Warhammer: Start with a dog

Chapter 5 A very favorite answer and a very favorite answer

Facts have proved that although it is inappropriate to discuss business during meals, it can sometimes be quite efficient.

Honso was surprisingly cooperative with the orders given to him by the Lord of Iron to serve.

In fact, the endorsement of the Daemon Primarch greatly made up for his inherent shortcomings in the eyes of other Iron Warriors - he easily led his troops to suppress all voices that dared to dissent, turning Kallan Gol and its surroundings into an efficient And tight war fortresses and arsenals.

He then quickly arranged his warband members, leaving his champion Onyx to guard the fortress, while he himself took Dassadra and Thortarn - the latter was appointed from Perturabo - —Boarded the Iron Blood to perform duties.

This made Perturabo's mood change from gloomy to sunny, but not Lamizane, who looked very worried.

However, his concerns were greatly alleviated after they had another in-depth conversation with Honso.


"When I heard his answer 'no', I felt relieved. It's really great news - this kid hasn't really started to implement the devil's womb project yet."

Lamizane slumped in the newly made full-size sofa without any image and muttered. He and Perturabo were the only ones in the private workroom now, and there was a whole team of iron rings guarding the door.

"I can't believe he could use his brain to come up with this shit in the middle of all this intense fighting and intrigue...it's obviously very smart to keep him around and let him learn how to be a *regular* pharmacist Decision. Pepe, we have to keep this kid under tight control, I don’t want a second old Chinese doctor... Oh, in the local language, Fabius Bayer."

The Primarch Bianmu occupied another high-legged sofa with stairs. The flickering lights on the surrounding screens reflected his snow-white bib mane into colorful colors. Countless data tablets were scattered around him and on the floor - not that Lamy was talking about it. Zane did nothing. There was a whole set of brand-new pet products on the workbench in the distance, ranging from steel hair combs with three spacings to the Legion logo Iron Skull pendant used on the collar. From some quite ancient items Judging from the style, it should have been made by someone lying flat.

"Honso's idea for this creation of chaos is already very feasible. He came here to present this plan to me as a feat. Many people have learned that he is preparing to implement this technology; I There is no doubt that in this place where it is extremely difficult to add new blood, my descendants of... will fight for it." Perturabo replied, while he kept tilting his head to look at the information on the screen next to him, and the tips of his ears followed The movements were shuddering and shaking, while the claws were trying to unravel a ball of wires.

"He is indeed an officer with a sharp mind, flexibility and excellent luck. This is a rare quality in my legion. Keeping him with me will undoubtedly reduce the war efficiency in some areas, but it will also improve other areas. aspect. - Why do you care so much about this matter? After all, this is Medlengard, inside the Eye of Terror, the Legion’s...home planet."

"Just because it's this time, this place, this person, the combination is even worse. Although I can't remember the details at all, and again, it's so shocking that Honso hasn't even started to make it yet! But I'm pretty sure we have to leave as soon as possible." .”

Lamizain smacked his lips, "Because maybe at this moment, the invincible fourth company commander of your thirteenth brother's family has led his comrades straight here to prepare for a wonderful epic battle - if this is ..., then I will not underestimate the inertial malice of this universe. And personally, I don’t want to meet such a haloed protagonist at all now. After all, we are now considered some kind of abominations, so we should be.”

Perturabo snorted coldly from his nose, "If you think I am an abomination, you can just say so."


The dog's face showed an unusually gloomy expression, "I know, you actually think so, look at the poor synchronization rate between your soul and my body."


"I know you've been putting up with this, including me."


"Why are you so surprised? You and I know it well."


Lamizane's face was full of disbelief, "What are you crazy about! Do you mean that I have always disliked you? Where did you come to this conclusion? No, I really don't understand - we were not just Are you talking about other topics?!"

The dog raised its head forcefully and stared at him with the haughty eyes of an iron lord. It looked domineering, well, if the ears were not attached to the head and the tail was not tightly curled.

"Okay, okay, at least you said it, then let's talk." He shook his head helplessly.

"If I had a choice, who would come to this cesspit universe? But they have come - they are already in this state. Look - when I opened my eyes, in the eyes of fear, there was a devil of undivided chaos. A body, a demonic planet, a group of scattered offspring of the Chaos Astartes, a glorious queen full of little secrets, at this time, a helpless person like me is still in the subspace. ? Do you think it’s not fast enough to transform into a Chaos Egg? Or do you think there are no other demon kings coming to capture me and use it as a blood bag? Of course, I can go to the real universe with all my money! Maybe I can find some life-saving or other things before being targeted by 'those four' Solution. As for defecting to the empire, it’s not that I haven’t thought about it (the dog snorted heavily), but as soon as I knew that the great rebellion was over, I didn’t think about it anymore. Look at the Inquisition or other demons. Look at my current situation, your father won’t answer my calls... No, that’s not okay, considering the High Lord and the Inquisition, there is still a huge risk of being stabbed in the back.”

He reached over and gently scratched the border collie's furry back, neck and chin using a technique that was well received by all kinds of dogs in 2K Gutera.

It's hard to believe that a giant wearing power armor can make such finely controlled movements, but in fact LOGOS's super control center combined with electronic muscles makes this kind of thing seem easy and powerful.

"...So you see, although I don't want to stay in Medlengard, I won't go to your father's side, right? Such obvious logic. Besides, I still have you! Whoever leaves us will be happy. No, Perturabo, Perturabo, I need you, you are the best in the world."

"Huh!" The Bian Collie looked at him sideways for a while, maybe thinking about whether what he said was the truth, or maybe the hair smoothing technique on the back of the head was too familiar and comfortable, and finally the dog's ears changed from being tight to being relaxed. , his tail fur spread loosely on the sofa, and a grunt came from his throat.

"Given that this huge mess that is always in the process of decay is unlikely to help the problems we face for a while - it would be nice if they didn't use those incomprehensible prophecies and special talents to make things worse - —There is no big problem with your logic for now. Arriving at the real galaxy first is indeed the first priority."

"Great, it seems we have reached an agreement!" Lamizane rubbed the dog's ears diligently, "Don't you plan to bring more heirs with you before leaving? The Iron-Blooded is really a big ship. If there are not enough people, How do we drive it?”

The dog was enjoying the massage service with squinted eyes. Hearing this, he patted the iron-gray gauntlet of the Armor of Origin with his mouth.

"The void is deep, and there are many hungry people. There is more than one powerful person who can look at this place... Under the cloak of falseness and correctness, we select a few people who are as reliable as possible and carry out necessary actions. This kind of plan is more suitable for us now. A safe and feasible approach. Not all of my heirs may be reliable. They only have iron rings and are loyal. - As for sailing, the Iron Blood has been in a semi-combat readiness state. There is no problem in starting her with the current crew and the iron rings. The only thing that can be done is to What I’m worried about is that we need to recruit some new soldiers as soon as possible after we go out, so Hong Suo can be responsible for this."

"Ah? Why? There are a lot of experienced veterans below."

"...Just because he is a veteran!"


Lamizane's gauntlet was slapped with hatred again.


"Do you have to tell me? You are shameless and I want you to do it again!"

roared the daemon primarch.

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