Warhammer: Start with a dog

Chapter 468 Iron Warriors’ Teaching Mission


"So what the hell kind of appointment is this? Soltarn!"

Toramino - angrily burst into Soltarn's makeshift command room in the camp, screaming and waving his newly-received commission - which was clearly "Imperial" in style. ——In other words, it’s more like the style of Destiny Steel: the decoration that pretends to be retro, the modern-style deletions and writing that cannot be concealed, and the damage and traces of deliberate old age—in short, it is very consistent with a certain 3K Terra The style of people’s CG impression of games and animations.

Since the Lord of the Earth had recently regained the enlightened wisdom of his fathers from the holy books he had written, he now took care not to reside in the fortress of Kallan-Gol as his predecessors had done.

On the contrary, he is praying tirelessly and devoutly asking the Lord of Iron to grant him a larger, safer and more complete fortress - so that it can be used as their base to store important seeds, station troops and train new recruits, and forge New products and the purpose of opening an Iron Warriors school - well - although others think he is a bit wishful thinking, if he is so bold, he might be turned into a puddle on the ground by lightning from the sky and become a puddle that cannot be shoveled. , but Soltarn was indeed asking the Iron Lord for the use of his own palace.

After all, if anyone on Medlengard has a residence that can exceed the scale of Karan-Gol Fortress or any Chaos Lord's fortress, and has a solid security that has never been breached in the past ten thousand years, then the only choice is It is the palace of the Iron Lord himself.

At present, this very bold prayer has not received any response, so they still improved the military camp outside the Kalan-Gol Fortress as a temporary fortress for stationing and carrying out activities, because before blowing up this ancient fortress, they discovered It is necessary for them to clean up this place to find some usable things and missing things. By the way, if possible, count the list of unfortunate victims - Brother Seraphas, the think tank of the original Blood Ravens Chapter, commented on this Fully agree and lead the way.

Although Soltarn can force the stone spirits here to build him a huge stone shelter, it would still be quite troublesome if there is nothing but stone.

After all, the residence of the Iron Warriors, no matter what they have fallen into or which god they have surrendered to - first, there must be a forge core, secondly, there must be a manufacturing workshop, and finally, there must be a war room and the things inside it. Sandboard chess pieces.

If you can also randomly mix enough slave workers, evil overseers, sweatshops, various weird orders from other demon lords, and occasionally go out to plunder the gene seeds of the old enemy Imperial Fists to replenish your manpower - this is every Iron Warrior The preferred life style of the Lord (in the Eye of Terror).

Any Chaos Iron Warrior who attempts to climb the ranks of the officer ranks without any of these will be implicitly regarded as a bumpkin and a young brat by the Terran elders - Honso does not yet know the impact he has received over the centuries. In addition to his eye-catching pedigree, about a quarter of the various criticisms come from complaints that "this kid is too ignorant of old rules and politeness" - after all, the Iron Warriors may already be the best among all legions. One of those people who pays the least attention to ceremony and appearance decoration.

If other Iron Warriors can have a reliable way to know, no matter which world line he is in, Honso finally won the favor of Perturabo and was given more resources and power precisely because he "doesn't pay attention to the old rules." "It's a set", I'm afraid it will be surprising.

Of course Soltarn didn't know this either.

But Soltarn had felt, lived, seen, and eaten on the Destiny Steel.

So in another aspect, Soltarn's mind has indeed improved by more than one level than the natives of Medlengard.

Moreover, he also has limited edition customized power armor and weapons hand-made by the Lord of Steel "himself" (obviously someone was doing it very seriously because he was a newbie and didn't have time to salt the fish, so he rubbed it carefully for everyone around him), and A more precious pendant.

So in the face of Toramino running towards him in a menacing manner, Soltarn's answer was.

"Yes, this is your new position, Toramino."

"But you can't...!"

"I can. This is the arrangement I made based on my father's enlightenment. If you think there is a problem with it, you can go directly to the newly completed Iron Temple and pray to our father to see if he will grant you extrajudicial mercy. If you can obtain this kind of grace, I can even let you rule this place without any hesitation."

"You...!" The expression on Toramino's face kept changing like a kaleidoscope, until Soltarn, who had been studying him for a long time, threw out another bait that he couldn't refuse.

