Warhammer: Start with a dog

Chapter 469 Professor, can you perform that again?

*Foreword, the power armor high-heeled boots are actually quite good-looking and useful BE LIKE:


"Look, in fact, it is not difficult for people with the power of Astartes to pull up this type of seal with strength alone. The power of the seal formed by it on demons lies more in its symbolic meaning... If someone can If you think that pulling out these silver nails will banish the demon back to the warp, then he may be under the gaze of the Lord of Fate... because releasing the demon in this specific ritual venue will not cause it to be directly repelled back. Behind the Curtain. Remember, a demon will indeed be rejected or expelled back to the highest heaven due to lack of sacrifice or energy supply in the real universe, but the time it takes depends on the location, the remaining energy of the opponent, etc. , cannot be generalized.”

The Iron Warrior Wizard Lord's performance can be said to be calm and composed. He held a half-plucked silver nail and talked. Under the rock where he was, the body of Blood Heart continued to expand, and the internal blood vessels of its strong skin were like The red magma glowed with scarlet pulsating light.

The "students" below who had recovered from the headache were nervously staring at the subspace crack that showed signs of expansion, but because the white-haired wizard seemed to be in control of the classroom teachings, they were still using their extraordinary powers Memory or helmet recorders record this knowledge.

“… In human mythology spread before the distant Old Night, one way to seal away blood-related demons was this cone nail with sharp edges on all sides… It is also called a stake, and ancient human residents believed that this Planting nails can cause fatal damage or seal tightly to certain demons that are closely related to blood. For another example, look at its material. Silver is a metal that has always been considered to have miraculous effects on demonic creatures..."

The subspace breeze carrying the rich and corrupt smell of blood swept through his ocher cloak from the cracks. Toramino's expression did not seem to change, and he even picked up the silver stake in his hand and showed it to the students because of his mysterious power. A shiny surface that has been blessed and has not rusted for thousands of years.

"In the name of the great and benevolent Lord of Steel! This scene of the demon breaking in is really realistic! The accompanying explanation is also very detailed and impressive. I thought Toramino... Professor was a bit too boastful and a showman. , I didn’t expect him to have some abilities, don’t you think so, Aquilon?”

"Gulu gulu... indeed... Sa..."

Samokwan and the leader of the Skinless were staring at the expanding subspace rift in the blood lake and whispering to each other, while they were still making quick classroom sketches on a slate.

This huge creature with the mind of a child is still known as the King of the Skinless Ones, but many of his tribe have happily accepted their assigned numerical designations and begun working in their assigned factory positions. ——Now that they can eat well every day and get rid of the pain that burns their skin all the time, they suddenly become easier to talk to and are more willing to accept some allocation arrangements and wait patiently for them to be able to eat. On the day of finding a suitable pharmacist to arrange the surgery to repair the deformity, everyone only remembered that they did not have a suitable pharmacist brother to do this after all the barbarian morticians had been burned. It was very incredible.

"So in the past ten thousand years, have they been fighting against each other, attacking and plundering each other before the former veterans, or...?" Pasanius frowned and asked his commander, "I can't figure it out... …But we clearly saw that they had a recruit company and apothecary laboratory on the Destiny Steel...?”

"Perhaps they used the Lord of Steel's pharmacist before. After all, their original body also lived here." Uriel did not understand this matter, but what he had seen about the amniotic membrane farm here before made him think very wisely. Cut off his upright sergeant's divergent thinking on this matter. "Let's deal with the guy in front of us first - how is your arm? Has that mysterious weapon been restored to its loaded state?"

"Soltarn said that he is not good at repairing such sophisticated machinery, and there are no pure servants of Ohm Messiah here. This arm now only has normal mechanical prosthetic functions."

"Well, then at least you can reload yourself... May the Emperor and Guilliman bless us. Take your weapons."

"What? Toramino seems to be quite confident. Didn't he come prepared?"

"I have an ominous feeling. I think he may not be able to control what happens next."

"Gee, Uriel, I hope your premonitions weren't so accurate. The Primarch bless us."


