Warhammer: Start with a dog

Chapter 473 Outside the theater before the show begins

Chapter 473 Outside the theater that has not yet started -

It is one's conscience, not the person, that is tortured by other experiences and actions. If you want to maintain a normal mind, you must be affectionate but ruthless, value everything but be afraid of everything, be in this world but not in this world, and know something but know nothing... Such a harmonious state is not possible in any existence. It is the nature of things, but it is accumulated from countless painful lessons and corpse-laden experiences. Inquirers, keep in mind that this galaxy has never been tolerant. It will always be theaters, churches and palaces built on the burial ground. They may be simple, they may be gorgeous, but they cannot be castles in the air.

——Perturabo, at some point on his flagship Ironblood 42


Medlengard, Olympia Military Academy

Sixth grade classroom

+Boy, I'm back. +

+ You are back... Although I have already completed single-select and multiple-select by counting on my fingers and the order of everyone's names, filling in the blanks... Well... I still wrote some words! But I still have a few big questions to answer! No time! Space (Raum)... Speaking of which, since you are called space and can travel through space, can you temporarily change the time here, pause the time here, and then change back when I go to the teacher's lounge to read the answers? +

+ If you know anyone who can do this as easily as we can talk, I'd love to make the acquaintance of such a great being, and honestly, even sign a contract to serve him. +

+Then you just can't do it. (disappointed sigh) +

+What are you sighing for? ! ...But I successfully brought you the answer to your question! ——The number of the Changing Demon Lords over there has suddenly increased recently. I almost couldn’t find a few of them who were alone, so I moved a little slower. +

+ is really the answer! Very good! You are such a good buddy! True brothers! Come on, tell me the answer! +

+Of course, of course, one by one, first of all...+

Through his stormy gray crystal eyes, he watched Samokuan quickly start writing on the test paper based on the answers that came to his mind, feeling the full spiritual power and such pure joyful emotions in this unique body. Raum repeated in a low voice.

+Yes, of course we are brothers. I am your brother. I will take revenge for you...+


Medlengard, Olympia Military Academy

The large dining hall to be completed soon

When Soltarn began to build the new chapel, he asked all his brothers who had survived the "approval" in the original chapel to come with their men and cleaned vehicles. When he was working as a labor force, he did imagine that it might be out of intrigue and there were indeed various blood debts. Ten thousand years later, the legion has been broken. Even if it is summoned, it will still encounter some resistance. Well, the resistance has happened as expected. , but what he didn’t expect was the direction in which the resistance occurred.

When his war blacksmith and dimensional blacksmith brothers, who were the leaders of their respective warbands, finally received the first message from the Gene Father after 10,000 years, a clear message, someone was finally designated to lead them again. Their enthusiasm and determination for their first project forced Soltarn to repeat some important rules over and over again.

"What the hell is this?! Release these slaves, wash them, eat some energy bars and send them to the east! The ground there hasn't been finely leveled yet! Some suitable simulation training grounds are going to be built there... No , No, I don’t need more living sacrifices here. Thank you, old man. In addition, I personally suggest that you cut off these subspace growths on your body before the statue of father is completed... We have not gone out to plunder anything recently. plan, but we do need to reorganize the fleet later... Hey! What I want to build is a normal kitchen and a multi-functional auditorium, not a big altar of the Four Gods and a dark sanctuary... What? I know we are chaos! But that was before!

Soltarn roared at his former colleagues below who were commanding their respective warbands to charge towards the construction site filled with materials in a chaotic manner - even though he was quite favored as a technical officer thousands of years ago, he is also being favored now. He is recognized as the preacher of his father's good words, but obviously, his lack of trident and war blacksmith qualifications has become his biggest shortcoming at this moment.

The iron warriors' respect and obedience to the position of war blacksmith could even barely suppress their bloodline aversion and disgust - although Honso was still scorned as a "bastard half-breed" behind his back at the time, Balban Falk publicly took the position of war blacksmith After awarding him, all the Iron Warriors who originally worked for Falk immediately and ostensibly accepted Honso, who was half Imperial Fists, as their new boss, and would actually commit suicide by committing suicide any time they were asked to do so. Attack command. From this point of view, it is not surprising that Toramino, as an outlier with many ideas, has repeatedly failed in the Trident nomination.

"Listen! Here now! On Medlengard! And where all the sons of Perturabo's blood are! Only one person is allowed to pray and recite the Iron Litany! And that is our father's One body and two sides! I say it again! The great Lord of Steel is real, and so is the benevolent Gene Father! Don't taint your father's teachings with those obscene sacrifices to evil gods! All sculptures and ornaments that do not meet the school's requirements will be removed! I say it again! Only products that have been reviewed can be retained. We are not accepting any orders for magic ascension rituals, nor are we allowed to carve any large dark witchcraft circles!"

In short, after a lot of energetic noise about revising, revising, and deleting content, this auditorium, which has the functions of meeting, worship, and canteen, was finally built at the same time that Karan Gaur was bombed into rubble.

The only thing this auditorium has in common with Callan-Gol is that they also have stunning towers and domes that point to the sky - which, by the way, everyone was surprised to find that when they finally decided After building this auditorium and placing the statue of the Lord of Steel high in the center of the auditorium, as long as you enter the scope of this palace, the dazzling sky of the demonic world's eternal burning white phosphorus will rise for ten thousand years. It became softer, showing a clear light blue tone, while the black sun disappeared, and only the sparse white-gold light fell on every part of the palace according to the law of rising in the east and setting in the west. The air was filled with a faint smell of ozone, which after neutralization brought a relatively fresh smell here. The treasure that excited and surprised Soltarn and everyone the most was none other than the completion of the groundbreaking ceremony of the canteen. , the sweet clear spring that gushes out from the ground dug by the first shovel.

