Warhammer: Start with a dog

Chapter 464: Leon Kahn Angron Love


The Milky Way is so vast. In fact, although the metaphor is inappropriate, it is like small coral islands in the black ocean. Places with physical existence are just a drop in the bucket compared to the dark void, and places that can support life are even rarer. .

"If it weren't for the lost dark ages tens of thousands of years ago that caused human colonial fleets to be scattered across the Milky Way like ancient canoes and sailing ships blown open by ocean currents, or maybe that strange and operating principle was like a ship that was never opened but could still succeed. The operating box-like subspace transports unfortunate people to various parts of the galaxy. It is conceivable that in this universe, human footprints and the marks of specific civilizations they bring will not be as ubiquitous as they are now. Found it.”

"A statement that is rarely mentioned today, Chief Captain." Leon El'Jonson turned around on his bridge, "Loyalty" was shining brightly on his waist, and everyone around him had already Rejected, the entire fleet is now hiding behind the gas planet and waiting.

Kahn, Chief Captain, Crusade Champion of the Ironhearts Chapter, was not wearing a helmet today, revealing his weathered face.

The scars left by the continuous battles are all over his head, and the traces of eight service nails removed across his brow bone make people start to think that maybe this man who seems to be the best combination of warrior and leader that man can think of. The reason why a veteran with special characteristics does not continue to get nails may be because his service years have exceeded the range that the length of the brow bone can bear.

When he stood next to the Lion King, his sideburns had completely turned into silvery white, reflecting the dim light of the red giant star outside the window. He stood next to Al'Jonson, representing old age compared to the other dark angels. The wrinkles on his face are dense, making Kahn more like a peer of the Lion King.

It can be seen from this standing position that if Leon had doubts about the company commander before, with the gradual establishment of the Lion's Protectorate on the dark side of the empire, Al'Jonson became more suspicious of this company commander. Completely different from the rumors he had received from other heirs, Captain Kahn's reliance on him had increased unknowingly, and no one knew the exact reason. Most people attributed it to the sudden appearance of this man on Sebor. The company commander and his fleet brought great convenience to the Lion when the dark side of the empire was so unfavorable and lacked supplies and navigation guidance.

Even the Lion himself must admit that with so many extra fleets and warriors now at his command, well equipped, fully manned, and clearly ready and skilled at fighting in the void and without backup supplies for long periods of time, He could do so much more than he could have done with only his lost heirs and dilapidated ships.

They traveled to various desperate worlds on the dark side that had lost contact with the Star Torch, defeating all kinds of strange things and saving the human people, leaving behind countless legends and new praise and worship for the Lion King.

Worshipful, disturbing.

"Indeed. But part of your ability to walk in the forest is due to this, isn't it?" Kahn smiled slightly, with obvious crow's feet spreading from the corners of his eyes.

Part of the Lion's trust in him comes from his age. Even the Angels of Absolution rarely have memories as complete as Kahn's from tens of thousands of years ago. He is like a living fossil, in Leon's mind. When he woke up after 10,000 years, it helped him confirm that many things that happened 10,000 years ago were not his dreams - but it also reminded him of more changes, making him alert instead of falling into ignorant chaos.

The lion makes his own judgment.

"You should have heard the previous broadcast message. This shows that at least the 'position' of the 'Elders of Kaidomo' and the others has successfully undergone anchor changes, which is a good thing."

"Maybe." Leon looked at him with inquiring eyes, "You were sent to me by my brother...the elder, and you gave me great help, but you should also know why I always have doubts. , Kahn, this does not conflict with my personal gratitude to you."

"I know very well, Your Highness." Shen Jing's eyes looked at the lion's eyes, which were still as green as the disappearing forest on Terra. "I must say that your temper now is much better than the rumors I heard before."

The lion was not very satisfied with the meaning of this sentence, but under the current situation, and because he was indeed satisfied with Kahn himself as an advisor and warrior, he tolerated the chief company commander's behavior of touching the lion's mane.

