Warhammer: Start with a dog

Chapter 466 What should we do if the lost child returns home with his friends?


+Samokuan, I think if you continue to insist on your own statement to these children who came with you, then things will get out of hand. +

+Shut up. +

+ We should kill the useless majority among them - those who can't walk or have no fighting ability at all, eliminate them, and kill another group who are unwilling to listen to you. At this point, you can probably control the rest. of all. It seems to me that these cute little ones could become a sight to behold with just a little modification - look at those sharp claws and teeth! Feed them well with the right food, and their lovely natural weapons will become stronger, easily tearing through ceramite and bone, ripping out spines and entrails, and letting blood cover you like a red velvet cassock. . +

+I said, shut up. +

+You should listen to a wise and older being than you. Look, you just made them listen to you like this...+

+If you don't shut up I'm going to start screaming at you in my native voice! *Shrill high-decibel pure high-fidelity howling sound of children*+

+Ah! Stop barking! This demonic sound... I won't be able to maintain my existence here! +

So this hissing voice, quite wisely and with an indignant dissatisfaction of "You always don't listen to my advice after ten thousand years", sneaked back into the boy's material form and enveloped it. The black-red demon skin on Mo Kuan's body became a little thinner, as if the tide of the vast ocean receded, revealing more of the armor underneath that was painted red and black like dried blood, dotted with a little silver. part.

This now makes him appear to have been re-stabilised, at least in appearance, as a tall Space Marine wearing ancient, damaged Mark IV power armour.

However, what Samokwan is obviously not aware of at the moment is that there are several very eye-catching features in his attire, which make other veteran Astartes who can recognize the problems with his equipment very concerned, because this The meaning clearly puzzled them.

High-speed coded or non-coded communication in various private channels and team channels shuttled back and forth at high speed. A warrior like Svolgard, who was more moody and angry, had begun to mutter in his mouth, such as "This is nothing compared to being beaten by Fen." The wolf chase on Lys is much more exciting."

"Uh." Samokuan heard the buzzing whispers like a swarm of bees, but he didn't know what it meant, and the voice that could answer these questions had just been threatened by him, so he was not too embarrassed to come forward immediately. To consult, so he stepped forward, "Soltarn."

"I'm here. So?"

Soltarn Wo Bronn had previously received the report that Uriel had summarized in advance and entrusted it to be sent from the first outpost that came into contact (I have to admit that from the perspective of an Iron Warrior ten thousand years ago, The training received by the heirs of Guilliman in this regard is commendable), and they walked out alone in advance and stood in front of the camp gate to "welcome" the return of the lost children.

He raised an eyebrow and stared at Qi Qi Ai Ai with his sharp eyes again as he stood in front of him. It originally only reached his abdomen but was now a little taller than him and started to sweat under the helmet. Samokuan - This very oppressive action was learned from their father when he was on the Destiny Steel. After confirming through their respective channels that their father had become a great and benevolent being with two sides in one body. Later, many soldiers added this eyebrow raising habit to their common expressions.

"I received an urgent report from Uriel first - so, Samokwan, is this you, child?"

"It's me." The boy was a little uneasy but still replied clearly. "Soltarn, it's me. I'm back."

"Welcome back - and, do you remember what I told you?"

This question was very abrupt, but Samokuan immediately understood what the other party was asking.

"Uh-" He lowered his head guiltily and used the toes of his right foot to fiddle with his left foot out of habit, "I... I'm sorry. You asked me to return immediately after giving the order not to stay... I... ...I just want to go to the front line and see it with my own eyes...just for a little while...uh...what...I'm sorry..."

What the boy, who was guilty of disobeying his instructions and did not dare to look directly into the other person's eyes, did not see was that the old mason's tone was still stern, but his tightly furrowed brows relaxed slightly. .

"what else?"

"Uh - I went after delivering the order! Uh - the hoverbike you lent me, I'm sorry - ahh - I'm really sorry! I know it's very valuable!"

