Warhammer: Start with a dog

Chapter 467 School is starting!



Calixis Sector, Wandering Port

The window of a delicious and nutritious restaurant

"You said you wanted to open a school?"

Perturabo stared at his body, and the other party responded with a matter-of-fact expression.


"Wait a minute." The dog covered his eyes with his paws, and the brown-eyed one of the twin consuls of Carosini held his forehead.

"You mean, a school, right? Lamizane Carosini, are you sure you're talking about the kind of institution where a lot of troubled human cubs are put in for education? Here? In a hell-filled place A floating port on the edge of the galaxy where drunken marines, gamblers, smugglers, adventurers, heretics and aliens live?”

"That's right. Pepe, you are so cute. If you are not here, do we have to run a school on the Destiny Steel or Carrick? Then just organizing the Space School Bus (Space School Bus) pick-up and drop-off schedule and safety order are enough. When people think about it, they immediately get a big headache..."

"No, wait a minute, why did you suddenly think of opening a school?"

Perturabo BC shook his head and shook out of his mind the terrifying scene that Lamizane had just inadvertently brought to him: the bridge crew officers from the Adeptus Astartes fleet were driving a ship with high vigilance. The fast cruiser, painted in Imperial Fist bright yellow with red markings, was suspended in the void. The interior of the cruiser was filled with chirping little kids from all over the world carrying small bags, composed of the Black Templars (because there were so many of them) and the Death Guard loyalists who now wore "Silver Skull" armor (why the Death Guard? ) go back and forth in the seats to scold the human babies who do not abide by the rules of the void ship, or tie the children who ran away back into the seat belts - and the reason why the cruiser is parked there is because it is waiting for space. The red light of the route is released...

The primarch, the Border Collie, hurriedly shook his head again to wave away the intimidating image.

"What's the matter, Peppa? Are your ears itchy? - Oh, look, there are so many people here now, and they haven't stopped."

Lamizane scratched his ears and stretched out his hand to open the curtains - the large and small hired painters and sketchers waiting outside immediately began their work against time - now selling the portraits of the two consuls It is already a good business, although some people may buy it not for appreciation but for enshrinement - he pointed at the two meters in the restaurant square holding bolt guns, power swords on their waists, and wearing power armor. Under the watchful eye of many "Carosini dynasty security guards", patiently, quietly, orderly, and full of piety, they slowly crawled forward along the separated railing road, waiting for the flow of people to receive hot water.

"Look there are so many children here!!!" He emphasized, pointing at the people in the crowd ranging from tall to short, from teenagers and girls to babies carried on their mothers' backs or in swaddles, "Businessmen , nobles, mercenaries and the like, these pilgrims and workers brought so many children! Especially the children who brought their families on the pilgrimage were simply one to two and two to four. The growth of numbers!”

Of course. Perturabo BC's brown eyes scanned mercilessly over the crowd who noticed them and began to cheer and tearfully pray to them. These mortals who have spent all their wealth just to come for pilgrimage can't go anywhere on crowded pilgrim ships. It is even more nonsense to want to reach their destination quickly - many pilgrim ships are slow and in disrepair. It is a fixed route, but it does not have the ability to use the subspace engine to sail multiple times in a short period of time, so a pilgrimage often takes many years - one can imagine how many children of the void will travel during the entire pilgrimage. Or how many children began the pilgrimage while still nursing - the missing son of Dorne was a child who had embarked on the pilgrimage since he was a baby...

Perturabo BC recovered his thoughts and the curtains were lowered.

"So what does it have to do with the fact that there are so many children here now and you want to open a school here? Let me remind you that we have no obligation to provide education for these weak mortals! And this is an unnecessary expenditure of additional resources! Our people· The hands are not enough!”

"Didn't you just tell me the reason? In a damn floating port on the edge of the galaxy filled with drunken navy, gamblers, pirates, smugglers, vagabonds, adventurers, heretics and aliens, there are also a large number of children – a school that accommodates children surrounded by all these factors is simply necessary!”

The dark brown eyes and the ice blue eyes stared at each other for a while.

"You're talking about a school, not a shelter or daycare institution."

"Hmm, as far as I know, childcare institutions also need to undertake some educational functions, so a school, yes. This is the most suitable."

"Lamizane. Ignorance is one of the few blessings that mortals can enjoy." Perturabo BC said coldly, "You have to know that in this galaxy, good intentions can lead to bad things, and even with firmness, It’s normal for good intentions to lead to very bad things.”

"You cannot simultaneously require mortals to be completely ignorant, and at the same time require them to be completely rational and strong according to your ideals. Perturabo." Lamizane refused to give in. "This is contradictory and goes against the basic laws of things. Completely Rational people are just ideal models. Talent will make a small number of people born firm and upright, but for the vast majority of people, complete ignorance will only breed confused minds, ignorant behaviors and fragile minds.”

The dog snorted coldly, "There is no other way to obtain a mind that is infinitely close to rationality in batches and quickly. I must say that some of the surgical training of the Adeptus Astartes and other orders was born for this purpose. So now you want to open our own loyal heir academy? The ships need some middle- and lower-level officers to fill them, and these are just the candidates for teachers..."

"Zhongsi Academy?" Lamizane looked at the other party in surprise. "Why do we need to open this kind of school? I'm not good at targeted training such as Zhongji Academy, which has a narrow employment scope."

"Then what kind of school do you want to run?"

"Hmm... If we can't find anything, we have to build some kind of comprehensive college, right? For example, we can initially divide it into four branches represented by four colors... So we still have to look at the teaching staff at hand. ...I want to think about who has the expertise and how to distribute it..."

Perturabo BC's hairy forehead now had a deep ravine that could trap a fly, and he decided to take a slow approach to someone who suddenly became enthusiastic about running a school.