"Then why are we stopping now?" Leon raised his finger and pointed at the auspicious instrument, "The distress signal sent by this planet indicates that the orcs are preparing to launch an attack!"

"Because something very important is happening. The foreshadowing advice I received from our hermit chief Volias is very clear, and my experience also tells me this." The chief company commander put his helmet in his hands. From his waist, he raised his head slightly and boldly looked up at the Lion King. The lion saw a little platinum-gold spot in the old warrior's eyes expanding behind his irises, "We must wait for this incident to 'end' before we can continue to the planet. . . . That’s what happens next.”

"Your Highness, you don't want me to be in front of you right now...incarnating into the 'Kahn' you heard from my cousin, right? - I know, 'Kahn the Betrayer', many people still do this in private It’s not their fault that they mention me and have doubts. It’s only because of your respect and honor that we can join forces and build this sanctuary in the dark side where there is no Star Torch.”

The lion narrowed his eyes.

"I know you are very powerful." The chief captain of Iron Heart said quietly, as if you were a dormant volcano with the power to destroy the world. "But I really can't guarantee how much I can have for 'that Karn' Control, and you." The veteran's eyes looked at the Lion King inquiringly. "Are the forces in hand at this moment ready to go to hell with total destruction, even if your loyalty makes you not care about death." He said, "But now the people of the sheltered dark side, they only have you. . So I kindly ask you to wait."

For a moment, there seemed to be more shadows of dark branches, like outstretched withered hands, projected onto the two of them by light coming from nowhere. An ancient and terrifying giant beast was wandering deep in the forest.

Finally, Leon touched his wrist - there was a string of black and white wool braided bracelets under the wrist armor, and there was also a trimmed claw.

The shadows of the forest faded, and the light of the real universe enveloped them again.

"How long do we have to wait?"


The current flagship of the Iron Heart Chapter, the Glory Queen-class battleship Desert Ark, is parked at the edge of an uninhabited galaxy. It is silent, but very strangely, the Geller position on the ship is also opened in the real universe.

The glorious throne of blessing on her bridge, dedicated to the Primarch by the people of Nuceria and Bothe, now stood empty.

Lady Lotara Sarin's stubborn will loomed over the flagship like a lioness guarding her cubs, while the other ships of the Chapter on patrol patrolled around as vigilantly as if they were protecting the most precious treasures. all around her.

All current members of the Librarian in the Iron Heart Chapter - members of the Priory known within the Chapter, are now gathered in the Primarch's room on the flagship.

This suite is connected to a larger secret ceremony hall. The members led by Esca, the second president of the monastery, are kneeling on one knee in their respective positions and whispering the secret prayer of the legion according to the magic circle on the ground. Text, the human vocal cords vibrate to read out the ancient laws, and the extra subspace mouthpiece that each of them has is chanting the rules of the supreme heaven.

Angron Petra was sitting cross-legged in the pool in the center of the circle, with a look of pain on his face. Crystal sweat flowed from his forehead and body, and dripped into the pool. His figure became fragmented from time to time. ——The blood-red terror flashed under his warm wheat-colored skin.

Members of the Priory who came too close to their beloved father were often brought to their knees by psychic headaches caused by extremely violent emotional turmoil, especially when the blood-red terror became apparent and their minds felt like As if they were going to explode, many people were bleeding from their orifices due to the huge pressure, but the Priory has always protected their original body for ten thousand years, and it is the same this time. No one will retreat or give up. Only complete destruction can leaving them unable to perform their duties.


It's like a soft voice and some kind of furious roar, a wonderful duet, mixed together, a fusion of the sounds of heaven and the sounds of hell.

Angron called in a low voice to the supreme leader of the monastery here.

The apprentice of Volias and the second-in-command of the Priory walked over. Unlike other think tanks who wore power armor with psychic hoods, Eskar knew the process of the next ceremony very well, so he only wore a simple suit. A white robe with blue edges, a set of necklaces, bracelets, armbands, and anklets studded with soul stones, but nothing else.

"Help me..."

