Warhammer: Start with a dog

Chapter 6 Dog Gunda and Moon Boat

Iron Blood

Primarch's private workshop


"How can you be embarrassed! You are so beautiful and handsome now! Let me tell you, not to mention Terra, you must be very popular in Fenris..."

The dog interrupted him coldly, "—the iron ring should be here, let them in."

Upon hearing this, Lamizane pretended to snap his fingers, and two tall steel structures filed in from the center of the sliding door.

"There are no wolves on Fenris, but only one dog." Perturabo said succinctly, ending the topic.

He jumped on the workbench and directed the Iron Ring soldiers to move to the position he needed.

Ever since his impressive gang-hopping encounter in the galaxy that must not be named, the Iron Lord has only been willing to use this kind of intelligently controlled robot that he personally improved and added many "little secret" technologies as his personal bodyguards.

A large number of Iron Ring mechs under the direct control of the Daemon Primarch himself not only replaced his Primarch Guards, but also replaced a large part of the work of the ship's personnel.

The amount of data is so large that since Lamizane set most of the systems in the enhanced self-discipline mode under the guidance of Perturabo, he has not dared to sink into the sea of ​​data again, and the sequelae are retching. long time.

"If my warriors' hearts are like steel, then you are almost the opposite, Lamizane."

"Don't ask that much from an ataxic lying flat librarian."

According to their private tests, Perturabo's current form cannot directly control these loyal programming machines. Only Lamizane using Perturabo's body can use the originally designed signal circuit to make presets, permission changes, or subtle changes. Controlled, as Perturabo himself intended when he created them.

——Although the person involved now regrets it, regrets it very much, and really does not leave a backdoor, even if he wants to modify and connect to his current signal, this is naturally something that cannot be admitted.


Taking the milk-sweetened and sugar-free Reka coffee at just the right temperature from the hoop machine soldier, Lamizane once again threw the full screen of nutritional analysis and health warning suggestions refreshed in his mind into the recycling area.

Then he took a satisfied sip of the hot drink. ——It’s good to have a body where you don’t have to worry about health problems.

"Why did you call them in?"

Perturabo gave him a sideways look, no matter how gloomy his expression actually was, it was always not obvious on the face of a furry border collie.

"Tear down one to make some suitable transportation machinery, and the other can be used as my assistant - if you can do some serious work, I won't have to move around in that simple backpack."

"Hmm... let me see, are you sure it's okay to let them dismantle themselves? With your technologies and circuits, uh, I can at least understand the principles. Thank you LOGOS."

"...It's an outrageous waste. You use my body in vain, but you can't even make a simple talking device. My hoop is much stronger than yours. Tsk, I'm really tired of having to go through this kind of transfer." inefficient practices.”

While Lamizane helped Bian Mu, he curiously looked inside the opened iron ring.


"Can you please stop making such fussy duck calls? Hand the single-molecule scalpel and laser iron to my assistant."

"Why do you still have wet parts in this iron ring?!"

"Otherwise? Come on, move your legs and soak them in the culture tank over there."

"...Seriously, why are you more disciplined than a certain loyal legion in this regard?"

"Shut up."

After a while of dismantling and reassembling, Perturabo had a modified special-purpose mech with a similar structure to the Dreadnought.

Not only did its original center retain some of its autonomous auxiliary functions, it was also modified into a crew cabin with a detachable helmet, which is just enough to accommodate a body the size of a border collie. From the outside, it looks quite similar with the helmet on. Yes.

The dog shook its body from scratch with satisfaction at Lamizane's amazing praise, shaking off the metal dust on its fur. Then it wagged its tail, jumped into the driver's seat with its head held high, and closed the passenger compartment to start testing the performance. .

The results of tests such as speed, reaction, and firepower are barely acceptable: in addition to powerful fire control and weapons systems, this autonomous walking machine has also been equipped with a series of life-support devices and hand-operated input speakers. It currently has two sets of available Replacement shells, a set of intelligent cybernetic shells that can be blended in with the Iron Guard, and a set that allows the Collie to disguise itself as an ancient Contemptor Dreadnought when needed.