"...Well, you see, you don't necessarily have to recruit students before thinking about the following things, right? That would cause a big problem like misleading students."

"Indeed. It's not okay to mislead someone's disciples. This is a taboo."

"...So why don't you write some plans and implementation regulations to think the whole thing through in advance?" Perturabo BC followed suit.

"I have to write plans and regulations again..." A certain salted fish's face began to show the familiar "I don't want to work" expression. Perturabo could only be glad that no one who knew him from the past saw it at this moment. His face showed an expression that was contrary to the "steel" creed.

"...That's it. How to arrange and distribute work without leaving it on paper? How to ensure everyone's position? How to determine the budget plan, various safety regulations, and distribution of responsibilities?"

"Oh, you are indeed my Peppa baby. Not only are you smart and ingenious, your talents in this area are also seriously underestimated. It would be great if your company commander Flix was still here. From what I have read In terms of content, I remember that he is the best among the descendants who inherited your project management, coordination and overall planning skills. "


"Huh? Or am I remembering it wrong? I remember him..."

"He was indeed my son who was best at project management, coordination and operation. But Honso was recruited by me at the time, and he had already brought me his death report when he arrived at the Destiny Steel, otherwise Flix should have been On the boarding list, Honso mentioned that Flix died from a direct hit by a Titan weapon on the Heart of Hydra..."

Lamizane sighed softly, "...When they were cleaning the battlefield, they found that the remaining parts of Flix's body were not enough to bring back to Medlengard, so they could not recover his gene seeds. I think I'm sorry about that report, Pepe."

"What are you sorry for?" The dog turned his eyes to the gap in the curtains and looked out the window and muttered grimly, "It's just Flix's bad luck."

"No," the soul that drove Perturabo's own body came over and sat next to him, rubbing the black and white plush tyrant to tighten his drooping ears, allowing him to gradually relax his tight muscles and get out of his depressed mood, "Peturabo Turabo, there's nothing shameful about admitting that you miss someone you love and expressing them, and admitting it won't turn anything to rust."

"If this is the case, then why should I admit it? Steel is on the outside, steel is on the inside, and steel is strength, and strength becomes strong will; strong will makes faith, and faith makes tough iron."

"Uh... because acknowledging every important person in your life is equivalent to adding many different trace metal elements to your steel? And alloy steel is usually harder, stronger, tougher, and more corrosion-resistant than pure steel?"

"...I think you are the one who has been mixing sand into my pure steel!!!"



Medlengard, camp outside Callan-Gol Fortress

Soltarn's Meditation Room

The Earth Ruler had just finished his prayers for the day and slowly stood up from his precious manuscript.

He held the pendant in his hand, and the fragrant ashes beside him had only just been extinguished.

Soltarn pondered, and carefully wrote the result of his prayer to his father in the dark on a newly bound page of the manuscript, then read it again, then turned around and opened the door and walked out.

Waiting outside the door was none other than Samokuan, who was wearing the armor of an ancient warrior. They tried to spray-paint this set of power armor into gun iron and silver. So far, it seems that the colors can still be hung, but they don't know when he will be. Will it have any impact when he becomes that strange half-demon state again? He was looking at Soltarn anxiously and expectantly. Next to him stood Uriel and Pasanius. They had just returned from the fortress of Kallan-Gol.

"How about it?"

The boy asked eagerly as Soltarn crossed the threshold.

"The benevolent and great father has just given me revelations on this matter." Soltarn nodded slightly, "Don't worry too much, Samokan, he has provided clear instructions on how to accept and manage your... Pi’s friend’s method. I will arrange this later, and it won’t take long - Uriel, I still need your and Jaffer’s experience to assist you in this matter.”

The former Ultramarines exchanged looks.

"How is the cleanup of Kallan-Gol Fortress?" Soltarn signaled Samokan to calm down, and first asked Uriel about their Death Oath mission.

"With Toramino's cooperation, things will be much easier." Uriel lowered the corners of his mouth, showing the veteran's cold side towards the emperor's enemies, "Take away those who are still alive after being loaded in." As well as the children who had not yet been loaded inside, Pasanius organized effective flamethrowers and explosive bombs to deal with the remaining barbaric morticians. Most of the senior personnel at the lower level were killed by the mysterious weapon in the sergeant's arm. , so the whole thing was much easier than expected.”

He tightened his jaw, "We completely destroyed those farms and ended many inhuman sufferings. As for the demon, the seal of imprisonment was obviously not enough after the placentas were removed, so we are trying to find a suitable way to remove it. Exiling it while opening the seal - the seal also protects it in some way, is a very troublesome ritual, and we need a suitable occult expert."

"Isn't Toramino's expertise good enough?" Soltarn said with a knowing smile.

"...I think that whatever position Tolamino had held in...the Chapter Master's army before, he must have done better than being a wizard."

"Ha. That's right. He used to be the captain of the Tyrant Terminators of the 'Beggars'. Have you noticed his personal emblem? That's when he and his subordinates fought together with the Source Return Order and participated in the attack. A mark of honor for difficult and impregnable fortresses and walls.”

"Shocking fact. You really can't tell a person by his appearance. I thought he would be part of your honor guard."

Soltarn shrugged slightly.

"Yes, we have changed beyond recognition in ten thousand years. But my father's changes are so gratifying that I want to praise him loudly."

"So," Samokwan finally found the opportunity to ask eagerly, "What good advice did the kind and wise Lord of Iron give you? Soltarn? I also asked him, but unfortunately, other than feeling warm, there was no response. to other echoes.”

"The great Iron King's decree for these children we have obtained," they listened intently to every word Soltarn spoke, "is to establish a school."

He looked around at some people who were starting to become dull and some people who were confused, "I think what father means is that it's time to start school."

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