"So this - this is too much - how can this be - I think, this is completely inappropriate! No, I should say - how could the Chapter Master and Elder Khadomo sign such an order?!"

The blond Astartes breathed heavily beneath his skull-helmet.

Maatra could detect signs of struggle and forced self-control in the body language of the Space Marine in front of her.

Julius's hands clenched into fists subconsciously, as if he couldn't suppress some anger deep in his body.

"I'm sorry for your mood and the current situation of the Director of the Emmenute Think Tank, Brother Omar, but this is a direct commission and order from the Chapter Master, and the Tenth Company Commander has also reached an agreement with me. .”

Opposite him, a thin mortal young man wrapped in a Casillas-style long coat and a light-colored woolen shawl said with a peaceful expression, "As for me, I don't have any need to use any additional means in this kind of matter. Everything is just execution of orders, please understand."

While they were having these conversations, Uther Ma'atla was standing at the door of Emmenut's private library and meditation room, preparing to open them and inventory their contents.

Opposite him was Julius who had heard the news and stood at the door of his teacher's room.

The vicar was indeed furious at what he had learned, but he had not lost his mind.

The Chapter's psychic advisor was also sizing up the young priest in front of him, and the think tank apprentice could see through his eyepiece that the other person's eyes were like shining gems solidified from the entire green sea.

It's not just about looking inhumanly beautiful. These eyes are clear and deep, with an otherworldly charm. If a mortal looks at them for a long time, they will have the illusion that they are seeing through their souls and thoughts - of course, it may not be an illusion.

Julius knew that this unabashed display of traits showed that the Chapter Master's new advisor was indeed a powerful and confident psychic user.

Even if a person who manipulates ether energy of this level deliberately restrains his power and has no intention of prying, the invisible pressure that his gaze that can connect behind the curtain brings to the people around him may still reach an uncomfortable level.

Although Julius also has his own modest assessment of the speed of his strength growth, at this time and place, with his nominal colleague—strictly speaking, this advisor is really considered a leader in the division of the internal structure of the Chapter. Members of the special group "Prophet", this group in the Silver Skull Chapter has the important mission of "using divination and prophecy to guide the Chapter's advancement and combat direction". Due to the lack of qualified members, it has been operating in a makeshift manner. ——It is unwise to have a substantial dispute with a colleague or even use the strength of your psychic powers to make the other party accept your will.

The rational part of him told him so, but the anger that came from nowhere and couldn't be eliminated was still swimming in his body.

Holy one on the throne, may your glory illuminate our future, may you forgive the sins that have occurred, and I will do my best...

The acting pastor prayed silently in his heart and felt that his mood had calmed down.

As if completely unaware that he had just avoided a conflict, the mortal advisor still looked up at the Astartes in front of him with a smile.

It was as if Julius's extraordinary human gaffe was nothing more than an ordinary, everyday occurrence to him.

"Then, could you please wait a moment before doing this, Counselor Ma'atra. I think I may still have time to apply for an audience with the Chapter Master today."

Julius finally decided to try something more, he had to do something for his teacher, he thought to himself. Even if things are most likely to turn out to be the worst...

Ma'atla's expression still looked quite fresh, as if he had never been at this height before or talked to people like a mortal.

"Of course, there is still plenty of time. I will be happy to wait here for a while, Brother Omar."

The psychic consultant smiled again, and when Julius nodded to him and turned around, he quietly raised his fingers and repaired the dozens of witchcraft seals that had been cracked on the door.

Uther Ma'atla's eyes flashed with amusement: it always made him happy to try to decipher the little tricks of his children that he thought were full of wisdom and metaphors. After a while, he could race with himself again. one time.


This place is really impressive, Julius thought.

The metal boots of the Astartes lightly stepped over the psychic trigger threads on the ground. There are a large number of these lines, dormant everywhere on the floor, walls and ceilings, and the triggering hidden mines connected behind them are ready to devour anyone who is not discerning or unlucky enough.

Every time he comes here, he is shocked by the exquisite design of this building, even though he has been here many times.

But the beauty of the rules and structure presented by the Chapter Master's office in the eyes of a psyker like him is unimaginable to others. The closest adjective Julius can think of is maze.


A top-notch work of art created by war, art, steel and psychic energy. It is not actively aggressive, but it squats there quietly, waiting and ready to devour.

The builders of labyrinths are often true master craftsmen, and the labyrinth itself is a structure that can trap outsiders in and trap the things inside from getting out.

With this messy thought in mind, he stood in the waiting corridor outside the office.

In addition to the Iron Ring Guards, there was a veteran on duty here today, who was not someone he was familiar with.

The priest nodded in greeting, and the veteran tilted his eyepiece, perhaps in return.

There was some movement at the gate, and Second Company Commander Soltarn appeared there.

The old stonemason wearing fine power armor glanced around, then walked towards him.

Julius' superhuman memory made him remember clearly that when he first met Soltarn, the other person's height and shape were definitely not what they are now.

But when Soltarn stood still in front of the priest, the two men were almost the same height. Parogov once seriously told Julius that this non-isolated situation was "brought about by a new treatment method." an unknowable but good prognostic phenomenon”.

Will Astartes who have undergone transformation surgery for many years experience this kind of secondary growth without the mother group, the High Council or any authorization?

Julius had never heard of or read about such a thing in the classics.

He curled his lips coldly under his helmet.

At this time, the second company commander spoke.

"Hello, Julius."

"Better crippled in body than corrupt in mind. Better crippled in body than corrupt in mind. Greetings to you, Stone Forger."

"Come for your teacher? Julius. Emmenute has a good apprentice."

The vicar maintained a restrained politeness.

"I hope most of the problems can be solved this time, Captain Soltarn."

The other person smiled under the respirator and said, "Good luck to you."

"I hope so."

He stepped into the maze.


Anyway, thank you book friends, thank you very much

At present, it seems that things are heading towards the ending of uh uh.

It was really sudden...it gave me a sap feeling when I woke up.

When everyone is busy at work, you should pay more attention to the people around you and be careful not to be taken advantage of. All I can say is...

Chapter 2 may be a little later than usual today, sorry.

Thank you very much. I have seen everyone’s support. It is the driving force for me to continue and the fulcrum that fixes my thinking.

It has been great to have you all this winter.

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