As for why it is necessary to add a fearless option instead of simply disguising as a mech... Even Perturabo must admit that it is difficult for an abhorrent intelligence that acts independently to communicate normally with other people when necessary, even Chaos.

As he carved the name of the Dreadnought Shell, Perturabo mused and inscribed Kaidomo.

"Whose name is this?" Lamizane asked curiously. He recalled the Iron Warriors he knew, and there seemed to be no one with this name.

"...You don't need to know." Perturabo said expressionlessly, while quickly adding the name and the forged resume to the large database, "Now this Dreadnought is marked as sleeping in the hangar, next time there is a need Then we can pretend to be awake."

"Congratulations, congratulations on your new Gundam with replacement skin... no, new mobility armor, Perturabo. In addition, I have transmitted the navigation data to the captain as you requested."

Lamizane, who was forcefully asked to stop and observe the entire learning process, carefully rubbed his eyelids with his fingertips.

"Aren't you really tired of caring so much before? Even if most of them have been changed to self-discipline monitoring mode, there is still too much information flowing into my head and visual interface every minute, which makes me always want to fight. Sleepy feeling," he muttered, downing his ninth cup of hot Reca coffee.

"It is impossible for 'my' body to feel tired so easily. This is an illusion of weakness caused by your soul not being strong enough. You need to remember: IRON WITHIN, IRON WITHOUT!"

Border Collie Perturabo's brown, almond-shaped eyes once again shot out a look that was as blazing as the explosion of a new star.

"...It's really foul that the dog star is super bright. I mean, you have no idea how charming and cute you are now."

"Charming and cute have never been optional words for me." The dog said very coldly, "Don't () () () talk like Fulgrim."

He lowered his head and opened the data pad and began clicking through the list.

"After spending so long in the Eye of Fear, there are not many people who are even slightly trustworthy. Besides, there is no need to bring unnecessary people. Soltarn and the others are not a big problem for the time being, Honso... He is indeed very smart about survival. He did not get those inanimate people and messy things on board this time. Next, we will jump out of the Eye of Terror and find a place to resupply. There are many places where the Iron Blood needs resupply. Warriors, water, various materials..."

The Fourth Primarch leaned on the sofa and shook his coffee cup, making a regretful gesture when he heard this.

"But any imperial world that sees the Iron Blood will only send us a round of orbital defense fire, and then start to shake people desperately - oh, in the local language, it means calling any nearby navy, order and chapter. . Could it be that we are looking for a Black Mechanicum forge world? The shipyard repairs there will only make the Ironblood look like a more eye-catching target for the Imperial Navy's firepower."

"Of course not in a place like that. The Iron-Blooded must use some unconventional means to disguise itself. I don't want to let those maintenance technicians who always like to add crazy changes and have poor skills come into contact with it. By the way, that Imperial Navigator When in position, I didn't see him on the critical location monitoring list." The dog sat in his new cockpit tapping his paws, his tail slapping occasionally.

Although he would not admit it, there was no doubt that having something that could control everyone on the ship without having to look up and use a dog paw to control everyone kept Perturabo in a good mood.

"Hmm... I haven't seen him yet, but Honso said he has a way of making people obey."

"Although he is very disrespectful to his genetic father, Honsou is indeed a capable warrior." The sheepdog knocked the input device hard, as if it were someone's chest.

"By the way," Lamizane suddenly sat up, "Can your demonic body exist in the real galaxy..."

"This quadrupedal body I temporarily live in can serve as an anchor and..." Perturabo responded without raising his head.

Then the original body slowly fell into the embrace of the sofa, and the second half of Bian Mu's words turned into inaudible mumbling.

"Let's go here first." He tapped a few buttons with the tip of his claws and selected a navigation route map to a trading port in a certain edge star region.

"Let me see, the distance is about right... But are you sure that a Glory Queen-class battleship can appear in such a place like this?"

A strange expression suddenly appeared on the face of the border collie Perturabo. Lamizane was sure that this expression was a proud smile, because his ears stood up excitedly and his tail was wagging.

"The Glory Queen-class battleship cannot, but the Moon-class modified barge can."

Nothing today, something tomorrow -V-

Interested readers can guess which sector they will appear in next -W-

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