Warhammer: Start with a dog

Chapter 80 It’s so complicated

The finished coffee cup was placed firmly on the gilt cup holder by a hand wearing black power armor, making an extremely slight collision sound.

"Then please allow me to take my leave. Thank you for the coffee and for clarifying my doubts, Chapter Leader."

Julius stood up to leave. He felt that his head was still a little dizzy, but the biochemical readings and sensors displayed on the power armor panel told him that he was fine.

It may be that I have been meditating and praying too much recently, but Master Emmenut did warn me not to indulge in these too much in a short period of time, and he was right.

he thinks.

"As a Chapter Chaplain, you should maintain communication with... me. If you have time, you can come to my place as a guest often, Robert Jr."

The Chapter Leader looked like he was relieved, and his body, which was taller than that of an ordinary monk, showed a hint of wanting to relax.

But maybe it was just an illusion, because Julius' eyes unconsciously moved to the animal that the Chapter Leader was stroking with his fingertips.

The beautiful brown almond eyes on the animal's long black and white furry face were also staring at the young priest.

What kind of creature is this? Some kind of wolf? Dogs... In addition to the biochemically modified short-haired military dogs used by the Ministry of Justice for special combat purposes as introduced in the book, it seems that there are no dogs elsewhere that look so unsuitable for combat and are so beautiful...

From the perspective of an ordinary Space Marine, the animal next to the Chapter Master has almost zero survival points. It is a completely useless, beautiful, fragile pet that can only be fed by its owner—— No, in the forty-one-thousand-year universe, the combat effectiveness of most pets is not much lower than that of their owners.

Julius glanced at the visualization panel of the power armor, which showed a defenseless, rich fur with a texture close to a mixture of merino wool and Pamir cashmere. Claws and teeth that had been groomed to render them harmless, and readings that showed no psionic response at all.

A fragile and useless creature, except for the inexplicable urge to touch the back of its head.

In the books that Julius had borrowed from the monastery library, he sometimes saw references to certain legends about the Fenrisian wolf and the Cthunian wolf. Because the statements describing them were sometimes contradictory to each other, and most of them were Too much like nonsense, the acting pastor usually ignores this kind of literature when reading, and does not enter them into his mind to avoid unnecessary interference with his thoughts.

Well, no one has written much about the pelts of either wolf species, which is a shame, he thought.

Because the mane flying up the back of its neck really looks and feels good.

Probably because Julius' eyes fell on certain specific locations too frequently, the animal's expression gradually became less friendly, and it made a low bluffing sound from its throat.

"Then please allow me to take my leave, Chapter Master."

"Go, Robert." The Chapter Master reminded him with a calm gesture, "You can look after Emmenute's private bedroom for him, but the Hall of Omens, the library and other locations must be in Ma'a during this time. Under the supervision of Advisor Terra, you can still use them normally if necessary, and until Emmenute recovers to be able to perform his duties."

The Chapter Master cleared his throat and said, "Your advanced psychic training course will still be taken over by Advisor Ma'atra."

The blond priest's eyes wandered for a moment, then regained focus, nodded and stood up to leave.


The priest's black and silver armor disappeared from sight.

The door to the Chapter Master's office closed.

Vanus emerged from the shadow of the sofa leisurely.

The Raven Guard still hasn't put on his old legion-colored armor. He is now wearing a silver-gray Mark VI power armor. Lamizane found it in the mysterious warehouse on the ship and completed it in the mysterious armory. After being repaired and maintained, it was handed over to the former Crow Guard instructor.

Adalic seems quite satisfied with his new armor, at least it seems that his magical stealth ability can still work normally under this suit of power armor.

"Adalic, do you want a drink?"

After receiving a positive answer, Lamizane poured him a cup from his own coffee pot and sprinkled a little brown sugar and cinnamon powder on it.

The purple-eyed Raven Guard began to drink the cup of cinnamon milk-foamed Reca coffee gracefully, and added a lot of ice cubes to it.

Then he drifted to the desk and sank into the shadow of Lamizane with a skillful "catching a bird on a bird stand" posture.

Lamizane watched the crow slowly melt into the shadows, and then ruffled Bian Mu's fur thoughtfully.

[Uh ah ah, although this matter has been resolved for the time being, I still feel that my conscience is very uneasy, Pepe! 】

【What is there to worry about? Do you want to listen to what you are saying. 】

The dog began to laugh and motioned to his body to carefully scratch the hard hair inside his ears.

[You've been too worried about other irrelevant things recently - it's time for you to pick out my ear, it's so itchy that it feels like there's a nest of twitches inside! Moreover, you are a Daemon Prince of Undivided Chaos, the Primarch of the Iron Warriors, and this is the 41st Millennium. What the hell do you have to worry about with me? ! 】

[But are we going to continue to use more brainwashing deletion programs and memory re-implantation hypnosis surgeries to fool poor little Luo Bao into accepting our words? I worry……】

[What better way do you have for this? You can handle it yourself. 】

Perturabo snorted, squinting disdainfully at the weak mortal mind in his body with his bright eyes.

[Isn’t this exactly what you want, to implement a repair method that will cause the least damage and be effective immediately for Julius who has been collapsed by the impact of the truth and excessive violent chaotic energy? How can there be all-encompassing good things in this world? There is no one in this universe except me who can achieve this level in a short period of time... almost no one can satisfy your desire for fantasy beauty that seems to be missing from your brainstem. 】

The dog complained here, sneezed, and then began to roll around between the sofa and the Primarch's thighs, stretching its limbs, and finally resting its furry legs on the thighs of the Fourth Primarch's body.

[And if you didn't insist on this boring and unnecessary sense of kindness, things would have been much simpler. ——Completely format this little thing from soul to body, and finally reprogram it with a complete set of personality data, loyalty logic, and anything you want him to believe. That’s it. He will neither resist you nor will question you. Now it's so complicated that we still have to tinker with it. 】

【Well. ] Lamizane wisely took the bristle brush and started brushing the border collie's belly hair, [...Thank you for your hard work, the great Perturabo, the smartest and most talented in the world. 】

[Humph, that’s good if you know. 】

The plush body of the daemon primarch, which had consumed a lot of brain power, began to fight with its upper and lower eyelids.

[But...you didn't transform all the legions into iron rings in the end, right? 】

The dog didn't answer, and the only sound in the room was the snoring of a tired sleeper.


In the winter, consider adjusting the update time. It seems good to release both chapters at the same time?

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