"That is a real war souvenir from ten thousand years ago! Child! Souvenir! It once ran on the palace wall of Terra! Now even Mars may not be able to build it!" From a distance, someone has been paying full attention to this Seraphas on the side showed an interested look, while Svolgard on the side pricked up his ears.

"I'm sorry! But when I was caught, I saw that it was also caught by those flying stone statues! It shouldn't be broken yet..."

Soltarn made a mental note to check the inside of the Kallan-Gol Fortress later, and then turned his attention to the embarrassed Samokuan.

Uriel Ventris' eyes met Soltarn's for a moment, then separated immediately, and the Stonecaller nodded to him.

"I'm waiting for you to report some details to me later, Uriel. If you are still willing to continue to accept my leadership here, then you can come behind me now."

Ventries took a step, followed by Pasanius, and they walked to Soltarn.

Samokwan looked even more uneasy, standing alone opposite Soltarn and the military camp behind him.

But the Stonecaller didn't think he could let this troublemaker go easily.

"Okay, kid. Now can I trouble you to tell me."

He pointed to the members of the Skinless Tribe who began to reveal their true faces one after another from the other side of the rocky horizon.

Ten, one hundred, five hundred, thousands... As these deformed creatures continued to increase, most people in the military camp became nervous and vigilant, especially the original Iron Warriors and mortal slaves. Some of them knew that this kind of monster had been wandering in large numbers on Medlengard recently, and many of them had already put their hands on the handles of their weapons.

"As for why you suddenly grew to the size of an Astartes, Uriel said he could explain it to me better later, so I won't ask you for now."

They heard the boy sighing in relief under his helmet, and the azure crystal eyepiece on the red helmet looked at Uriel gratefully, causing the latter to turn his eyes away.

"But can you explain to me what's going on with these... people? Why didn't they hide but came to my camp instead?" The Stonecaller withdrew his finger from the Skinless Tribe in the distance, and gestured to Samokwan's body. The boy's dried blood-colored armor chest had now completely lost the demon skin cover, and a broken golden sun emblem appeared.

"And why did you run out of the Fortress of Kalan-Gol in Medrengard, the world of the Iron Warriors, wearing a suit of the Seventeenth Legion - this should be the power armor of the Jagged Sun Chapter to which the Word Bearers belong."

The old Iron Warrior's finger finally pointed to the broad-bladed power sword tightly held in Samokwan's hand. Its unique shape in this universe made it unmistakable.

"And you are holding a sentinel blade of the Imperial Guard in your hand?"

Samokwan's surprise was fully reflected in his body language.

The boy first looked down at the emblem on his chest, reached out and touched it, then raised the broadsword in his hand and looked at it in surprise, as if he realized for the first time how precious, perfect, balanced and sharp the weapon he had been holding was.

"Adeptus Custodes?" He repeated the strange long word in High Gothic. "What is that?"


After briefly explaining how rare and noble the Adeptus Custodes were in the Empire and their sacred duties that had been known for thousands of years, Uriel couldn't help but sigh.

"You were able to accidentally turn on the switch of this Adeptus Custodes blade and even unlock its genetic lock. To put it in a rounded way, perhaps... the merciful Emperor really saw you at that time. As far as I know, each of their weapons is customized for the holder. I have never heard of a second person unlocking the genetic lock and using it."

+That's because he is short-sighted. There are ways to open the genetic lock, but you can use it because we... I gnawed off the head of its owner before, hissing...+

+Shut up. And don't tell this to others. Don't interrupt me when I'm talking to someone! +

+Okay. +

"Well, that's what I mean. Although what you said sounds great, to be honest, I know nothing about it." Samokwan said, "But believe me, I'm still the same Samokwan!"

"Of course, kid."

The look on Pasanius's face showed that the sergeant still wanted to express his opinion, but Uriel stopped him with his eyes again.

