frontal battlefield, the skinless beasts temporarily retreated.

In fact, they showed a primal fear as soon as Samokuan - or the creature that might have been Samokuan - raised his massive battle axe.

If Uriel could tell, this retreat and fear were not even caused by the appearance of Samokuan they saw.

It is a fear of supernatural power that comes from a more primitive instinct.

Now blocking the two former Ultramarines from attacking was a skinless warrior whose whole body was shrouded in a larger, bloody, black mist.

This thick plasma-like shadow that enveloped him like armor had a canine head with dragon-like horns, a long snout with sharp teeth on the top and bottom, sharp claws on the outside of his hands, and a disturbing look on his legs. The signs of recursion and claws, the rich resentment and hatred have become the fuel of this shadow's power. If you keep looking at this black shadow, you will feel the pain as if your eyes are on fire and shed tears.

This being wears a bloody battle armor and a human skin cloak, and holds a supernatural weapon summoned from the flesh and blood covering his body. He or it is tall, taller than a fully armed Terminator warrior. , almost reaching the height of those combat soldiers of the Mechanicus.

A pair of faintly visible shadows of huge bat wings were flapping behind him, as if they were really growing on him. Ominous and violent blood-red light flashed from time to time in the black mist that lingered around his body—— Under his feet was a large pool of blood, mucus, a broken arm, and half a white brain. These came from the first monster that attacked them just now. Now the seriously injured skinless beast was Slowly retreating into the cautious and cautious retreating front of its tribe——

There is no doubt that no matter what this supernatural creature is now, when he attacked these skinless people, he was obviously affected by a little bit of the inherent knowledge in the brain of the human boy Uriel and Pasanius knew.

His bone energy ax had just smoothly chopped off the skinless man's arm that was trying to block it, and then smoothly moved downwards, cutting off half of his head. The attacker obviously thought that the head would be chopped off until the brains would fall out. The opponent will definitely die - but the head of this skinless monster is made of three different heads.

Apparently, there was enough obstruction between the heads that even if one was chopped off, the other two would still function normally.

Now it is standing among its kind, covering the missing half of its brain with its remaining paw, and the remaining five eyes on its deformed and huge head are looking angrily at the three people by the pool, and its The companions stood vigilantly in a scattered circle, preventing the three prey from finding a chance to escape.

Samokwan - let's continue to call him that, swung his illusory tail, stamped his hooves on the stone with some annoyance, and at the same time waved his ax threateningly at the besiegers.

This weapon summoned from the flesh is twisting, deforming, and constantly changing its shape - from the oversized version of the mortal wood-chopping ax to the geared poleaxe of the Iron Warrior Lord, and then begins to transform into some dark shapes. Lieer's more familiar standard weapon seems to be changing with its owner's mind, but its owner cannot decide its final form well.

"That's strange..." Uriel said softly.

"What's wrong?" Pasanius asked, lowering his voice as much as possible, "Do you think it's still Samokan...?"

Uriel made a "bring it up later when the time is right" gesture to his next question and shook his head.

"I find it strange. These monsters look like mutant beasts, but they seem to be very organized...not as...violent as they look."

"Oh my God, Uriel, I know you are kind, but now is not a good time to observe mutant creatures or show sympathy to living creatures, God-Emperor! Look at them like this! They just wanted to eat you alive! They eat people!"

"I know, Pasanius, but..."

Uriel's next words were interrupted by a long, low howl that echoed.

There was a commotion from the outside to the only exit of the mountain col, and the skinless, deformed flesh monsters began to make way in a messy and awe-inspiring manner.

As the ground here was deeply shaken and trembled by the weight and kinetic energy of its landing, small stones were bounced away.

A huge being formed of wet, bright red muscles and pale, strong bones jumped up the gap with amazing jumping power and landed in front of them.

The strong muscles that grew excessively and abnormally to the point of bulging nakedly displayed the direction of their operation and force in a dazzling way. This mass of flesh and blood squirmed, and then surprisingly supported its rickety body to stand up. The observer They were even more shocked to find that this new skinless deformed beast was so strong and huge, even far taller than Samokan, who was now taller than the Terminator.