After learning that the King of the Skinless Ones had not decided on his own name, Samokwan had been suggesting that he could use some more "powerful" names, such as "Aquilon", which he recommended after consulting the voice in his head. This name sounds very ancient and noble, doesn't it? It's just that the King of the Skinless Ones insists that he has to become more perfect and outstanding before he can accept this name. However, Samokuan has already begun to call him by this name, and finds it surprisingly smooth, so he will call him this name now.

As for the others, they were not as relaxed as the two primary school students who really came to learn. The traitors and ultramarines had already raised their bolters vigilantly.

The eyes of Seraphas' withered face lit up slightly. The Librarian, who was expelled from his war group, did not like to use his psychic attacks unless absolutely necessary. "Did you do it on purpose or was it an accident? Huh? 'Professor'?"

"Of course! Don't worry! Everything is under my control! Watch out next, I will show you how to repair this seal and close a subspace teleportation rift in one go!"

Toramino's face was a mixture of fear, rage and pride. He raised his staff towards the huge silver-white nail that he had half pulled out, and began to murmur something from a more bizarre fate and ancient times. The spells in the ruins try to repair the seal and close the sudden portal.

The air around the Iron Warrior Wizard began to steam, and bright blue flames began to roll and move around him. The distorted and changing face composed of a thousand eyes and empty mouths looked like a nightmare turned into reality and faced everyone who saw them. People radiate living malice and powerful twisted power.

In front of him, the Blood Heart was still imprisoned in place, but this big demon, which had been in a weak state, was beginning to regain strength at a speed visible to the naked eye - the withered ends of blood vessels hanging from the severed wings on its back It began to recover and grow, and like some kind of slender blood-sucking leech, it thrust its tentacles into the blood lake beneath it - although the surrounding sacrifices, blood pipes and most of the human skin bags had been removed, The bottom of the lake had not yet been completely drained of excess blood—it began to grow taller, larger, and fuller, and the demon raised its horned head, passing through what it had suffered over the past dozens of centuries. The pure enslavement and lost anger let out a terrible roar from within the body. This roar did not produce the vibration of the natural vocal cords, but penetrated everyone's heart, making even a simple mind like Aquilon, the King of the Skinless Ones, begin to feel uneasy. , because the demon's hunger even crossed the veil of dimensions and echoed in the vast ocean behind the curtain.

Some warriors who were once closer to the Blood God had begun to kneel down in pain, holding their heads in their hands. From the black crack rising from the blood lake, air flow full of coppery smell and a name, an abrupt name, spewed out. , appears in the sky above everyone's soul. This terrible evil knowledge carries a symbol, requiring everyone in the galaxy to feed their heads and souls to the insatiable hunger of the gods. It repeats, "Give me your blood." Offer your skull to...Khorne...Khorne...Khorne..."

Even the most obtuse person will start to feel something is wrong.

"Can you handle it?! Toramino?! Close the portal immediately! Restore the seal! This is too dangerous!" Uriel shouted with a severe headache, and Pasanius grabbed him He, the invisible position of the rosary on the sergeant's body immediately passed through and relieved Uriel's headache.

The former Ultramarine immediately turned on his communication rosary, and as expected, it was suddenly severely disturbed by the painful wails that filled the channel. Uriel regretted that he should have asked Soltarn for a melta grenade or similar weapon before coming. Throwing them into the portal at this time usually has miraculous effects. The second captain of the Silver Skull has stock in his belt. He's seen it.

"If you can't get it done, tell me quickly! We must notify people outside immediately—"

"Shut up! You stereotypical and vain Macragge brat! Of course the great Toramino can handle it!" Tolamino shouted angrily, and at the same time began to rise up with all the psychic power in his body, his Blue flames emitted from his eyes, and blue flames appeared in the air. In the burning center of the flames, a small blue-pink figure began to flash through it. It seemed that there was a shadow of something pointed behind him-- Suddenly, the staff in Toramino's hand made an angry and weird sound, and then, the blue-pink fear demon and the huge bird-shaped demon that had begun to appear from behind him exploded one after another in a silent howl of terror. Come, only the wizard lord is left with a truly frightened expression this time. He stares closely at the staff in his hand, as if the high temperature that is burning and smoking in his palm does not exist.

