Warhammer: Start with a dog

Chapter 64 The flash of the ghost of destruction

Destiny Steel

Purification ceremony scene

The scent of specially crafted Tizka meditation incense fills the entire Hall of Omens.

Above the sky, there was pure darkness as far as the eye could see.

On the mural hidden in the shadows, countless eyes painted with gold and gem powder stare at the center of the venue.

The lost cultivation chamber from a certain great sage was still working faithfully and reliably, with a faint green light covering the faces of the sleeping people inside.

The purity mark written by Julius before was filled with all the places that should be marked on this ancient object - the cautious young man checked the related guidance books of the Mars Sect, the Holy State Church and the Adeptus Astartes in the library. , and was not stingy with his ink, paint, and parchment.

The golden and red candlelight clusters lit for the ceremony danced brightly among the hazy black shadows, becoming the only four sources of light in the hall.

"————————" The think tank director raised his hands and used a psychic push to use his uvula, tongue and tip of the tongue to work simultaneously, so that he could use it in a way that no untrained mortal could. The pronunciation method used is completely incomprehensible to others, and some bands can even be captured by psykers.

The surging supreme heavenly energy in the Supreme Wizard's body is being released through the bright eyes of the bird on the falcon-shaped staff. The vast ocean is calm today, unusually generous and loving, and Emmenut can feel a large amount of extremely rare peace, wisdom and The power of knowledge was flowing through his mortal body.

His Librarian Padawan Julius stands by as his ritual assistant - primarily to provide his master with more auxiliary psychic powers.

Due to the current severe shortage of psykers, the blond Astartes, who had to work part-time as Chapter Chaplain, stood on the energy node of the purification ritual charging circle, closed his eyes, and used all his strength to attack in a precisely controlled manner. The core node of the ritual outputs its own psychic energy.

"Praise be to you -! He who sits on the throne -! Clear away for us the dust that covers things -!"

The astonishingly beautiful and colorful blue fills the eyes of the Supreme Wizard. On his staff, the falcon-shaped carving looks like it is about to spread its wings and fly due to the intense fluctuations of spiritual energy - no, it doesn't look like it. A bird-shaped phantom is gathering higher at the top of the staff, and it quickly becomes huge above the ceremony leader——

"...I said, Dassadra, although it is indeed impossible for us to hold a house ceremony with the Corpse King's lackeys on the legion's flagship, the feedback energy reading of this psychic gadget in my helmet is now high. It’s starting to make me feel uneasy, is this wizard really not going to make any big noise for us?”

Shanto, the warsmith who accompanied Dassadra as the recorder, quietly asked his companions through his helmet's built-in communicator and private channel in a serious manner.

"I don't know, Shanto, but it would be better if he stabbed the enemy." Da Sadra, now a full twenty-eight centimeters taller than before, the war blacksmith said on the new, reforged, silver and gold The man in the decorated power armor replied coolly, "Then I can press this remote control and literally blow everything here up into the sky - right into the vacuum of space."

"If the 'everything' you said includes the two of us, then I still choose to hope that the wizard can successfully get through this family drinking."

Shanto muttered and dipped the quill in his hand into some more bone meal ink, "Oh, the engine room of the Iron Blood! What is that?!"

The Supreme Wizard closed his eyes tightly, and his black hair with blue-purple luster danced wildly in the airflow.

The Thousand Sons Astartes was swept up into the air by the psychic hurricane, and it was difficult to tell whether he had lost consciousness.

Above his head, the huge summoned bird-shaped phantom was changing its color wildly: black in every hue, lapis blue to ultramarine, elegant violet to uncomfortable bright pink, full of life From the green to the yellow-green of putrefaction, the rich color of blood to the dried red of rust - the magic circle hungrily and continuously drained the power of the host, and a painful expression appeared on the face of the think tank director.

"I think he is about to overturn. This situation is very familiar. I have seen at least a dozen wizards like this before their vitality was drained by the ritual. I'm afraid he made too much of a battle. He is just a recycled sample. , there is really no need for him to do this.”

Dassadra didn't answer Shanto's words, but the Iron Warriors veteran quietly clasped one hand.


Luft Huron was sitting in his bridge seat.

This was the Ghost of Destruction, his flagship that had followed the Hurons long before anything happened.

For every part of this flagship, even if the Black Heart King closes his eyes, he can picture the smallest basic structure in his mind, perhaps even better than the maintenance personnel of the ship itself.

After all, for a leader, if he does not understand everything about the place he is in, he will not be able to better implement his strategy and will, and will be more prone to negligence and deception.

It is true that with the change of its owner's position, the transfer of places and the passage of time, the Doomwraith has also changed some parts of itself "with the times".

The double-headed eagle symbolizing the past service to the false emperor was taken away or directly damaged or defaced. As a replacement and covering, the crew has replaced all the original main decorations with the eight-pointed star symbol that is now their object of loyalty.

The "Red Corsairs", as Huron and his subordinates now called themselves, replaced the original emblem of the Astral Claws with the black iron claw mark on a rusty red background.

There is no doubt that a lot of changes have taken place in the crew following Huron. Anyone who dares to question, resist and disobey will be transformed by the Blackheart King's Terminator guards who wear fanged helmets - or are born with fangs. New decorations have become increasingly common on the Doomwraith: flayed skeletons, human skin stripped and simply processed, with or without blasphemous inscriptions, severed heads and words written in blood.

Even so, only complete madness is not allowed here. Luft Huron would never outright declare his allegiance to a specific one of the four gods. He would only choose the situation that was most beneficial to him. Therefore, the Lord of the Red Pirates would never tolerate any disorder, loss of control, and chaos under his eyes. appears below.

He wanders between the four powers and always grabs what he wants. This confidence comes from his admiration for a certain order of his own - efficiency, precision, obedience, and execution.

Therefore, the new Badab tyrant is able to think carefully.

What was before him now was the latest omen obtained by the soothsayer: the rise of the morning star, the steel sky.

Huron thought.

His thoughts naturally drifted to the Lord of the Black Legion, and then to other forces, other... people?

The Black-Hearted King curled his lips, revealing his bloody teeth.

"Then the situation must become more suitable for war."


What a bad weather, there are still two updates today

I forgot to press the publish button again and walked away (turn to the next page)

Some other random comments:

Is anyone watching Imperial Fists... (Mask of Pain)

Why is there so little information about a start-up group? Everyone is basically repeating each other's LEX. The Chinese version is really pitiful. If you search for any group, you will find more information than them...

I would like to write more about Imperial Fists. You should also have something to write for me.

Joke from Hell: The Red Pirate’s position today was originally for the Imperial Fists. Because there was too little information about the Imperial Fists, it was impossible to write it down, so the Black Heart King took the position of the Imperial Fists.

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