--To put it more intuitively, this newly appeared beast, undoubtedly the leader of this group of monsters, has a body that is about one and a half Space Marines tall and three Space Marines wide--due to the overdeveloped shoulder and back muscles, it has extremely spectacular and powerful shoulders and arms, and its head is squeezed between the shoulders by the muscle mass.

When it turned its noseless face, which was dripping with yellowish tissue fluid, completely towards them, Uriel clearly heard the figure in front of them gasp and mutter a low Gothic dialect that sounded not very elegant--very boyish--thank God, it seems that they may still have a chance to talk to Samokan later.

What a face!

Compared to the unfortunate monsters around it, this face strangely retained more disturbing human skull features. A pair of terrifyingly bright yellow eyes were looking out from the eye sockets of the bloody skull. Without the skin and other normal facial features, its face only showed terrible cruelty and fear. Its nose and lips were completely gone, leaving only two bloody holes, one vertical and one horizontal, on its face. The densely packed fangs, dyed yellow by "food", were exposed from its lipless mouth.

When the gray eyes of the former Ultramarines Captain met those sickly yellow eyes, his stomach began to feel as heavy as if it were filled with lead: unlike the eyes of other beasts that were more filled with instinctive desires and deprived reason, Uriel saw in horror the remaining intelligence and the pain that followed in these eyes.

This creature, who was undoubtedly the leader of the skinless monsters in terms of physique, strength or wisdom, might envy his subordinates only one thing: the minds of other unfortunate victims had been destroyed to the point that they could not recognize the pain and torture they had suffered, and how their current appearance was unacceptable to humans, but this creature, this more unfortunate guy who was lucky enough to retain some intelligence, undoubtedly knew what kind of cursed appearance the cruel fate and chaos had turned them into.

"Blood of the Primarch..." he whispered, almost unable to suppress the emotions that surged from the depths of his soul. He watched the fearless creature that seemed to be formed by twisted flesh and blood move towards them. Samokan tightened his grip on the weapon vigilantly, and the weapon continued to surge into new forms in his hand.

Then the leader of the skinless spoke to them, his voice was low, but the words were undoubtedly clear, which made a shudder roll across Uriel's neck again.

"This is our hunting ground," he said. "Appear here, abandon? Your prey? Join?"

The two former Ultramarines looked at each other, but soon they realized that this sentence was said to Samokwan in front of them - through the increasingly black mist, silver psychic streams were constantly rushing through Samokwan's skinless body, skinless, the same.

What would a creature in such a situation do when it finds a fellow creature that also retains cognition?

Samokwan didn't know.

In the yellow irises of the King of the Skinless, the eyes of the "fellow" on the opposite side, which were covered in strange mist, were reflected, emitting boiling silver light.

Damn it. Why can't my weapon stabilize... I don't know which weapon to choose! Axe? The axe was very sharp at the beginning, but I always feel that it shouldn't be an axe...

The boy in his new body glanced at the weapon in his hand that still hadn't stabilized with the corner of his eye. What should I do? Now if he turns around and asks Filhammer what to do—no, he said his name is Uriel—wouldn't he be attacked when he got the chance? There are a hundred enemies here... I'm not sure if they can protect the two of them if we fight... Have they recovered their fighting strength... No, they don't have weapons...

The blood flowing in his veins became hot again, and the hatred of wanting to kill at all costs and the pain of forcibly suppressing it came together—a cool feeling came from his neck, they clashed in his body, and something that others could not see appeared because of the tear in his soul caused by this clash, it crawled cautiously and took the opportunity to crawl across the surface of his body, making the boy shiver several times, but he couldn't even get goose bumps for it—he had no skin and hair follicles!

Samokan almost wanted to cry, why? Why me? Why did I encounter these things? My father is dead! I'm just a child! I don't care about or know anything about what this galaxy will become! I just want to... go home... home...