"Yes, Father." Eskar put his arm into the pool, and the guidance of the ground magic circle introduced all the power of the other think tanks of the Priory into his body. Soon, his body was swollen due to the excessive subspace power. Light emitted from the inside out, almost bursting, and the shackles made of soul stones and precision runes let out a slight whine and chant. At the same time, they began to absorb the overflowing energy, giving Esca the opportunity to withstand the tear. The pain that cracked every muscle and nerve in him slowly began to channel these psychic powers.

He concentrated his strength on his fingertips, and finally carefully placed them on the shoulder blades of the genetic father who was sitting in the pool and was so tall that his back was just big enough for his hands to rest on - a pair of huge fleshy bodies were vaguely emerging there. The shape of the wing's base.

When the sixty members of the Priory gathered all the psychic powers related to comfort, peace, soothing, and absorption to begin to sort out the frantic raw energy in the original body, Angron finally began to sigh.

"'It' is back..."

Esca did not dare to be distracted and concentrated on guiding the balance of energy.

"'It' has come again... 'It' should not have appeared, 'It' should have been devoured by its own kind, but now that 'The Breaker' has gained a foothold, then the 'truth' must be revealed... My son ... Lies are always like a bubble in a dream. No matter how beautiful and huge they are, they are easily broken. Only by using 'truth' as ​​the cornerstone of the new building, even if it is... the same..."

A deep roar filled with the taste of blood rumbled through Angron's chest, his teeth clenched, and finally he turned his head and spitted a mouthful of his own blood on the stone beside the pool. Everyone in the hall was stunned. There was the smell of burnt bones, roasted yellow sand and brass, sulfur, and putrid blood.


"Do your duty! My son! The connection between time and space in the Supreme Heaven has caused my instability. I will hold on, don't worry... this attack should be over after 'it' completely arrives... "


"The Emperor bless us..."

When Uriel and his party finally arrived at the hideout of the skinless with great difficulty, they were shocked by what they saw.

They were in a cave formed by an abandoned factory mine and an earthquake collapse. Only a few rays of sunlight poured down from the highest cracks, and with this pale glimmer, they saw more skinless people - Uriel finally understood the meaning of "tribe".

There were more skinless creatures that could not survive on their own and were washed down from Kalan-Gol as garbage: without arms, lower limbs fused like seals, bones strangely guided into fused and locked, lacking some perception and limbs, or like half-melted and solidified flesh and blood - one hundred, more than, hundreds of such creatures that were larger than ordinary mortals, but they were all alive, and when they walked in, all the things that might be heads turned to the visitors.

And just above the squirming living purgatory formed by these mutants and freaks, there is a metal skeleton-like statue at least 20 meters high, pulled up by many thick and rusty chains.

It is made of various scrap metals and other things picked up, hanging high above the dark abandoned mine, with its head slightly lowered, and its arms generously opened, as if protecting and caring for the skinless below - but strangely, on his body without facial features, decorations, and only form without details, visitors can still immediately recognize who this person who was created to beg for care of these skinless creatures is.

"Emperor... This is blasphemy..." Pasanius whispered. "If the priests saw these monsters dare to use their claws to build his statue..."

"Don't say that," Uriel told his friend. "Look at them, you have to admit, Pausanius." His face showed a trace of deep pain, "These 'children' also have our genetic blood or our cousins' blood, even if they have been so twisted by evil."

"You call them 'children'." Obviously, this word made the sergeant hesitate, "Are you sure?"

"What Samokan and I saw under the fortress makes me sure now." Uriel looked at Samokan, who turned to them in front of him, wearing demon skin. The latter was obviously shocked by the primitive and deep desire they saw to create the holy statue.

The King of the Skinless also came over, and its yellow eyes now looked at them inquiringly.

"Meat. The tribe is hungry. Fresh meat." It said.

Samokan nodded and shook his head, "I will bring you meat. - Is that the Emperor?"

"The Emperor." It nodded. "Love." It said, "Iron Man is bad, we want the Emperor's love, love, no pain."

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