Warhammer: Start with a dog

Chapter 65 Turning into snow-white ashes

Danat Lysander walks in the aisle of the Expeditionary Fleet ship.

His motto battle banner and iron halo stood behind his head, the Imperial Fist crest on his shoulder armor reflected dim light in the light, and his helmet hung on the magnetic lock at his waist.

Walking beside him was his adjutant. Ever since the First Captain decided to temporarily give up on their mortal enemy, launch a campaign of complete destruction of the Iron Warriors fortress one after another, and turn his attention to other matters, from the sky above Terra The fleet departing from the Phalanx has begun to sail into the Hazy Star Territory.

Here, the journey of the Imperial Fists fleet was somewhat hindered. As the fleet's sailing direction continued to change and the distance shortened, each leap into and out of the warp meant that their navigators were being consumed by madness.

There are various sources of pollution that lead to madness and mutation. The priest brothers of the fleet claimed in a top-secret report that they had never seen such a variety of chaotic pollution appearing in one place at the same time without any regularity, and there were even some... There will be a "healed" part.

A new report detailing the anomalies occurring here has been quickly sent back to Phalanx and Terra via dedicated lines.

In fact, for several weeks, they had to sail slowly through the void using ordinary engines and ordinary interstellar routes in order to preserve the final warp insurance before the next replenishment.

Thanks to numerous, quick and decisive executions, the contamination was tightly contained before it spread, but this ultimately resulted in a severe shortage of fleet navigators and astropaths, something the Imperial Fists' Librarian battle-brothers were better at. The psychic manipulation of shaking the ground and attacking, and his understanding of navigation and astrology are quite tricky.

It was for this purpose that Lysander went to the Astronomical Tower to listen to the report.

They passed through a series of air-tight doors made of brass and ceramite, each with a large emblem of the Imperial Fists printed on it.

Simple, eye-catching, and full of inner strength, it reminds the Space Marines of the Imperial Fists that they will, whenever needed, be thrown into battle as a symbol of the Emperor's wrath, and to strike down any who dare stand in their way. The enemies were crushed into powder.

The chief of the Astropath Choir, Kael Sasi, and Karova, who comes from the Terra Navigator family, are waiting in the antechamber of the Astropath Tower for the arrival of the Captain.

The Navigator's third eye is well covered, and he looks trying to remain dignified and a little scared, while the bald choirmaster looks unusually pale, thin and nervous: in order to complete under the pressure of the constant loss of manpower Star Communication, he is obviously overdrawing his life.

Lysander frowned.

"What's new?" he said. "I hope there's some slightly exciting news today. You two."

Carlova glanced at Keersasi who suddenly started mumbling to himself, and decided that it was up to him to speak.

"Yes." The navigator greeted the first company commander, "We are actually a choir, but I also received a message at the same time."

"What message? How can you be sure it's not a trap or a source of contamination?" The company commander's hand was already on the handle of his weapon. "Karova, I don't doubt your loyalty, but this sounds very suspicious. .”

"It's a very fragmented thought fragment, sir." The navigator swallowed, and his Adam's apple slid on the tight and thin neck. "It feels like a very powerful consciousness passing through the shallow layers of subspace. It was inadvertently left behind when. It is not targeted. Every capable astropath who happens to pass by this 'point' can hear it. There are no sentences in it, just a few words that are about to disappear. In normal times, it may be It would only be considered a meaningless remark coming from a distant frontier, and it would usually have no impact, but considering this case, we agreed that we should give it to you."

A series of light-colored eyebrows furrowed.

"You mean?"

"The dissolving fragment is '...Petula...seizes...Rogg...forces...loyalty...'"

The flames of hatred ignited in the eyes of the Imperial Fists made the Navigator take two steps back in fear as he faced the pressure of the legendary Space Marine's hatred.

The Chief Astropath screamed.

"He's watching! He's watching! He's laughing! His madness! Everyone's madness!"


Destiny Steel

Hall of Omens

Under Shanto's muttering and Dasadra's inexplicable gaze.

The subspace frost brought by the ever-changing phantoms of birds covered the ground in the entire magic circle area, but on the other hand, rootless flames and foxfires were like flowers on the white grassland, dotted in every impossible place. bloom.

The colorful black bird was suspended there, its head drooped slightly, and it was aimed at the target of the ceremony. Just when it was about to--suddenly a golden light hit him from the energy source, and various colors and lights appeared on it. The surface is constantly changing, engulfing, flickering – sacred and foul, majestic and profane.

The giant bird attacked itself, opening its sharp beak widely, sending out terrifying screaming shock waves and more psychic lightning with various chaotic energies - the security measures in the Hall of Omens were activated and started , the same colorful shields and spells protected the onlookers well, allowing them to stick to their posts.

"Here comes the blood of steel!" Shanto shouted again, "We are actually completely unaffected by it! - Dasadra! We are protected by the protective measures set up by our father! "The war blacksmith gestured excitedly, and the long curly end of the quill streaked across the surface of his silver-gray armor.

"We are protected! On the Iron Blood! Dassadra! I don't need to do anything! I just need to watch from here, and then complete the work he gave me under the protection of the Gene Father!"

"I know this because I'm right next to you. Shanto, can you please stop screaming like a court lady being confessed? Be calm and decent, you are a warsmith of the Iron Warriors. And the Emperor The time you spent hanging out with your son obviously made your habits worse."

"The metaphor you are using here is really strange, Dassadra, but thanks for the reminder, I will be careful to control my mood and behavior."

"Thank you, Shanto, or I'd be happy to help silence you with this axe."

While the Iron Warriors were having a brief conversation, the situation on the other side of the magic circle changed again.

The power armor of Julius - the "Silver Skull" - the de facto think tank and acting priest of the Iron Warriors Legion - has been wrapped in golden flames. A golden halo and the shadow of wings appear behind him, and the young think tank itself The surging blue psychic power was wrapped in golden flames, twisting into purer energy and rushing toward the Thousand Sons in the air.

The colorful giant bird let out a huge roar of laughter, flapped its wings with colorful black flames, and rushed towards the training warehouse——

Golden flames caught up with him from the tips of his tail feathers, and swept through the entire body of this huge phantom in an instant——

Like a huge wave hitting a rock, the vision disappeared without a trace in an instant.

The remaining fire fell to the ground and turned into snow-white ashes.

Golden eyes opened.


Already turned to ashes

The socializing that happens on weekends is really exhausting

Also, does anyone want to watch the Dantioch episode?

I'll do some statistics in the book circle.

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