"...Samokuan will also be in your class. We need your knowledge of occultism and demonology, so you can talk to him up close when teaching." The hoarse voice of the stone caller is like a thousand changes. The Demon Lord's whisper made Tolamino's eyes suddenly radiate with greedy light.


"It's pure gold, Toramino." Soltarn sneered, "I'm not like some people. We have served the Legion together for ten thousand years. Do you think I am the kind of warrior who doesn't keep his word? "

"That's true." The Iron Warrior Wizard nodded in agreement, "You, like Flix, rarely make promises but do what you say."

He paused again at the newly forged staff in his hand, feeling a tingling current as the frenzied psychic energy was restrained and his mind cleared. This acrid whipping energy pierced the wizard's gauntlet, whipping his muscles, and keeping his mind as sharp and clear as when he was still an Olympian mortal for the first time in thousands of years.

This staff with a unique broad head and double blades was part of the deal he agreed to hand over Kalan-Gol to Thortann and serve him. It was made by the Stonecaller himself, and the materials were precious adamantine alloy, ordinary volcanic basalt and mysterious inner core. The surface was engraved with elegant and simple but alien runes. It was given to Tolamino "in order to greatly restrain and enhance psychic power."

According to Thortann's distressed statement, he deliberately added a magical and precious hair to the core of the staff, which can play an unprecedented role in resisting the pollution of the warp and focusing psychic energy.

Tolamino had no doubt about this. Now he was intoxicated every day by the warmth of admiration and the stinging pain that holding it brought him, which was the same as every time he saw the father of genes. This damn Soltan must have been a shameful thief! He might have stolen the hair of the primarch and put it in it to make it have such an effect... Keeping promises is one of the few commendable qualities of this country bumpkin... Wait a minute... Did the primarch have hair long enough to fall... No, no, my father is the greatest... Maybe Soltan stole my father's nail fragments or blood... But this is from my father...

"Okay. If you have no objection to this, then I will assume that you have accepted this commission," Soltan asked politely, and at the same time began to pretend to pick up the documents on the table, "Professor Tolamino. Now the first course we have opened for you is anti-demon and mysterious ritual studies, and then tomorrow you will have your first class."

"What?! Wait! The demonic ritual is a very sophisticated and complex... Wait, anti?"

"I know , so. "Soltarn narrowed his eyes and looked at Tolamino's neatly combed white hair without a helmet, "Look, you have 13 hours and 22 minutes to prepare for the class."

"What? ! Wait! But you confiscated all my human skin scrolls and human skin stocks! And my fresh bone marrow pigment, spice blood ink and brain gold powder! Then considering the waste required for teaching demonstrations, you will need to send me about a thousand slaves for..."

"Well, all the lives of Medlengard became the property of the Iron Lord when I received them in the name of our great father, so you are not allowed to abuse your father's property! That's stealing! Tolamino!"

"Then what do you want me to teach them? What about the sacrifices?"

"Slates and charcoal pencils, easy to write, and they are everywhere here. Sacrifices? Find Just make a model of each of these with some scrap metal."

"Are you kidding? ! Such dry and insincere spells and rituals cannot summon any powerful lifeless consultants at all!"

"Of course, this is the effect we want. Remember your course? - 'Anti' Demon and Mysterious Ritual Studies, Tolamino, your course requires students to be able to recognize those symbols and arrays, and then tell them how to destroy them with the least force and the most precision. As for how to find a practice object, well, there are still a large number of demon-driven forges and engines in and around Kalan-Gol, you can pick a few for on-site teaching - don't make trouble. "

"Waste of God! We have used demons as engines and ignited forges to drive our foundries for dozens of centuries, Soltarn, this is The tradition of the Iron Warriors is that using demons as energy cores is a necessary knowledge and some seals that require great costs to complete. It is a sin to destroy them casually! "

"You can tell your father about this. If you don't want to do it, return the commission and the staff to me. This will not affect the other parts of our agreement, but I will report this to my father during the next prayer, and then find a more intelligent and suitable wizard to teach here according to my father's enlightenment. "

Soltarn seemed no longer willing to waste his words on this matter, and lowered his head. He began to write daily documents and new commissions with a feather pen that was found from some unlucky imperial clerk from who knows when and where and then thrown into the pile of miscellaneous items, and now was found in the large-scale investigation ordered by Soltarn.