--A strange feeling came from his back. At first, Samokan almost thought it was the palm of his father, mother or old stone soothing his back--when he screamed, sweated, struggled and drowned in nightmares and couldn't wake up, if one of them was by his side, they would follow the sound and touch his back with their broad and warm palms, so that the child would gradually return to the peaceful and sweet embrace of sleep.

But this warm comfort soon turned into a bone-chilling pain, like a sharp weapon stabbing him from behind--

He opened his mouth and cried silently because of the sudden pain. A voice sounded in the boy's soul, carrying anger towards the whole world and a huge hatred for some betrayers.

I'm back!

Hold your sword!

Samokuan flapped his wings subconsciously, feeling a brand new power pouring into his body again. Following this, the air was filled with a strange and greasy sweetness like spices that had been left out for too long. He blinked, and Uriel made a surprised sound behind him.

The monster on the opposite side, as huge as a flesh-and-blood fearless, cautiously and curiously stretched out its claws and pointed at his right hand.

Samokuan looked down.

A sword, an ancient and huge sword was held in his hand that turned into a claw.

At the same time, a sound like an animal hissing, a growl, or a human talking sounded in his heart.

Samokuan listened for a short while and met the eyes of the Skinless King who had been staring at him for a long time. Then he cleared his throat and began to try to talk to the other party.


"Can we really trust him?"

When they finally left the point where they had escaped from the fortress of Kallan-Gol, they trudged through mountains filled with steam, sharp rocks, and smoldering lava, surrounded by a hundred misshapen Skinless Ones. Some time later, Pasanius quietly asked Uriel again.

"We should at least ask him to take us out of the mountains so that we can join Soltarn and the others."

The sergeant's blue eyes glanced from the bulging back muscles of the leader of the huge Skinless King like a male Grox beast, and then turned to walking on the black mist boots like his hooves, and followed behind Samokuan has a pair of bat wings on his back.

Uriel glanced at his sergeant and exhaled a breath of dusty air from his lungs that were beginning to recover. "Samokwan!" he shouted directly.

Pasanius was startled, but the creature that was infinitely close to a demon walking in front of the team actually stopped after hearing the words and turned towards them.

The two warriors then saw with some comfort that the eyes that were originally like boiling mercury had now returned to their original storm gray color, but the whites of the eyes were covered with fine bloodshot eyes, showing that the owner of the eyes was actually not relaxed. "What's wrong? Phil...Uriel? Can't you walk anymore? Maybe you can ask them to carry you for a while." He raised his hand and pointed at a conjoined skinless monster with a broad and strong back at the side. ——This monster looks like it was originally a twin, but only one of them has developed. The other is very thin and frail. A thick flesh-colored umbilical cord connects him to his twin brother, and his brother has been carrying him on his back from beginning to end.

"No, no." Uriel twitched the corners of his mouth and showed a smile, while trying his best to let the King of the Skinless Ones and others see this smile, "Don't underestimate the resilience of the Son of Guilliman, Samokwan. It may also give you some excellent qualities.”

"What do you mean...Oh, that's right." The boy named Samokuan, who was now wearing a demonic skin that looked like translucent skin and a black-red aura, nodded. Uriel found that he was facing It was difficult to ignore certain facial features of the demon's facial bones when facing him, but he tried his best to ignore this feeling at the moment, "Then what do you want?"

"Where are we going?" Uriel asked in a sincere and friendly tone. "Now that we have finally escaped, should we go back to Soltarn and the others first to discuss the next plan?"

Samokwan showed a stiff and evasive expression when he heard Soltarn's name, but he quickly answered, "That's right, he -" He pointed and stared at them and listened to them Talking to the King of the Skinless, "He said we must go to him first and then he would tell us how to get out."

"Look? What are you looking at? What could be more important than returning immediately?"

Samokuan turned his demonic mist visor and stared at Uriel, making the latter's fists tighten and unclench before speaking a set of short words that neither former Ultramarine could refuse.

"He said, look, the Horde, the Emperor."

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