Warhammer: Start with a dog

Chapter 472 When you have a test paper in front of you

Chapter 472 When there is a test paper in front of you...


"What answer should I write to this question?"

Biting the pen holder made of ceramic steel, a certain freshman who was going through the semester final exam wailed deep in his heart.

At the other end of the room sat the only other student in the class, the Skinless One he called Aquilon, scratching his head and roaring at the test paper in front of him.

"Magical space (Raum), help me!"

+(Not a very willing voice) How do you want me to help you? +

+Have you not lived for a long time and know many, many things? So come and tell me the answers to these questions! +

+...I have lived for a long time, but I started to feel that I can see everything after living for such a long time - why would someone open a school in the demon world and give examinations to blessed warriors instead of establishing some based on your talents? For something greater and more ambitious? +

+ Stop talking nonsense! What a great cause... I only know that if I do poorly in the test, then I will have to face the particularly terrifying Professor Uriel! +

+The darling of the damned? What's wrong, just open your body and mind to me, you can kill him now...+

+Don't worry about your killing! space! How to do this question! Didn’t you tell me that you could do anything? ! Come help me write this first! ——Try writing an article, with a title of your own, no less than 800 words, and the theme is about the history of the empire and the myths and legends of the empire’s religions that you know... No, ah, let’s write this article first! Try to list all the weapons and weapon-stimulating effects you know... +

+Are you trying to get a ticket to become a Sorcerer Star Apprentice? Isn’t this Medlengard of the Iron Warriors? Did I make a mistake in being in a hurry...? impossible! +

+This is Medlengard! Do you know how to make test papers? If you don’t know how to make papers, I won’t call you a magical space! You are a bragging space! +

+Of course I will! You wait! Just wait for me! Do what you know how to do first! I will...+

The boy felt an unnatural tremor under his skin, as if something angrily lifted the veil of space and quickly moved away. He only hoped that the demon who called himself "Space" could give him some strength. Then he bit the pen that had begun to loosen and stared at the next question, Soltarn's mathematical application question, "If it needs to be established within 24 hours, A standard classical theater covering an area of ​​6.6 square kilometers, made of marble hills 10 kilometers away, and with enough Space Marines, auxiliary troops, vehicles and Titans, needed to carve out the statues and decorations of a classical theater. Please try to calculate the required cubic materials and number of people under ideal circumstances and give your reasonable material planning and logistics distribution plan...what!"

Samokwan, a stalwart elementary school student who is seven (feet) tall and weighs three hundred pounds in his non-demon skin, is currently enrolled in the sixth grade of the Medlengard Olympia Military Academy without taking the exam thanks to the first batch of students. —Of course, this school built in a magical huge palace currently only has two grades.

The first grade corresponds to the ordinary skinless people. The teachers are very tolerant to the students of this grade. The main teaching content is to let them realize that "first of all, you are a human being", "secondly, people do not eat people", "so you cannot eat whatever you want to grow." People who look like humans are not allowed to eat, even if they are dead, and garbage cannot be eaten!" In short, as long as these skinless people can stop drooling and showing greedy expressions when they see mortals and other iron warriors, it is victory.

The sixth grade corresponds to the King of the Skinless Ones and Samo Kuan. Yes, there are currently only two registered students in this grade, and they have to face a group of professors. And because Aquilon's conditions are placed here, in fact all the professors With his eyes fixed on Samokuan, he found that he had entered a situation where even if he wanted to be lazy and cheat, he had no way to do it——

Because except for two students in the sixth grade, all the staff are professors. Considering that most of the teachers wear power armor, they are good at long-term combat and can withstand hunger and thirst, and the skinless ones are also He didn't have the picky eating habits of children at all, and Toramino was very, very puzzled by Soltarn's behavior of having to open a canteen in the Iron Lord's palace that he had finally begged for.

"You can't do this!" He slapped the table and stomped the ground with his exquisite power armor boots. "How could you build such an ugly and redundant building in the palace of our noble father?! This is blasphemy! "

Of course, Toramino was immediately struck by some kind of impatient mini-lightning strike, and before he woke up, the cafeteria and the large kitchen were completed. After that, the wizard lord ate without saying a word. That's another story. .

Theoretically, the academy's auxiliary military academy also accepts applications from mortals, but given that the skinless people are always hungry, and the most important thing is that they seriously lack qualified teachers, this plan currently only remains on paper. .

On this planet that has been attacked, swept, and investigated many times by the army led by Soltarn, even if there are still any unruly war blacksmiths and war gangs, they all lost their confidence when the Olympia Military Academy was officially established. .

On the morning of the twenty-second day, after three weeks of ardent prayers for Soltarn, who had been seen praying assiduously to the open manuscripts in the chapel, some revelation came to him, and he jumped up in ecstasy. Gu rushed towards the door of their genetic father's mysterious palace.

There were no guards there, but no one had ever managed to get in and leave.

All people have been able to see are the piles of corpses of those who tried to break in or invaded. They will be regularly spit out by the castle and piled up in the deep trench at the door with the rumble of the autonomous machinery.

"I know!" the Stoneforger shouted, "I know! It was never locked and it didn't need to be guarded. It's a maze!"

He walked towards the suspension bridge in the Palace of the Lord of Steel. The stones on it were also black, but they were different from the bricks and stones of Callan-Gol that were actually ritually completed with ancient cursed corpses. The stones here were pure, they were just The stone is solid volcanic rock, with silvery metal juice pouring into the gaps, which is molten steel.

As Soltarn drew near, he heard the rocks near the palace warning him of the danger ahead.