Finally, the wizard with white hair and golden eyes looked at his old (imaginary) opponent who looked very tall even when sitting behind the desk with hatred, but still tightly grasped the letter of appointment, turned around and walked out in his combat boots that had been specially heightened by three inches and three centimeters.


"...So, this demon that was bound and used as the core of the Kalan-Gol Fortress for various purposes - its name, well, remember it, it's called Bloody Heart. Strictly speaking, although the barbaric undertakers used its power to stimulate the fortress's anti-warp shield in the past, and later used it as a donor of warp energy to maintain... uh... some life energy, but first of all, it was not bound by them, the ritual of binding it was very ancient and took a very long time, and it was unknown who first initiated it, so their use of it was very limited; secondly, it did not belong to the Lord of Life and Laughter of Plague, but to the God of War, Courage and Blood... Their names cannot be recited casually here... You must remember, especially the Lord of Plague and Life, he and his subordinates are easy to be summoned... because their requirements for sacrifices and wishes are relatively loose..."

"Professor Tolamino! I have a question!" Samokan raised his hand.

"What's the question?" The Iron Warrior wizard who was showing off enthusiastically was interrupted and was not very happy, but seeing that it was Samokan who asked the question, he still suppressed his hand that was about to use the witchcraft flame.

"Just now you said that its power can be used to maintain the supply of warp energy, but before that it could be used as a shield against warp invasion, so, is this also a practical application example of the anti-demon and mysterious rituals we are going to learn?"

"Well..." Tolamino was frantically running the connection in his mind, but he still expressed his reserved praise verbally, "Yes, that's right, so this is an example that we will analyze and explain in depth later, but now let's talk about some basic knowledge first, after all, some people's brains are like mud..."

In the lower level of the Kalan-Gol Fortress, which used to be as terrifying as a living purgatory and even the Chaos Iron Warriors champion was unwilling to step into, the blood lake above the sky that imprisoned the demons is now quiet and empty, and only the lecture of a certain Iron Warrior professor echoed in the seemingly empty rock mine.

The mortal children who were captured and not yet transformed have been sent to the camp outside to be taken care of by the Dragoon Regiment and their mortals; the pile of corpses has been temporarily classified according to whether there are gene seeds left and the integrity of the seeds, and stuffed into the cold storage as much as possible. As for the precious gene seeds snatched from the Empire, they were carefully taken out and temporarily stored in the center of Soltarn's camp under the personal supervision of Lieutenant Colonel Leonid with tears in his eyes. The cave and freezer are temporarily kept in the center of Soltarn's camp - well, as for the use, Soltarn is not in a hurry, this kind of valuable item that is considered hard currency in the Empire and the Warp can always find a use.

Beside the now calm red lake, a small group of people stood, each holding a slate and a charcoal pencil, looking up to observe the demons that were sealed and chained hanging above the lake, and listening carefully to the explanation of the Iron Warrior wizard who led them.

This is Tolamino and the students he brought today: among them are the renegade Space Marines wearing power armor, Samokuan who is now wearing the power armor skin simulated by the devil, and a being taller than anyone present. The King of the Skinless, their tribe has now received some psychic spells to treat them, which has at least temporarily freed them from most of the pain. Another surprise is that the leader of the Skinless heard that they were going to open a course, so he got himself a seat as an auditor, so this weird group is now being taught on the spot by "Professor" Tolamino.

"Next we are going to talk about the relationship between the Blood Heart and its seal. Come, take a look at this seal stake. It comes from at least nine thousand years ago, and it may be even older. If we pull it up a little bit... yes... because it is old, its seal form is also very primitive... No one will risk pulling it up, but I will show you the consequences of loosening it a little bit..."

The scarlet blood light and the white phosphorus-like aura light lit up at the same time.

White blazing flames gushed out from the loose wound, splashing in the air. The Bloodheart's drooping head suddenly raised up, and the demon roared in pain and madness. Malice filled the entire space, and everyone's mind was in agony because of the most primitive fear engraved in their instincts.

On the boiling surface of the Blood Lake, a black subspace rift was torn open.

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