This spring water was immediately tightly protected, and was witnessed by all the Iron Warriors and Renegades present, who were convinced of the mercy and power of the Iron Lord - and then this spring water was immediately connected to the cooking water in the large kitchen Make the most of everything in the system.

"My father is so powerful..." After waking up, Toramino was intoxicated by the palace columns he saw. He lingered for a full twelve and twelve hours and couldn't conceal his excitement in ancient times. The Olympian language gave a total of nine solo hymns to the Lord of Steel, "What a glorious and great masterpiece, it seems to be a more reasonable and exquisite reproduction of the past of our homeland..."

Now, his ornately sculpted Olympian hand-made ceramic boots are carefully but filled with the ease of reunion joy, the servo joints have a soft tone, walking on a ground that has never been so flat, clean and easy in ten thousand years, carrying the attire of the Astartes The man in the armor and his apprentice slowly strolled through this monument to the bygone world, filled with deserted temples and public buildings that looked like works of art that turned the great ideals on the drawings into reality.

It is silent and enchanting, with tall and straight pillars, vaults and gables made of limestone and golden and white marble that do not exist in Medlengard. It is harmonious, simple, solemn and clear in layout, with soft goddesses and The priests were wrapped in flowing and soft robes around their round bodies, holding various musical instruments. They were decorated with grapevine leaves and other plants, and their faces covered by flying curly hair showed various expressions of anger and joy.

"Look, the ground here is paved with beautiful mythological stories made of quartz mosaics, telling the stories of the ancient heroes of Olympia. Zepias and his great enemy Urto always stand in one place and then in two. On the other hand, Larmers, the great lover of comic poetry, and the unpredictable Heracles, the most powerful man with a thousand faces recorded in pre-mythological times, who played a variety of key heroic roles. It was earlier than the time when the Pseudo-Corpse Emperor came to Olympia, and the sculptures on the door of this beautiful theater were the goddesses Halys and Aphrosyne - unfortunately we are not allowed to enter the area inside. "

He turned around, with endless nostalgia in his brows, and even the jealousy and calculation that had always been engraved on him were weakened a bit. "They are the twin drama goddesses of ancient Olympia. They will be carved in many public places, especially theaters. They usually wear masks of laughter and sorrow. Ah, this sculpture is so exquisite that the middle The dividing line between the wine cleverly blurs the boundaries between them, so that the viewer cannot tell which goddess the mask of laughter and sadness belongs to. The genius idea must have come from the hands of the great Perturabo. Outside the theater, tragedy and comedy are blurred and return to the unknown.”

+Oh, this half-hearted wizard is quite talented in interpreting omens. Next time you want to keep him alive, I suggest you consider keeping his upper half or head for divination or beheading. Warp communications must be pretty good. +

+Although, Professor Toramino is actually a pretty good person when he doesn't suffer from the convulsions and the peacock's tail. I don't think there is any need to treat him like this... Huh? Wait, why do I know about spring, autumn and peacocks? I have never seen these before. This magical experience makes me curious. I want to see these things with my own eyes. I wonder if there is a chance to leave here and see them? +

+Hmm, I think these fragments of knowledge may be some small side effects. After all, I was a little anxious at the time, and I guess the work was a bit rough when sucking the brain...+

+Huh? +

+It’s okay, you can just think of it as some extra knowledge given by my... uh... generous answer provider when I copied the answer. +

+Is that so? They are pretty good people. +

+They are pretty good. +

Tolamino came back to his senses from the memories of the past, the intoxication and praise of the skills and power of the Father of Genes, and looked at Samokan with doubts, who was staring at him with a special large feather pen.

"What's wrong? Have you finished taking notes? I warn you, I won't circle any key points, because you must listen carefully in every class to pass my exam."

"Nothing." Samokan replied quickly, and turned the parchment scroll in his hand to show his professor of demons and rituals, "Look, I have recorded everything!"

"Not bad." The siege master's face was slightly relieved, "Although your brain strength should be enough to remember what I said and every action I did, as a psychic, the first lesson you need to understand is that things written in ink on special parchment by hand often surpass your brain's memory. Because First of all, we are studying the art of the warp, and secondly, the planet we are on is in the Eye of Terror, so we can say that we are always under the shallowest surface of the warp, and the warp is so illusory and changeable, far beyond the limit of any human understanding. All the actions that think they can understand its essence are the first step to destruction. Even if I am as conceited as I am, I dare not rashly probe into the depths of the real soul sea, because it is just like-"

The professor who was teaching while walking paused for half a second, and his students immediately understood what he needed to say to the dramatic professor in the past few days of teaching.

"——Just like the flowers in the mirror and the moon in the water, everything that the sea of ​​souls presents to us that we can perceive should be considered to have the nature of a lie. Nothing that is shown to us by the warp should be believed with certainty, and even believing that it can be believed or not-"

The wizard lord nodded, and a proud and picky praise for the student's attentive listening finally climbed up the corner of his mouth, "——All that is judged to be unreliable is also unreliable."

+This is why I really think that the food over there in the Crystal Maze always has a strange taste that lingers between sweetness and bitterness. It even hangs on my taste buds and lingers, forcing me to eat something else to suppress the taste. +

+What is Crystal Maze food? What does it have to do with the unreliability of the warp? +

+Oh, nothing, you continue to listen to the lecture, and try to trouble my good friends as little as possible. +

+That's right, then you can help me record it. In case I have any mistakes. Space. +

+Of course. Brother. +

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