"Great! I knew you would recognize me and wouldn't give me up!" Then, the people in the distant military camp were shocked, gasped, and began to recite the names of the gods they believed in. Samokwan, wearing a huge Word Bearer power armor, ran over like a wronged child and hugged the old iron warrior's arm, and rubbed it like a big canine.

Grendel spit to the side and walked away angrily, while Svergard rubbed his beard and laughed.

In the midst of the wailing, only the white-haired Tolamino could still maintain a decent smile while watching the scene. While he was congratulating Soltarn insincerely on finding his servant and adopted son, he pinched his fingers white under his cloak in jealousy: He also wants such a Word Bearer demon guard! So impressive! This is the appearance that a lord should have! You see, many famous Chaos lords or leaders often have Word Bearer advisors beside them, but the Word Bearers sent by the Dark Council often have their special missions, and it is impossible to hire them with money or other general methods to make them serve. Damn Soltarn! Why can he leave with his father? Why can he still grow taller? It's definitely not right. I must find evidence. Why can I laugh at him for raising a mortal child, but he can still pick up such a great demon Word Bearer for free... Wait... Maybe...?

Tolamino's thoughts suddenly went to another direction when they were boiling, and he fell into contemplation.


The touching meeting at the camp gate on the other side was not over yet.

"Next, you have to help me! Soltarn! I promised them that the Emperor loves me, will love them, and will spare them pain. I will help them, and you will not hit them, so they agreed. Come with me... you have to make them believe what I say! I have to live up to my word!"

"You finally want me to fulfill your promise to others? My child, when you were three against hundreds, you had the guts to risk so many... um... unaccomplished people in the name of the people on the throne, and now you are in our camp. Instead, did you start to dare not tell the truth? "

The stone caller's eyes were unclear, "Besides, your current appearance has nothing to do with the empire and its rulers. You should be very lucky that Uriel and the others have known you from the beginning and have been with you throughout the process. He has witnessed your changes and trusts you so much, and Pasanius listens to his superiors, otherwise you would have been exposed by their lies at that time - you really understand what you looked like when you first appeared. Does this exist, child? When these skinless people realize that you are deceiving them, they will definitely turn their trust in you at this moment into their deepest hatred, and rush to tear you to pieces, and you will have to do it. Self-defense, killing them with your own hands, such a double betrayal, is it really unintentional for some gods to do it?”

"No, no! I definitely don't want to do such a terrible thing! They are very scary, but I have also...become scary. So at first I just wanted to persuade them not to hurt Uriel and the others." Samokuan He lowered his head, "But they can't make sense at all! You can force them back for a while just by using force, but there are so many of them... and they are really..." The blue eyepiece flashed, "They are really pitiful. They are just a bunch of little brothers who need to be taken care of. Being without skin like me is really painful, very painful. I have experienced it, so I can pity them, Soltarn."

Stonecaller made a hissing sound at this.

"A man dressed in the dried blood of the Word Bearers talking to me about care and mercy is really familiar and disgusting to me. What night is this? Samokan, can you take off your helmet and let me see yours? Face, lest I feel confused, as if time was still ten thousand years ago, I have to make sure that I am not face to face with a Word Bearer."

"Of course." The boy agreed without hesitation, while Uriel, who was observing as silently as possible, had a trace of unnaturalness on his face.

When Samokwan's face, which had the obvious features of someone present, appeared in the white light of the sky, Soltarn's eyebrows raised higher.

"Ah," he said. "No wonder. Uriel Ventress, once we have these Skinless Ones contained, I will be happy to hold a small meeting to hear your side of the matter."

"Can we still return to beautiful Macragge successfully after completing the death oath?" Pasanius asked sadly. "Uriel, this is really full of twists and turns."

Uriel turned to the sergeant, "...At least we can continue to complete our death oath mission here first. Then we can consider the next thing." He sighed, "Take it one step at a time. My brother, At least I believe there is no way out.”

+How nostalgic. +

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