Warhammer: Start with a dog

Chapter 79 Thinking brightly

The first is light.

It stands to reason that if you wear a power armor helmet, the eyepiece will keep the light entering your eyes in a suitable range.

But the supernatural sunlight still shone in from the empty window the moment he entered, dazzling Julius's eyes.

This pale golden warm light suddenly brought to mind some fragments that should have been stuffed into the deepest corners of his memory under training, hypnosis, and surgery.

ice fields.


Stories around the fire.

The aging faces of mortals.

Sincere teachings, loving trust, the warmth of the embrace, the roughness of the palms...the empire...betrayal...brothers...pain...children...death...together...giving up...darkness...cold...fall …who grabbed…whose…hand…

…who… sighs… who… warms… hugs… who…

His senses were suddenly "expanded" to a different form of existence. Unimaginable majestic power filled his limbs and bones. He could pass through the curtain of reality and magic, and a single blow from him could destroy an entire world. stars——

Stars floated beside him, and he slowly passed by the hot nebula that was hatching countless tentacles. Thin clouds of cosmic dust brushed against his body like fog. The dying stars in the galaxy were feebly shining on the frozen planet. The last life——

Something huge in the void screamed at him.

Julius blinked, was it... a whale...?

A thought suddenly illuminated his mind like lightning: But I was on the Destiny Steel——

The feeling of being grounded is back.

Julius's eyes gradually adjusted to the sunlight, and he stood there, looking around the office he entered with his weapon in hand.

The room was quiet, and there was no one behind the two desks.

The Chapter Master's desk in the center reflected the slanting sunlight, and a half-drunk cup of cinnamon milk-foamed Reca coffee was still steaming.

He looked at Elder Khadomo's desk again. Astartes' strengthened eyeballs and optic nerves clearly told him through the magnification of the eyepieces that the ink of the smooth letters on the parchment had not completely dried. Dauntless never left the table for more than forty-five standard Terra seconds.

But with the sound-capturing ability of Lyman's Ear and the fearless speed and weight of the Contemptor, it is absolutely impossible for even Elder Khadomo to complete "leave the table without making any movement and run away in forty-five standard Terra seconds". Go into the next room and close the door and nothing happens."

Julius's muscles all tensed up, and he put his finger on the force field button of the scepter.

Where are people?

Why is there no one?

It was obvious that Soltarn had just walked out of this office, and they even exchanged a few words.

Could this actually be a trap——

The temperature in the room dropped as the concentration of the power of the Supreme Heaven increased, and the shimmering psychic lightning surrounded his forehead to form a crown of thorns that was more solid and fine than before.


Very slight movement.

Lyman's Ear told him that the source of the sound was behind the curtain that fell to the side.

A drop of sweat streaked across the young Astartes' forehead.

He walked over cautiously——


"This matter, well, it's okay to talk about it, it's okay to talk about it."

The body of the Fourth Primarch sat there rubbing his hands, looking around with an expression like "a parent was caught by his child secretly painting a model he had saved with his pocket money for a year."

Opposite him, held down by two iron ring guards, was Yuri, who had been disarmed by Vanus. The power armor and the psychic hood on it were locked by some mysterious code, and his psychic power was being reversely suppressed. Us.

The experienced Raven Guard also took off the skull helmet of the acting priest. The bloodshot eyes of the haggard demigod with blond hair and blue eyes were staring at the body of the original Iron Warrior.

"You evil deceiver of Chaos!" he hissed, "the darkest blasphemy! Betrayal! Deception! I should not have—! What have I done! Blind me! Stupid me! Guilty me ! I even convinced others—! I even personally offered the elders and all my brothers to you, the Emperor’s great enemies—! Ah—! What did I do—!”

The truth of the continuous impact made him too distracted and muttered to himself.

Julius' originally mellow and melodious voice was now as distorted and hoarse as tears of blood, "I...I...I'm still lucky about the truth...I'm addicted to false beauty...I'm determined to end it." Before everything happens, I want to hear an explanation with my own ears... I am too weak... This is my sin... I caused it... I... don't deserve it..."

Chaotic colors swirled in the shadows of his sky-blue eyes.

Perturabo was lying on the sofa with his front legs crossed, seeing this situation he let out a cold laugh from deep in his nose.

"Hey, hey, hey," Lamizane cleared his throat and looked away, "Don't say that, right? After all, none of us lied, and didn't we actually get along very well? I also plan to bring You guys go together to see the famous garden world here... Julius? What's wrong with you? Julius?"

[Hmph... Lamizane, step back. Don't look directly! 】

In the solemn temple on the other side of the galaxy, Calgar and Tigris, who came after hearing the news, solemnly stared at the changes that had occurred for the first time in ten thousand years to their dead father and god sitting in the coffin of the static shrine.

On the Phalanx, Thor Garadon frowned tightly as he looked at the sacred hand bones of his genetic father. Every name engraved on it was calling out his father's name, and each call was louder than the last. weak.

In the office of the Chapter Master of the Destined Steel, Julius Robert Omar slowly raised his face that looked exactly like Robert Guilliman.

Like a nightmare made from the essence of a thousand nightmares.

Eye-catching tears of bright red blood dripped from his eye sockets. One eye was burning with a dazzling purple atmosphere, and the other eye was overflowing with decaying pus-green light. A blue crystal bird's tongue occupied his mouth. The mouth is trying to use nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine different languages ​​to confuse the soul of the listener.

Ten thousand years later, on another Queen of Glory, the gods of chaos once again opened their mouths to the fleeing Incompetent Ones, and were about to proudly curse the first syllable of the first word——

A ball that also shone with multiple colors and had a hint of black light was picked up by the border collie and pushed accurately into his open mouth.

The Chaos God screamed unwillingly and angrily to spit out——

The hot and dog-smelling meat pad pressed Julius's mouth.

The container's Adam's apple rolled up and down, either out of instinctive nausea or something else, and the ball was swallowed.

Then the curtain fell heavily, the hurricane of ether ceased, and the things that had been rolled up in the room began to crackle and fall down.

【spit. The guy didn't tell me it was so disgusting to use. 】


Julius blinked hard, and the acting priest and think tank found himself lost in thought again.

He was sitting on the sofa in the Chapter Master's office. In front of him was the kind Chapter Master and...a black and white four-legged plush creature that looked angry but was also tempting to touch?

The blond Astartes felt that his whole body was stiff, as if he had been thrown into a gladiatorial cage and beaten a hundred times in a row. He moved his body, and the Book of Holy Words slid into his palm. The touch of the leather made him feel relieved.

Then he remembered why he had been distracted just now.

"I still can't accept this fact..." He moved his stiff neck with difficulty.

"I know this is really hard to accept. Julius, but I'm glad you came to talk to me about this matter." Lamizane stood up and once again gave this a facial expression according to the standards of a Space Marine. The sullen young man poured a cup of hot Reca coffee.

"Look on the bright side, at least you haven't become the Emperor's Children, the World Eaters, the Death Guard, the Scarlet Warriors, the Black Legion, or the Malicious Warriors."

"Thank you, Chapter Master." Julius held the coffee cup, and his face that looked exactly like Robert Guilliman did not look inspired.

"But I just learned that my parent company has changed from the Imperial Fists to the Iron Warriors."


Still finished it on time today.

Good night everyone

Thanks again

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