"That's so cool! I asked, was that a group of summoned demons just now? Now everything is calm! But what is that sound?"

"I don't know...it's kind of like...woof?"

"Ah, Professor Toramino!" Samo Kuan pointed at the teleportation rift that had almost taken shape in the real universe, "Can you perform that one again? It's the one that made all the big demons go 'wow' just now. The one that’s open? I think it’s coming out!”

"What?! Who?!" The white-haired Iron Warrior waved his staff wildly, trying to gather the powerful psychic power again, but it was obvious that the last accident that had just occurred prevented him from drawing enough for a while. To use energy to organize effective spells, Seraphas had begun to secretly gesture to others to ask them to find a suitable bunker.

A sharp scream came from the torn curtain, with blood and intimacy of incomparable nostalgia, with hatred that everyone could feel, and a contract of death that began at the end.

This howl got louder and harsher from far to near. As the sound got closer, the Blood Heart clearly showed a look of joy on its demonic face. It raised its head again and carried The horned head roared in response, its voice full of malicious joy.

As the last light, like putrid wine or some kind of fermented pus, poured down from the crack, a huge figure wearing ancient Terminator armor stepped out of the teleportation crack. Toramino managed to summon The witchcraft blue fire weakly struck the figure's shoulder armor and scattered in all directions. The firelight reflected the remaining yellow and black striped paint on it - a Chaos Iron Warrior.

Those present were uncomfortably aware that the teaching demonstration had gotten out of control, and at the same time, someone had begun shooting at the summoned being or demon.

But those explosive bombs were "bounced away" by the unclean psychic light wrapped in this Chaos warrior wearing a helmet, carrying an ancient chain sword and a pistol. Only Blood Heart angrily attacked those attacks. The attacker waved his claws in the air.

"Toramino! Look what you did!" Uriel shouted, and at the same time began to issue orders for non-combatants to move, and asked the fastest warriors to run to the upper level to use the communicator. "What to do now?! Can you still nail that damn silver sealing nail back in?!"

"Wait!" Toramino shouted, "I know this Terminator...this armor! Isn't this a vulgar Kroger?! Kroger?! What are you doing here?! Are you dead? Isn’t it you who is in the heart of Hydra?”

The Iron Warrior whose name was called tilted his head towards the wizard, but did not respond. He just staggered towards the increasingly ecstatic Blood Heart, and began to slowly kneel down towards the demon in a weird but not humiliating posture. , opened its arms, and the blood-colored witchcraft aura replaced the previous disease-like light from every joint gap of the armor and overflowed like blood. Then, they saw the set of power armor begin to disintegrate out of thin air, piece by piece. Floating towards the demon who had not completely broken free in mid-air.

"That's it!" Seraphas, the former Blood Ravens Think Tank who was expelled for reading forbidden knowledge of darkness in their own chapter's library, suddenly shouted to the crowd, his voice full of joy and nervousness, "I know what it is! Why was it summoned here! Uriel! It must be destroyed immediately! This is the armor transformed from the demonic armor blessed by the Blood God in Blood Heart! You cannot let it be taken back! ! This is the inevitable first step to regain its strength! It will become stronger with armor!"

Bloodheart has begun to put on his demonic armor one after another under Blood Crow's warning. Each time he puts on one piece, the shape and color of the armor will change from the iron-colored armor of the Iron Warrior to a black and brass-like one. The two weapons also began to change their appearance, gradually twisting from the chain sword and pistol into the form of a huge brass battle ax and a long whip.

Toramino let out a frustrated and angry war cry. The former Elite Siege Master Captain was forced to brandish his weapon due to the temporary depletion of his psychic powers. In the next few minutes, everyone present The "students" watched helplessly as Toramino's fancy and exquisite power armor, which looked like an antique jewelry box, also began to dissipate and deform, turning into extremely thick yellow, black and steel-colored armor. Then, Toramino attacked the city. The Storm missile nest behind the Terminator began to fire a roaring barrage of siege missiles.

Amid Bloodheart's unexpectedly loud howl, Tolamino rushed forward waving the broad-bladed staff that turned into a power weapon.

"Steel on the outside! Steel on the inside! For the Lord of Steel!"

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