Warhammer: Start with a dog

Chapter 84 The Destiny Steel does not support idlers

Today, the atmosphere in the Chapter Leader's office was tense.

Judging from the frequency and content of the data streams that are constantly being delivered in the office and squeezing work efficiency, the Iron Warriors veterans happily came to the conclusion that "our genetic father should be the dominant one among today's primarchs." , everyone is in danger and happy.

Oh, of course, only one of the largest beings was still maintaining a lazy and relaxed atmosphere amidst the low pressure without realizing it.


[Uh, this? This... this doesn't seem to be part of my daily work scope, Pepe. 】

Lamizane looked at the message he had just received with some doubt, no, very doubt, and at the same time turned his head to Perturabo for confirmation.

【correct. This is the work assigned to you today. 】

The border collie replied indifferently to his body.

Needless to say, everyone could tell that Perturabo was in an unusually bad mood today.

Aharin added hot milk at 37 degrees Celsius to the bowl of his furry father, and then added new hot mandarin duck latte to everyone's cups. His movements became more and more light (sneaking) and dexterous (hands) (sneaking) If you move your feet, even the Emperor's Children's court swordsman will probably praise him "This Iron Warrior is really different. Are you interested in learning our swordsmanship?"

Wannas, on the other hand, has sunk into the shadows since early in the morning. He only occasionally opens his eyes in the darkness and glances back and forth, or goes out to help deliver documents to show that he is indeed working at his post and is not just an idiot. A pet bird that just eats free food and watches shows.

[Uh...are you sure? I really...]

[There is no such thing as true or false. The Destiny Steel does not support idlers, Lami Zane. 】

【Oh well. 】The demigod giant (body) who was inexplicably regarded as the target of Perturabo's wrath today turned his neck, and unexpectedly the loud joints that only appeared in the tired neck of a mortal emerged from his cervical vertebrae. Reset "click" sound.

[Sitting in front of a desk all the time doing paperwork is indeed bad for your health. It’s time to get out and move around. 】

The mechanical servo and piston of the original body's power armor LOGOS roared with joy and excitement in the test behavior of increasing the output. Lamizane walked to one side of the room, and the door behind the curtain slid silently into the wall from the side.

Various precious and common metal smells, steel, promethium, engine oil, maintenance oil and nano-incense smells hit your face.

With the sound of lighting, the lights were turned on.

A Primarch's personal arsenal, which could no longer be described as priceless, lay before him.

"Then let's see what good things we can bring here..."



M41-999-? ? ?


Obscure Star Territory - Calathis Sector - Macrien Marchis sub-sector, Silver Skull Chapter mothership "Destiny Steel"

mission target:

Lead an elite team of new recruits to inspect and inventory the facilities and relics on the lower B1-B13 decks of the Destiny Steel, remove possible hazards, and then check the main sewer if possible.

Task members:

Silver Skull Chapter Chief La (blurred) Ka (hissing noise) His Excellency

Recruit Maksim Murvita

Recruit Igor Liuliko

Recruit Sylas Dio

Recruit Vitalier Bulga

Pharmacist Apprentice Parogov

An unnamed Tech-Priest from the Armory who was reluctantly forced to join the team, codenamed "Sage"

Features of this ship: Domita-class automatic robots

Mission report: Waiting for team mission confirmation - beep - after the mission is completed, a report will be written and submitted to the Chapter Master's office


It took much longer than expected to get to the entrance to the maintenance access on the lower B1 deck.

Although the Rogue Trader code is used by default when communicating with external parties and entering the port, it claims to be a modified battle barge, and the active forces on the ship are all "Mechanicus mechs that appear to meet the regulations" and "Silver who claims that his parent company is the Ultramarines" "Skull Battle Monk", and someone carefully and enthusiastically made a lot of corresponding disguises and modifications on it, but the fact that the Destiny Steel-Iron Blood is essentially a Glory Queen-class ship does not mean that it claims to be one. The moon level was completely covered up.

Therefore, since they were fully armed and set off from the meeting point, they have advanced forty-five and one-third Terra in the empty self-propelled passages and elevators where the temperature and maintenance conditions are becoming increasingly bizarre. Standard score, but they have not yet touched the target facility of their trip, the door leading to the maintenance entrance of the B1 deck.

"Okay, I can't help it anymore, let me tell you first. Isn't this place a bit bigger than expected? Who knows how long it will take for us to reach the entrance to the deck we want to go to?"

In the strange silent atmosphere of this strange team, someone finally couldn't help but speak.

Maxim, as the captain of their team, bravely stood up and replied in the eyes of others full of hope, "I think our last ride on this elevator will be about to arrive. Your Excellency, Commander."

"Well, thank God, we are finally here. Well, Maxim, in this operation, if I do not issue a correction order, then the work of assigning responsibilities and formations for the operation will be completed by you."

"Ah... I mean, Your Excellency, Chapter Master, what I do in your presence is not in compliance with the regulations of the Holy Code. Should I..."

"The holy scriptures stipulate that you must obey my orders on such occasions, so now this is my order, Maxim, before we go in, arrange everything properly."

Wearing an illusion camouflage body camouflage, wearing a heavy modified Terminator armor, holding his war hammer upside down in his hand, Lamizane cleared his throat with some courage, "This is also a sacred treat for you by the war group. test!"

A look of perseverance and enlightenment immediately appeared on the face of the recruit monk captain.

"Yes, I understand, I will arrange it, my lord."

The mechanical structure of the elevator made a heart-wrenching brake sound and a loud bang. Along with a large amount of dust falling, they arrived at the maintenance entrance of the B1 deck.

The team members walked out of the elevator car one by one, lined up in a standard tactical formation with the Chapter Leader Terminator in the center as the center, and slowly walked into the deserted and quiet lower B1 deck maintenance space.

It's very cold here. As far as the eye can see, there is only empty darkness, suspicious dust and oil from nowhere, and a large amount of debris and garbage that cannot be distinguished from its original appearance.

"'Sage,' please add some light for us."

The priest muttered a few prayers in mechanical language, and then turned on the searchlight on the intelligent robot.

A powerful searchlight beam pours into this space, but there are still more dark parts. The light beam extends far away and disappears into the boundless darkness.

The surface of some uneven and unknown objects reflected shimmering light, and everyone's eyepieces began to outline and mark the new terrain.

"Okay, now release the servo skull and fly in standard reconnaissance mode. Everyone's bolters are loaded!"



Of course there is a second chapter, which is already being coded and will be released later.

In addition, the skin man has changed his dressing and bandaged a little more today. It seems that the wound is likely to scab again... I hope he can get better. Being injured and not being able to take a shower makes him look a bit unkempt.

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