But he was fearless. He raised the manuscript and the pendant in his hands, showing everything he had received from his father to this silent, majestic, and dangerous palace. He strode onto the bridge leading to the front, which was wide. And it is flat, and every stone is just right, allowing two Titans and escorts to pass through at the same time. But in the past eight thousand years, no organized team has ever set foot on this exquisite ground. The rocks have only been slowly eroded by wind and sand under the gaze of the white phosphorus sky and the cold black sun.

Many eyes, in the light and in the dark, watched Soltarn's behavior as a blatant provocation to their father, who had never been patient, tolerant and loving.

Maybe in the next second, twelve plasma cannons will appear on the top of the Iron Lord's palace, and then they will blast the stone forger to nothing.

Some people maliciously speculated and hoped so, while Samokuan watched worriedly as the lonely figure of the old mason walked forward step by step, calling his father's name. Well, speaking of which, if I could meet Soltarn's father, should I call him grandfather?

Soltarn will be fine, right?

+...Can none of you see the terrible truths that are constantly surrounding him? You blind people! Forget it, but I can see these instructions, I did not choose the wrong path, this is valuable, I will prove it again to... +


Calixis Sector, Wandering Port

Delicious and nutritious restaurant

After encouraging the two priests who had won the debate and sent them away, Lamizane turned to the original body beside him.

"Pepe, what's wrong with you?"

His ice-blue eyes looked at Perturabo BC opposite with some concern.

"I've been a little tired here recently thinking about the construction of the college? Maybe we should go out for more walks? How is your desk clock repaired? It's a good thing for traveling without taking up time, you know? I think if you can If you use it for a trip, no matter how long you take a break during the trip, it will only take you a blink of an eye to come back. You should make good use of its characteristics during such busy times - you seem to have been listening to something recently, but you can. I didn't hear anything strange, which makes me worried about your health."

"I'm fine." Bian Mu lowered one ear pretending to be calm, "Don't you feel anything?"

"What does it feel like?" The person opposite blinked in confusion, and listened carefully to the movement in the environment. "In addition to the fact that in the distance they have begun to build a new main building of the college, expand the port, and there are also snack vendors, guides, and bars... ...Oh, I still didn’t listen carefully, there were too many, but nothing special, just the same normal sounds.”

"Okay. No surprise." Perturabo muttered, "Then Magna and I will have to work harder...well...there is no need for those who have lost their minds...the palace...ok , open up some unimportant peripheral areas, why do I need to submit the test paper questions...the principal's honor...? It's better to leave such trivial matters to Magna. It's good to let him have something to do. My report is not yet available. Done."

"What? Pepe? Need help?"

"Nothing, it's just that some of the data streams I have here show that the transmitter on the other side uses some unknown ritual... The quality of the transmitted signal is very worrying, which requires us to re-analyze and re-encode it a lot when receiving it, um... still Some serious packet loss... Let me see..." The dog banged on the input device in front of him, "Where have these been lost... By the way, you should take some time to come here later. I do have something to do. You do it, and it’s just right, giving you early practice for your school.”

"Oh? What?"

"Hmm... It's kind of like answering questions and marking papers?"

Lamizane blinked in surprise, "Where did the questions and papers come from?"

"Don't ask, I will convert those things and send them to you. You only need to decide according to your own point of view whether the 'answer sheets they submitted' and the 'questions they raised...' are appropriate.' ”


Beyond the Eye of Fear

The Holy Frontier of the Empire and the Dark Side of the Empire

In the astral choirs of different worlds or fleets, and even in the skies and ground of Holy Terra

"Holy throne is above!"

"Ahhh, my head is going to split! This is not something I can watch..."

The Astropaths either knelt on the ground or raised their hands toward the empty sky.

"What happened to them?"

Officers or higher-level supervisors were confused by the collective commotion of the astropaths, while the navigators reported that their third eyes did not see any obvious changes in reality or the warp - at least not for the worse.

"I don't know. According to the choir leader, an extremely strong force has been "pouring" out of the Eye of Terror, and now this wave is flowing along the Great Rift... Oh? No."

"What happened?"

"Very strange. Those great enemies of the Empire and the evil Chaos Unborn usually move along the Great Rift or the rift they call the 'Scarlet Road' and the huge warp storms along the way. Most of the monitoring and battle encounters so far meet this feature, and a few are due to the special characteristics of their planets, such as the Forge World or a specific home world. But this time This strong energy fluctuation is very strange. First of all, although it is very penetrating, it seems to simply cause... physical headaches. "

"Is it that simple?"

"So far, sir. Chaos contamination tests even show..."

"Don't spread raw data that will cause confusion before verification."

"Yes, sir."

"Then it's 'backflowing'."

"Where is it flowing?"

"Here." The star map was brought over, "It flows to the opposite side of the Great Rift, in the direction of the star regions behind the Eye of Terror, the Skarrus, Calixis or Ixhanides star regions."

"What's there? Any disturbances, heresy, signs of invasion or foreshadowing of a battle?"

"That's the question, my lord." The confused look on the secretary's face was also reflected in his voice. "There's nothing there. In fact, according to the reports so far, it's the best time since the Angwen expedition. It's peaceful and prosperous. The Calixis sector has even paid all recent tithes and all additional war taxes on time and in good quality. Everything is... very good."

"Say it again, you said that the Calixis sector has paid in full, in good quality, without any Delayed payment of all recent tithes and additional war taxes?"

"Yes, my lord, I have heard that some of your Excellencies think it may be appropriate to send some honorary awards to the Qing Palace of Sintira."

"A bunch of fools!"

"My lord?!"

"Immediately, contact the Imperial Navy, the Inquisition and..." the speaker hesitated, "... the Adeptus Astartes, who are currently not on combat missions, and ask them to send a suitable and sufficiently capable team nearby to check out the Calixis Sector."

"Yes, my lord!"

"There is definitely something wrong with this matter."

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